2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修7学案:Module 1 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修7学案:Module 1 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修7学案:Module 1 Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Integrating Skills 根据提示写出下列单词 1 n 教练 2 v 信任 信赖 3 adj 自私的 自私自利的 4 n 性格 本性 天性 5 adj 立刻的 6 n 热门人物 7 adj 全国各地的 8 v 支配 控制 9 v 消减 缓冲 10 n 锦标赛 联赛 比赛 11 v 任命 委派 12 adj 典型的 具有代表性的 独特的 13 adj 苗条的 修长的 14 v 获得 得到 15 v 尤指因受伤而 流血 出血 16 v 尤指通过提供更多证 据 证实 进一步确定 17 n 救护车 18 adj 体谅的 考虑周到的 19 v 道歉 谢罪 20 n 伤

2、疤 答案 1 coach 2 rely 3 selfish 4 nature 5 instant 6 hit 7 nationwide 8 dominate 2 9 absorb 10 tournament 11 appoint 12 typical 13 slim 14 obtain 15 bleed 16 confirm 17 ambulance 18 considerate 19 apologise 20 scar 根据提示补全下列短语 1 all the time 一直 2 rely on 依靠 依赖 3 be rude to 对 粗鲁 4 be used to doing sth 习

3、惯于做某事 5 draw one s attention 引起某人的注意 6 be absorbed in 专心致志于 7 make an appointment with 与 约会 8 apologise to sb for sth 因某事而向某人道歉 9 take possession of 占有 拥有 10 name after 以 命名 11 be based on 以 为基础 根据提示补全下列教材原句 1 Let s put it this way he said When they ask for the ball they don t say please 我们应该这样说 他说

4、当他们要球时他们不说 请 2 To do this he told Yao to be more aggressive and if necessary to be rude to his teammates 为了达到这个目的 他告诉姚明要更有攻击性 必要的话 对他的队友粗鲁一些 3 But although basketball players wear socks and sneakers which are specially designed to absorb energy when they bound into the air they wear no other protect

5、ion just a vest and shorts 但是 尽管篮球运动员们穿着专门设计的鞋袜来减弱他们跳跃时的能量 但除了一件背 心和一条短裤 他们没有其他的保护措施 4 Joe immediately took possession of the ball and ran and suddenly 80 kilos hit the Chandler star who howled loudly in pain and fell with his nose bleeding and a cut on his left cheek 3 乔立即抓住球 快跑 突然他 80 千克的体重撞到了查德勒的

6、明星队员 这位队员疼 得大叫起来 摔倒在地上 他的鼻子流着血 左脸颊上有道伤口 阅读 P9课文 回答下列问题 1 What does the head coach of the team think of Yao Ming 2 If Yao Ming wants to be a star what does he have to do 3 Is there anything Yao Ming is not very used to What is it 答案 1 He is a selfless and kind person 2 He has to be more aggressive an

7、d to be rude to his teammates if necessary 3 Yes He is not used to being impolite and selfish 阅读 P11课文 并从四个选项中选择最佳答案 1 Basketball is one of the safest sports because A the direction of the players energy means there is less chance of a collision B the players are well protected C the players make ab

8、rupt changes of direction D the players accelerate across the court bouncing the ball 答案 A 2 According to the writer a typical basketball player would be A able to accelerate and bounce the ball at the same time B fast and weighing about 80 kilos C tall and slim D short and stout 答案 C 3 The foul was

9、 caused by A the referee interrupting the match B Sackler passing the ball over Joe s head C Joe lowering his head D Sackler falling over Joe 4 答案 C 4 The referee thought Sackler was seriously injured because A Joe ran into him B Sackler s nose was bleeding and he lay very still C Sackler was dizzy

10、when he stood up D they put a bandage on his head a blanket round his shoulders and called an ambulance 答案 B 阅读 P13课文 判断正 T 误 F 1 Rugby is called football in America now 2 There were 20 people playing football in each team 800 years ago 3 A teacher Naismith created a movement which later became the

11、popular basketball game 4 William Webb Ellis wrote the rules for baseball 5 The exact origin of basketball is unknown 答案 1 5 TFTFF rely on 依赖 依靠 教材 P8 The Chicago Bulls used to rely too much on Michael Jordan 芝加哥公牛队曾过于依赖迈克尔 乔丹 rely on sb to do sth 指望 信赖某人做某事 rely on it that 指望 信赖 reliable adj 可靠的 可信

12、赖的 We can rely on Tom to help us 我们信赖汤姆 他会来帮我们的 We need a reliable rely method of predicting earthquakes 我们需要一个预报地震的可靠方法 You can rely on it that he will come to meet you 你放心好了 他会来见你的 名师点津 1 rely 为不及物动词 后接宾语时多与介词 on 搭配 5 2 rely on 后接宾语从句时 需使用形式宾语 it 构成 rely on it that all the time 一直 总是 教材 P9 Star pl

13、ayers says Gundy are selfish and want the ball all the time 甘迪说 明星球员都是 自私 的 并且总是想要球 at a time 一次 一下子 每次 at all times 不论什么时候 老是 随时 at any time 随时 无论何时 at no time 永不 在任何时候都不 at one time 过去 某个时期 曾经 一度 At no time has he been late for school 他上学从没迟到过 We ll be there in no time 我们马上就到 His father at one tim

14、e learned French 他父亲曾经学过法语 名师点津 at no time 位于句首时 句子要部分倒装 而 in no time 立刻 马上 位于句首不倒装 be used to 习惯于 教材 P9 I m not quite used to it yet 我还是很不习惯它 He is used to getting up early in the morning 他习惯了早晨早起床 My mother has become used to shopping shop on line 我妈妈已经习惯了网上购物 明辨异同 used to be used to be used to do

15、 used to 意为 过去常常 现在已不再这样了 used to do sth be used to 意为 习惯于 to 是介词 其后接名词 代词或动名词 即 be used to doing sth be used to do 表示 被用来做 是 use sth to do 的被动语态 其中不定式表示目的 巧学助记 一言巧记 习惯 6 I used to play football on the playground but now I am used to reading in the library and the knowledge I get can be used to equi

16、p myself 我过去常常在操场上踢足球 但现在我习惯于在图书馆里看书 用获取的知识来武装自 己 名师点津 be used to 短语中 to 为介词 后接名词 代词或动名词 be 可换为 get become 相当于 be accustomed to absorb v 消减 缓冲 吸收 吸引 的注意 吞并 理解 教 材 P11 But although basketball players wear socks and sneakers which are specially designed to absorb energy when they bound into the air they wear no other protection just a vest and shorts 但是 尽管篮球运动员们穿着专门设计的鞋袜来减弱他们跳跃时的能量 但除了一件背 心和一条短裤 他们没有其他的保护措施 absorb one s attention 吸引某人的注意力 be absorbed in 专心致志于 全神贯注于 absorbing adj 十分吸引人的 引人注意的 The m


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