2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学业分层测评 Module 2 Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills.ppt

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学业分层测评 Module 2 Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学业分层测评 Module 2 Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills.ppt(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 学业分层测评学业分层测评 单句语法填空 1 The disease connect with smoking is not easy to cure 2 Several middle aged passengers fell into the sea fortunate none of them could swim 3 John and Tony are friends and they have been keeping in contact since their graduation close 4 The problem of global warming is serious

2、 As result the sea levels have risen a little 5 From space the earth looks blue This is about seventy one percent of its surface is covered by water 6 Our bodies become strong by exercising similar our minds are developed by learning 7 I feel very sick on the bus can you exchange the seat me 8 If yo

3、u are not feeling well you shouldn t go to crowd places 9 Being hard working is of great important to become successful 10 The waste water is being poured into the river which makes it seriously pollute 答案 1 connected 2 Unfortunately 3 close closely 4 a 5 because 6 Similarly 7 with 8 crowded 9 impor

4、tance 10 polluted 2 完成句子 1 你觉得美国乡村音乐怎么样 How American country music 2 这些形状不同 大小各异的钱币被埋在地下已经有 500 多年了 The coins have been buried underground for more than 500 years 3 体育运动对人们的健康是很有价值的 Sports and games can to people s health Sports and games can to people s health 4 史密斯先生昨天没参加会议 那是因为他生病了 Mr Smith didn

5、t attend the meeting yesterday he was ill 5 他淋雨了 那就是他今天没上学的原因 He was caught in the rain he is absent from school today 答案 1 do you find like 2 of different sizes and shapes 3 be of great value be very valuable 4 That was because 5 That s why 阅读理解 A What is the difference between developed and develo

6、ping countries The question is quite a difficult one But we can compare them in two important aspects people and economy People In developing countries there are high rates of both birth and death Families decide to give birth to more than one child because many developing countries do not have the

7、systems necessary to guarantee 保证 the life of old people Raising more children seems to be the only way to make sure that during their later years a person will be taken care of The situation is completely different in fully developed countries Those countries have low levels of birth and mortality

8、Low mortality rate is mainly because of the good health care but low birth rate is due to the fact that supporting a family with more children is expensive nowadays Another reason is that more and more women decide to work outside so there is usually no time and place for a large group of children i

9、n their 3 lives Economy In developed countries most industries have high levels of technological progress while the smallest role in the country s GDP is played by agriculture In most cases in developing countries most GDP comes from agriculture It is mainly due to the fact that services and many br

10、anches of industry are in the stage of development But they have the potential to develop quickly because they have many things to improve Of course the difference between developed and developing countries is not that clear because some countries might be in the middle of great changes When a count

11、ry is in that stage some data can define the country as a developing one but others may show that it is a developed one 语篇解读 如何定义发展中国家和发达国家 它们之间的区别在哪里 作者从两个方面进行了对比 分析 1 In developing countries there are high birth rates because people hope A their children will have a bright future B generations can

12、 live under the same roof C they will be taken care of in their later years D the next generation can contribute more to society 解析 细节理解题 根据文章第二段的 Raising more children be taken care of 可知 人们希望养儿防老 答案 C 2 What s the meaning of the underlined word mortality in Paragraph 3 A Health B Death C Employmen

13、t D Survival 解析 词义猜测题 文章第二 三两段主要是对发展中国家和发达国家 出生率和死亡率之间差距的原因的分析 根据 Low mortality rate is mainly because of the good health care 可推测 mortality 即 death 答案 B 3 What s probably the writer s attitude towards the future of developing 4 countries A Negative B Worried C Optimistic D Doubtful 解析 作者态度题 根据文章倒数第

14、二段最后一句可知 作者对发展中 国家的未来抱以乐观的态度 答案 C 4 This passage mainly helps us to A know why developed countries develop so fast B learn about the weak points of developing countries C realize our responsibilities to develop our own country D tell the differences between developing countries and developed ones 解析

15、 主旨大意题 根据全文第一句可知 该文的中心议题是发展中国 家和发达国家之间的一些差异 答案 D B 导学号 91390031 Having spent the last five years searching for her elder brother Miss Lund found it unbelievable to think she had been looking everywhere for Steven and they had been working in the same building for five months Mr Philips 33 and Miss L

16、und last saw each other almost twenty years ago after their father also called Stephen 56 lost contact with his son from a previous relationship Miss Lund only five at the time moved to India with her father and mother Rose while Steven lived with his mother in Wolver Hampton By the time Miss Lund and her parents returned to Leeds the family had lost all contact with Mr Philips On turning 18 Lund started to look for her long lost half brother even asking customers at the shop where she worked De



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