2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 6-Section Ⅱ

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 6-Section Ⅱ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 6-Section Ⅱ(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction Vocabulary and Reading Language Points abandon vt 放弃 抛弃 放纵 教 材 P72 The situation on Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion 奥马哈海滩的形势非常严峻 以至于美军司令官都考虑放弃攻击 1 abandon oneself to sth doing sth 沉溺于 放纵 abandon sb sth to sth sb 把某人 某物遗

2、弃给某人 某物 abandon for 放弃 而从事 with abandon 尽情地 放纵地 2 abandoned adj 放纵的 沉溺的 Don t abandon yourself to despair 不要悲观失望 The fans cheered with abandon when their football team won 2 当他们的足球队踢赢时 球迷们便疯狂的欢呼起来 语境助记 The boy was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby so he tended to abandon himself to despair

3、 when meeting trouble in life and abandoned himself to playing computer games 这个男孩从小就被父母遗弃 所以在生活中遇到困难时他很容易陷入绝望 而且 他迷恋上了网络游戏 declare war on 向 宣战 教材 P72 In September 1939 Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland 1939 年 9 月 英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战 declare against 声明反对 declare for 声明赞成 decla

4、re that clause 宣布 宣告 declare sb sth to be 宣布某人 某事 He declared that he would not run for a second term as president 他声明不再竞选连任总统 The people declared against the war 人民宣布反对这场战争 明辨异同 declare announce declare 宣布 宣告 通常指官方正式公布 宣告某事 announce 宣布 指对公众或特定的一群人宣布他们关心的事情 declare announce 导学号 38300038 Soon Germany

5、 war on France The bell the end of the class The committee the results of the experiment 答案 declared announced announced declared 3 last v 持续 维持 一段时间或 until 时间点 教材 P72 The war which lasted until 1945 is known as the Second World War 这场战争就是第二次世界大战 一直持续到 1945 年 1 last long 持续很久 last forever 永存 last fo

6、r 时间段 足够 某人 用或维持 时间 2 last adj 最后的 剩下的 刚过去的 adv 最后 最近一次 at last 最后 终于 in the last 在最后 last but not least 最 后 但 同 样 重 要 的 是 常 与 first and foremost 连用 the last person thing 最不可能的人 事 最不想要的人 事 最不适当的人 事 The wind is changing round so the storm won t last long 风正在转向 因此暴风雨不会持续太长的时间 The hot weather lasted un

7、til September 炎热的天气持续到九月 At last he knew the meaning of life 终于 他知道了生命的意义 occupy v 占领 占据 教材 P72 During the war Germany occupied many countries including France 在战争中 德国占领了包括法国在内的许多国家 1 occupy oneself with in 忙于 专心于 2 occupied adj 已占用的 无空闲的 在使用的 be occupied with sth in doing sth 忙于 专心于 4 occupation n

8、占领 职业 occupational adj 职业的 He has been deeply occupied in listening to a tape 他一直在非常专心地听磁带 Many people in this area are occupied with agriculture 这一地区许多人从事农业 They are occupying themselves in growing their own food 他们正忙于种植自己所需的粮食 pick up 停下来让某人搭车 船等 救起 教材 P73 Twenty men fell into the water and were p

9、icked up by other boats 20 人落入水中 被其他的船只救起 pick on 指责 刁难 pick out 挑选 认出 Here are some magazines You can pick out those you want 这里有一些杂志 你可挑出你要的 They always pick on him when anything goes wrong 一旦有什么事出了差错 他们总是找他的茬儿 名师点津名师点津 口诀记忆 pick up 含义 pick up 词义虽多变 口诀巧记挺简单 拿起捡起开车接 接收收听视野开 好转改善增强 学到知识也偶然 商场买到便宜货 想

10、必心情会很 high wound v 使受伤 教材 P73 Many of the men were either killed or wounded by machine gun fire 这些人 战士 中的很多人要么被机枪打死要么被打伤 5 wound n 创伤 伤口 wound 可用作可数名词 也可用作不可数名词 说 某 处受伤 须接介词 in wounded adj 受伤的 wounded 是 wound 的过去分词 在句中可作定语 wounded 前面加定冠词 the 时 意思是 受伤者 the wounded 伤员 The bullet wounded his shoulder 子

11、弹打伤了他的肩膀 Two soldiers died and three others were wounded wound in the attack 在这次袭击中 有两名士兵牺牲 三名受伤 condemn vt 责备 谴责 判罪 注定 教材 P73 Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn 年华不能使他们厌 倦 岁月也不会让他们愧疚 condemn sb for doing sth 因某事而谴责某人 condemn sb to death 判处某人死刑 condemn sb sth as 指责某人 某物为 His nervousness

12、condemned him 他紧张的神情表明他是有罪的 The papers were to condemn him for his mistake 报纸打算指责他的错误 The criminal was condemned to death 这个罪犯被判死刑 rescue v 营救 拯救 教材 P73 When Boat 5 was hit by a shell most of the men were rescued from the water 5 号船被一发炮弹击中后 大多数人被从水中救起 6 1 rescue from 从 拯救 2 rescue n 营救 救援 rescue tea

13、m 救援队 go come to one s rescue 去 来救某人 A wealthy sponsor come to our rescue with a generous donation 一位富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来救助我们 Hundreds of the miners are still in water waiting to be rescued rescue 数以百计的矿工仍在水中等待着救援 语境填词 1 Only several people after the big fire And Tom was a lucky survive 2 Every one of us was

14、 to hear the news shock 3 Though he doesn t like his he is still with his work occupy 4 John was almost when sawing the girl drown 5 We were deeply impressed at the of those hero 答案 1 survived survivor 2 shocked shocking 3 occupation occupied 4 drowned drowning 5 heroism heroes 选词填空 declare war on a

15、gainst make a breakthrough pick up take part in rescue from far from make contributions to 1 He stopped the car to the boy 2 Two children were the burning car 3 So taking my advice he went and did just what I warned him against 4 Scientists have in computer science 5 How many countries the last Olym

16、pic Games 答案 1 pick up 2 rescued from 3 far from 4 made a breakthrough 7 5 took part in 教材 P73 The survivors lay on the beach exhausted and shocked 死里逃 生的战士们躺在沙滩上 疲惫不堪 心有余悸 要点提炼 句中的 exhausted and shocked 是形容词短语作状语 表示战 士们躺在海滩上时的状态 1 形容词 短语 作状语可以放在句首 句中或句末 常用逗号与其他部分隔开 作方式状语 原因状语或伴随状语用来说明主语的情况 2 非谓语动词也可用作状语 表示原因 目的 结果 方式或伴随等 He spent 7 days in the wind and snow cold and hungry 他在风雪中度过了 7 天 又冷又饿 Hungry and tired tire he had to stop working 由于又累又饿 他只好停止了手中的活 Surrounded surround by a group of young pe


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