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1、Module5 Unit2 教案【内容来源】外研版三起点(2013年审定)六上Module5 Unit2 【主 题】I can speak French.【课 时】此教学设计按单元写,教师可根据实际情况划分课时。一、教学目标(Teaching aims)1. 知识目标:学生基本能听懂、会说、会读:French, age, story, candy等词汇和I can speak French.等重点句型。 2. 能力目标:能运用I can + 动词原形。用句型 “I can ”讲述自己的能力,通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友或网友。 3. 情感目标:鼓励学生多认识新朋友,互帮互助,友谊地久天长。 二、

2、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)(一)重点:1. 听、说、读、写单词:French, age, story, candy。 2. 学习句型:I can + 动词原形。 (二)难点: 1.掌握和区分I like+V.ing 和I can +动词原形。 2.用句型“ I can ”讲述自己的能力,通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友或网友。三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)多媒体PPT课件。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up, greeting and chant. T: Good morning, boys and girls.

3、Ss: Good morning,Miss Pan. T: Nice to meet you. Are you happy today? Ss: Yes. T: Im happy too. Now I have a song for you. (播放一个唱跳教学视频)Now follow me, please. T: Can you run fast? Can you ride fast? (sing and do the action,做跑步,骑车的动作) Ss: Can you run fast? Can you ride fast? (sing and do the action,做跑步

4、,骑车动作) T: Yes, I can. Yes, I can.(举拳头和点头) Ss: Yes, I can. Yes, I can.(举拳头和点头) T:Can you jump high? Can you jump far? (跳得高,跳得远的动作) Ss:Can you jump high? Can you jump far? (跳得高跳得远,的动作) T: No, I cant. No, I cant.(两手交叉的动作和摇头) Ss: No, I cant. No, I cant. (两手交叉的动作和摇头) T:Can you sing now? Lets try.(师生完整唱一次

5、) T:Wow,all group did a good job.(给每个小组贴一个糖果贴纸)并指着问:Whats this?(引出新词candy) S1: Candy. T: Great. You did a good job! Here you are. (给这个学生一颗糖) Now lets learn it together. (如果该学生说不出新单词,教师再请一位学生回答,第二个同学说错的话,教师即可直接用单词卡片来教学新词:candy,分组大小声操练) T: Group 4 is the best. One candy for you. And today the winner w

6、ill get the candies. Come on, children.Step 2: PresentationBefore reading. 1. Play the Apple Game: T: Do you like playing games? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Great! Lets play the Apple Game.(苹果游戏中的苹果呈现Sam, Amy, Nanning, London, running, dancing,12 years old, 10years old, I can speak Chinese. I can run fast. 果篮

7、呈现关键词:Name, City, Hobby, Age,(新词)Ability) T: There are some apples on the tree and some baskets here.(指着果篮说:These are baskets.让学生理解basket的意思。) Can you pick them in the right basket? Lets play it! 游戏示范:教师指向写有Sam, Amy的苹果,T: The “Sam and Amy” apples belong to the “Name” basket. 教师指向写句型的苹果, T:Who can he

8、lp me pick the apples in the “city” basket? S1:Nanning and London. T: Very good. One candy for you. T:How about “hobby” basket? S2: Running and dancing. T: 教师指着“Age”的篮子 问:Can you read this word? S1:Age. T: Excellent. “Age” means “How old .” . Lets learn this new word together. (用单词卡教授新词,分组操练。)接着用同样的

9、方式摘苹果进行Age, Ability的分类。 T:Wow,boys and girls, thank you for your apples. (在PPT展示五个标有Name, City, Age, Hobby(like), Ability(can/cant)关键词的苹果) I like them very much.(在PPT展示自己的拿着苹果的生活照) T:This is Garfield. Do you want to know more about it? Ss: Yes. T: Well, lets have a look.(根据五个苹果的关键词,呈现加菲猫的个人信息) Name:

10、 Garfield. (Its name is Pan Caiyun.) Age:5 Hobby(like): I like music and riding bicycle. He likes French. (新词) (教师先不读出:French这个单词,T: Its a language. Who can read this word?) S3: French. T: Great. One point for you.(用单词卡教授新词French,分组大小声操练) Ability(can/cant): I can speak Chinese and English. But I can

11、t speak French. T: Can you speak French? Ss: No, I cant. While reading 1. T: I cant speak French. I want a pen friend to teach me French. Who can help me? Oh, Lucy can help me. Lucy is a robot. T:Wow, amazing. Here is a new friend, Jim. Can Jim be my pen friend? Why? S1: Yes, he can. Because he can

12、speak French. T:Well done. Now, I have a pen friend .Do you want a pen friend? Ss: Yes, I do. T: There are many pen friends from different cities.(展示 London,UK; Sydney,Australia; Hong Kong, China; San Francisco, US.图片,让学生说出这些城市名字。)Do you want to have a pen friend from these cities? Ss: Yes, I do. 2.

13、 T: Great. Lucy can help you to find pen friends.点击PPT弹出机器人的动画视频(机器人通过摇一摇,摇出Mike, Ting, Jim, Linda,并播放课文动画视频)T: Lucy shares their cards with us . Read the cards on your book. Open your book, turn to P29. Pair work, fill in the form. Two minutes for you.(两人合作完成表格填写) Name Age City Abilities (can) spea

14、k/write Hobbies (likes/loves) Mike Sydney, Australia speak English football, reading, swimming and singing songs Tingting 13 write emails and stories in English Jim 12 London, UK speak French Music, riding bicycle and collecting stamps Linda 12 San Francisco, UK T:Lett check the answer together. (核对

15、表格答案) After-reading 1. T:Lets know about them. Listen and repeat.(跟读动画) Free talk: T: Who can be your pen friend? S1: Mike can. T: Why? S2: Because he can speak English.T:Well done. 2. 小结:I can+V. 动词原形; I like +V.ing(动词ing),并通过青蛙游戏操练。Step 3: Consolidation 打开M5U2课堂基础练,学生借助答题器或平板电脑作答,即学即练,检测当堂学习情况。Step 4: Summary教师通过提问来引导学生回顾、总结本课主要词汇和句型。Step 5: Homework1. 登录“优教同步学习网”或“优教信使”APP,完成活动2课文的听读作业,并进行口语评测。2. 展示一段来自新加坡小朋友的来信,然后让学生根据教师的范例仿写,给新加坡的小朋友回信。3. 预习Module6 Unit1。五、板书设计 Module 5 Unit 2 I can speak Fren



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