2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:必修2 Unit 6 Design

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《2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:必修2 Unit 6 Design》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:必修2 Unit 6 Design(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 完形填空 建议用时 17 2016 石家庄联考 When others get off the train to finally go home Leonie M ller stays 1 That s because the train is her home and she says she 2 this way It all started with a 3 I had with my landlord 房东 M ller says I instantly 4 I didn t live there anymore and then I realized 5 I didn t wan

2、t to live anywhere anymore 6 she bought a subscription 预定 that allows her to board every train in the country for free Now M ller 7 in the train and writes her college papers 8 traveling at a speed of up to 190 mph She says that she enjoys the 9 she has experienced since she gave up her apartment I

3、really feel at home on trains It s like being on 10 all the time says M ller I read I write I look out of the window and I meet 11 people all the time who give me a hand says M ller Since 12 the move M ller s life 13 a small backpack in which she carries clothes her tablet computer and college docum

4、ents So far she has 14 a lot Financially she 15 from living on a train The flat rate ticket only costs her about 380 whereas she had to pay about 450 for her previous apartment However living 16 is not the only goal she has in mind I want to 17 people to question their habits and the things they con

5、sider to be 18 M ller says There are always more 19 than one thinks there are The next 20 is waiting just around the corner provided that you want to find it 大学生 M ller 因与房东发生争执 从此不愿再住公寓 她选择生活在火车上 她喜欢 上了这种简单的生活 并想通过自己的故事告诉大家去审视一下大家认为是正常的事物 1 A behind B up C away D outside 答案 A 由下文 the train is her h

6、ome 可知 大家下了火车回家 她却留了下来不走 stay behind 意为 留在后面 留下来不走 2 A regrets B likes C ignores D hates 答案 B 由 9 空前的 enjoys 可知 她喜欢 likes 这种生活方式 3 A game B joke C quarrel D conversation 答案 C 由下文内容可知 M ller 不想再住公寓 由此推断出她和房东发生了争执 quarrel 4 A doubted B believed C worried D determined 答案 D 空格后的就是她决定 determined 的内容 即决定不

7、再在那里居住了 5 A Actually B Frequently 2 C Hopelessly D Unfortunately 答案 A 由下文她生活在火车里可知 实际上 Actually 不论是哪里的公寓她都不想住 了 6 A Moreover B Otherwise C Instead D Besides 答案 C 她反而 Instead 购买了一种可以让她免费乘坐国内每一辆火车的预定 7 A wanders B lives C struggles D recovers 答案 B 由上文的她不离开火车及下文的写论文可知 当 while 火车在行驶时 她生活 lives 在火车上 并在上面

8、写她的大学论文 8 A while B after C before D until 答案 A 参见上题解析 9 A speed B freedom C occupation D journey 答案 B 由下文 I really feel at home on trains 可知 她喜欢离开租住公寓后的自由 freedom 10 A strike B guard C business D vacation 答案 D M ller一直生活在火车上 由此推断出 她的这种生活就像一直在度假 vacation 11 A kind B familiar C important D patient 答案

9、 A 由下文的 give me a hand 可知 她在火车上遇见的这些人给予她帮助 由此可 知 她遇见了善良 kind 的人 12 A considering B risking C quitting D discovering 答案 B 由常识可知 相对于住在常规的房子里 移居到火车上是一种冒险 risking 13 A steps into B deals with C fits into D disagrees with 答案 C 自从冒险移居到火车上 她的生活就纳入到了 fits into 她的背包里 14 A lost B gained C accepted D changed 答

10、案 B 由下文内容可知 到目前为止 她收获 gained 很多 她因生活在火车上而在 经济上获益 3 15 A suffers B benefits C learns D differs 答案 B 由空格后的 The flat rate ticket only costs her about 380 可知 这里是指得 益 benefits 16 A alone B apart C cheaply D happily 答案 C 由上文 only costs 可知 这是一种便宜的 cheaply 生活方式 17 A inspire B persuade C allow D teach 答案 A 她

11、想启发 inspire 人们去审视他们的习惯及人们认为是正常的 normal 事物 18 A normal B strange C special D boring 答案 A 参见上题解析 19 A trains B apartments C troubles D opportunities 答案 D 总有很多的机会 opportunities 只要你愿意 下一个冒险 adventure 就会等着 你 20 A trip B story C project D adventure 答案 D 参见上题解析 阅读理解 建议用时 15 A Since the beginning of the yea

12、r smog 雾霾 has covered parts of North China In January Beijing saw only five days without smog The rising PM2 5 readings terrified many people and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory 呼吸系统 and heart diseases Later new

13、s of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safe So the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is W1 heard everywhere Smog is especially a common concern As a popular online post said air may be the onl

14、y thing that is equal for everyone despite your income or profession People with higher W2 incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices but they breathe the same air as everyone else At a meeting on Monday many representatives have expressed t

15、heir concerns about W3 the air quality too One talked about his experience in Beijing After taking a taxi from P1 the capital airport to my hotel which took about an hour I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black We should ask ourselves this question Why do we want to develop It s 4

16、 for living a better life Dirty air is definitely not a better life he said W4 China needs to develop its economy and invest 投资 in high tech Every Chinese has a dream to make China stronger But without blue sky clean water and safe food the achievements in the economy will become meaningless Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can move to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth What the public wants is a strong and beau


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