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1、Module9 Unit1 第1课时导学案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第九模块第一单元第一课时:Unit 1 1. Look, listen and say. 2. Listen, read and act out.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:UN, UN building, around, all around, country, inside.2. 大多数学生能够听懂并用句型“Do you want to ?”及其答语。3. 能读懂课文并能够完成与课文相关的问题。能够按要求书写单词和目标语句培养学生在图片及例句的提示下进行语言交际。三、教学重难点(一)

2、重点:1. 听、说、读、写单词和短语:UN, UN building, around, all around, country, inside.2. 能在实际情景中运用句型“Doyou want to.? (二)难点:1. 会用一般现在时表述某人想做某事,知道want to后面要接动词原形。2. 询问某人是否想做某事并做出回答。四、自主学习1. 读一读下列单词或短语,并写出它们的中文意思。UM, UN building, around, country2. 你会读下面的句子吗?(1) I want to visit China.(2) Do you want to visit the UN b

3、uilding in New York?3. 查一查,找一找。请查找有关联合国和联合国大厦的相关资料。五、探究学习1. 听录音,然后回答问题。(1) Is the UN building big?(2) How many member states are there in the UN?(3) What does Simon want to do?录音内容:The UN building is very big. There are 193 member states in the UN. They make a big family. Simon wants to show Daming

4、one of the presents from China.2. 跟读对话,回答问题。Daming: Hello, Simon.Simon: Hi, Daming.Daming: Do you want to visit China?Simon: Yes. I want to visit China. I want to visit the Great Wall What about you?Daming: I want to visit Xian city.(1) Where does Simon want to visit?(2) Does Daming want to visit Xi

5、an city? 3. 小组内分角色表演对话。两人一小组表演对话,注意语调优美哦!六、课堂检测1. 读单词,将单词补充完整。(1) _ N (2) UN b lding (3) ar nd (4) c ntry2. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。(1) I want to v the Great Wall.(2) Do you want to visit the UN b ?3. 根据课文内容,用英语回答。(1) Where is the UN building? (2) Whats the present? 七、课时小结1这节课我的收获是: 2这节课我的不足是: Keys:一、自主学习:1. 联合国,联合国大厦,在四周,国家。二、探究学习:1. (1) Yes, it is.(2) 193.(3) He wants to show Daming one of the presents from China.2. (1) The Great Wall.(2) Yes, he does.三、课堂检测:1. (1) U (2) ui (3) ou (4) ou2. (1) visit (2) building3. (1) Its in New York.(2) Its a train.


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