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1、1204公共管理(Public Administration)研究生培养方案一、学科基本信息1. 学科名称:公共管理,Public Administration2. 学科代码:12043. 二级学科:行政管理(120401)(Public Administration)社会医学与卫生事业管理(120402)(Social Medicine and Health Service Management)教育经济与管理(120403)(Educational Economics and Management)社会保障(120404)(Social Security)土地资源管理 (120405)(L

2、and Resource Management)公共政策(1204Z1)(Public Policy)公共部门信息资源管理(1204Z3)(Public Sector Information Resource Management)土地行政与房地产管理(1204Z4)(Land Administration and Real Estate Management)二、学科简介四川大学公共管理学科起源较早,1912年四川高等学校开始培养政治学与行政学人才,1914年华西协和大学开始培养公共卫生人才。在四川大学公共管理学科的发展史上,曾出现了黄季陆、杨兰荪、张世文、张绍英、张萍洲、杨伯恺、宋懋欧、刘

3、绍虞、陈希虞等一大批著名的公共管理专家,陈志潜教授是享誉世界的公共卫生学专家、初级卫生保健的先驱、农村三级卫生保健网的创建者、中国现代健康教育的奠基人,被誉为“中国公共卫生之父”。1986年社会医学与卫生事业管理获硕士学位授予权,2003年获博士学位授予权;1995年行政管理获批西部地区最早的硕士学位点;2004年公共管理学科获批一级学科硕士学位授权点;2008年公共管理学科获批四川省一级重点学科;2010年获批一级学科博士点;2014年获批公共管理博士后流动站。现为四川大学“985”哲学社会科学创新基地和“211”工程重点建设项目的重点建设学科。在教育部学科评估排名中名列前茅。1. 学科交叉


5、特殊津贴专家3人,全国MPA教育指导委员会委员1人,教育部新世纪优秀人才1人,四川省学术带头人4人,四川省突出贡献专家5人。学术带头人姜晓萍教授还担任中国政府绩效管理研究会副秘书长、中国行政管理学会常务理事。多位老师担任四川省人民政府、成都市人民政府决策咨询专家。在教学与科研方面,已经形成了良好的团队合作机制。3. 平台支撑有力,研究成果丰富。依托学校“社会公平与社会风险控制”、“哲学、宗教与社会”、“应用人文社科交叉学科群建设工程”、灾后重建与管理”等三个“985”创新研究平台,在成都科学发展研究院、中国地方政府创新研究中心、灾后重建与应急管理研究所、社会发展与社会风险控制中心、全国干部教育

6、培训四川大学基地等学术平台的有力支撑下,与地方政府密切合作,科研成果丰富。近5年承担科研项目300多项,其中国家社科基金重大招标项目3项,国家社科基金项目、自然科学基金项目20余项,省部级项目50余项,各类科研项目经费共计5832.96万元,发表CSSCI论文300多篇,出版专著(含教材)50余部,获得各类科研成果奖励178项,其中省部级奖励20余项。4. 重视国际合作交流,国际化程度高。先后与美国、英国、加拿大、法国、澳大利亚等国家和香港、澳门、台湾地区的高校开展科学研究、人才培养、合作办学等方面的交流与合作,先后举办多次大型国际学术会议以及海峡两岸学术会议;近年邀请国外100余名著名专家学

7、者进行讲学,接收外国留学生多人,扩大了在国内外的影响,广泛开展各种形式的国际合作交流,承担中英艾滋病项目、世界卫生组织项目、美国NIH项目等10余项国际合作项目,多篇论文被SSCISCI收录。The Public Administration program of Sichuan University originated quite early. In 1912, Sichuan University, back then known as Sichuan Higher School, began to train political science and administrative s

8、pecialists. In 1914, West China Union University, the precursor of Sichuan University (Huaxi District), began to train public health prof essionals. In the history of public administration program development of Sichuan University, a large number of well-known public management experts had emerged,

9、including Huang Jilu, Yang Lansun, Zhang Shiwen, Zhang Shao Ying, Zhang Pingzhou, Yang Bokai, Song Maoou, Liu Shaoyu, Chen Xiyu, and Prof essor Chen Zhiqian, who is recognized as the founder of Chinese modern health education. As the world-renowned public health expert, the forerunner of the idea of

10、 PHC (primary health care), and the founder of three-level hygiene network in rural area, Prof essor Chen is honored as the father of Chinese public health.In 1986, the Social Medicine and Health Service Management program gain the right to grant masters degree, and in 2003 gain the right to grant d

11、octors degree. In 1995, the Public Administration program was proved to grant masters degree, as the first one in the western region. In 2004, the programs of Public Administration gain the right to grant a numbers of key level masters degree. In 2008, the Public Administration program has been appr

12、oved as the Sichuan province level key program. In 2010, the Public Administrationgain the right to grant the key level doctors degree. Later in 2014, the Public Administration program was approved to host post-doctoral research station. The Public Management program is the 985 philosophy and social

13、 science innovation base and the key construction project of “211” project of Sichuan University, rank top among the Ministry of Education Program Evaluation. 1. Cross programs interfuse and develop with distinct research features.The Public Administration program interfuses with management science

14、and engineering, sociology, political science, psychology and other related programs, forming a series different program directions included local government management, land resource management, social medicine and health service management, human resources and social security, public policy and em

15、ergency management, public service management, public sector information resources management. These different program directions developed distinct research feature in the construction of the service type government, the development of public service system, the reconstruction of public sector proc

16、ess, the service of disease prevention and community hygiene, the reform of the cadre and personnel system, and the post disaster reconstruction etc. Among which, the public administration and social security program were rated as the feature program of Sichuan Province.2. Fully cooperative and reasonable academic team.The program formed a rational and strong internationalized research team with nearly 30 prof


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