2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 5-Section Ⅱ

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 5-Section Ⅱ》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 5-Section Ⅱ(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction societal attitudes change unexpected developments occur Time will tell But biomedical researchers looking into the potential of cloning now have plenty to do 1 Towards cloning an existing person what concern does the author show A The clone created is unlikely to fulfill your

2、 expectations B The clone created is ethically unacceptable C The clone created will be mistreated D The clone created will have one defect or another 解析 细节理解题 由第一段第三句可知 作者担心克隆人会受到虐待 答案 C 2 From the text we know that a clone will A be partly similar in personality to the person it is created from B

3、share the same characteristics with the person it is created from C choose the same career as the person it is created from D behave in the same way as the person it is created from 解析 细节理解题 由第一段第四 五 六句可以得出克隆人只是部分 上与其原型个性相似 答案 A 3 According to the passage which of the following is TRUE A One s perso

4、nality is determined by neither their genes nor the environment they live in B One s personality is determined by both their genes and the environment they live in 9 C One s personality is determined by their genes D One s personality is determined by the environment they live in 解析 推理判断题 由第一段第四句可知

5、人的个性只是部分由基因决 定 故选 B 答案 B 4 What is the author s attitude towards cloning technology A It should wait till people s views change B It should be condemned C It was unethical from the very beginning D It has medical potential for scientists to explore 解析 推理判断题 由最后一段第二 三 四句可知 作者认为克隆的 意义有待研究 科学家还需要做很多探索

6、所以选 D 答案 D 完形填空 Many years ago I studied in a public school in the Philippines Whenever rain came rain water went 1 the roofs of the classrooms It was clear that they needed 2 badly I remember this well It was raining hard and classes had to 3 All of the children including my classmates tried to 4 t

7、heir parents For me I knew it would be late 5 my mother would come to pick me up late from the office The rain 6 harder and I found more flood water seeping 渗漏 through the classroom and began to rise on the 7 While building a much 8 ground by stacking 摞起 tables and chairs I saw my 9 a young pretty l

8、ady whose skirt was already wet with mud and trash 10 to remove all the flood water from the room using a bucket and 11 it outside the garden I also 12 that there were some books on the shelves some were already wet at the bottom and she was doing her best to 13 the other books I was moved deeply by

9、 her 14 While crying with tears on my nose I pulled up the edges of my pants 15 my shoes and walked through the flooded classroom I grabbed 抓住 a plastic bag and tried to remove the flood as 16 as I could 10 Go back and wait for your parents Just 17 it to me she said I continued saying But teacher Sh

10、e immediately hugged me and said If you grow 18 I know you will be a good man and hope you can change everything I 19 cry when I remember what she did and her words to me I don t know where she is now but I love her my beloved teacher I am 20 to make a difference in the future as she mentioned 语篇解读

11、教室漏雨 学生们无法上课 老师竭力清除教室里的积水 作者看到这一幕后深受感动 便要帮助 之后老师所说的话使作者深受鼓舞 1 A beyond B between C within D through 解析 根据第三段可知 雨水透过屋顶漏进教室 故此处应用 through 通 过 答案 D 2 A repair B operation C protection D decoration 解析 根据上文雨水漏进了教室可知 很明显 教室需要修理 repair 了 答案 A 3 A continue B choose C stop D change 解析 教室漏雨了 而且下文也提到学生都要回家了 故可

12、推知 上课 不得不停止了 故选 stop 答案 C 4 A depend on B search for C turn out D put down 解析 停课了 外面还下着雨 所以所有的孩子都去找 search for 他们的 父母了 答案 B 5 A though B until C unless D because 11 解析 根据空前内容和空后内容的逻辑关系可知 因为 妈妈来接作者 的时间会晚些 所以作者知道他会等得晚一些 答案 D 6 A poured B dropped C fell D flowed 解析 根据下文中的 more flood water seeping 渗漏 th

13、rough the classroom and began to rise 可知 雨下得更大了 pour 在此处表示 雨 倾盆而下 答案 A 7 A roof B top C floor D bottom 解析 根据下文作者的老师用桶将教室里的水清除出去可知 教室 地面 floor 上积存的雨水越来越多了 答案 C 8 A lower B higher C thicker D longer 解析 地面上积水越来越多 作者将桌子和椅子堆得高一些 为了尽量 不让自己碰到雨水 答案 B 9 A mother B friend C classmate D teacher 解析 根据 17 空后作者说的

14、 But teacher 可知 此处指作者看到 老师 在拿桶清除雨水 答案 D 10 A agree B prefer C try D refuse 解析 根据上文可知 教室里积存了好多水 故此处表示老师用水桶竭 力地把水弄出去 故用 try 答案 C 11 A throw B spread C keep D drive 12 解析 老师把教室里的积水弄出来 倒在花园外面 故选 throw 答案 A 12 A predicted B answered C imagined D noticed 解析 此处表示作者注意到 notice 书架底部放的一些书都浸湿了 答案 D 13 A purchas

15、e B save C hide D cover 解析 书架上的书有的让水浸湿了 故此处指老师尽力拯救 save 别的没 有被雨水弄湿的书 答案 B 14 A thought B success C action D failure 解析 看着老师清除教室里的积水 拯救书架上的书 作者被老师的 行 为 感动了 答案 C 15 A removed B polished C cleaned D lost 解析 根据上下文可知 作者把裤腿卷起来 脱掉 remove 鞋子 趟过积 着雨水的教室 抓过一个塑料袋 努力把教室里的雨水弄出去 答案 A 16 A early B far C deep D fas

16、t 解析 外面在下雨 雨水一直往教室里漏 地面上都积满了水 作者当 然要尽快地清除这些积水 故用 fast 答案 D 17 A pass B leave C bring D offer 解析 根据上一句可知 老师让作者回到教室里待着 把清除积水的工 作留 leave 给自己 13 答案 B 18 A wealthy B strong C old D healthy 解析 根据下文中的 hope 和文章末尾的 in the future 等可知 此处指作 者长大以后 故用 old 答案 C 19 A still B also C even D ever 解析 根据第五段首句中的 While crying with tears on my nose 可推知 直到现在作者想起来老师的话仍然 still 还会因感动而哭泣 答案 A 20 A cautious B determined C fortunate D anxious 解析 根据倒数第二段中老师的话可知 老师的希望使得作者决心在将 来像老师提到的那样 能够有所成就 be determined to do sth 决心做某事 答案 B


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