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1、Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld 话题 世界节日 2013辽宁 一个英文网站面向中学生征稿 请你写一篇英语稿件 介绍 中秋节 及这个节日里的主要活动 写作要点 1 它是中国的传统节日之一 2 家人团聚 3 赏月 吃月饼 4 还有旅游 访友等其他活动 参考词汇 中秋节theMid AutumnFestival农历lunarcalendar赏月enjoythefullmoon月饼mooncake 晨背范文 TheMid AutumnFestivalTheMid AutumnFestivalfallsonthe15thoftheeighthmonthofourChinesel

2、unarcalendar AsoneofthetraditionalChinesefestivals ithasbeenenjoyinggreatpopularityinourcountry Usually nomatterhowfarawayorhowbusyweare wewilltrytocomehomeforthecelebration Themoonthatnightlooksthebrightestinthewholelunarmonth Whatwelovemostisthetimeweenjoythefullmoontogether Withthebeautifulmoonup

3、inthesky wesittogetherandeatmooncakesandfruit sharingourstories Inadditiontothesetraditionalactivities wehaveawiderrangeofchoicessuchastravellingandvisitingourrelativesorfriends 话题词汇1 theSpringFestival春节2 theLanternFestival元宵节3 theDragonBoatFestival端午节4 setofffireworks放烟火5 gettogether聚会 聚集6 originat

4、efrom起源于 话题佳句1 Festivalsmakeusreunite makingallinhighspirits 节日让我们团聚在一起 使大家都很高兴 2 Celebratingfestivalsisoneofthegoodwaystohanddowntraditions 庆祝节日是继承传统的好方法之一 3 Thecustomofadmiringthemoondatesbacktoseveralthousandyearsago 赏月的风俗始于几千年前 单词速忆1 vt 提醒 使想起2 vt 获得 得到3 n 奖 奖品vt 授予 判定4 vt vi 搜集 集合 聚集5 vi vt 使 饿

5、死 饿得要死 remindgainawardgatherstarve 6 n 诡计 恶作剧 窍门vt 欺骗 诈骗7 adj 明显的 显而易见的 adv 明显地 显然地8 vt 赞美 钦佩 羡慕 n 钦佩 羡慕9 vi 道歉 辩白 n 道歉 trickobviousobviouslyadmireadmirationapologizeapology 10 vt 原谅 饶恕 n 宽恕 原谅11 n 许可 允许 vt 允许12 n 信任 信心 信仰 vt 相信13 n 独立 自主 adj 独立的 自主的 forgiveforgivenesspermissionpermitbeliefbelievein

6、dependenceindependent 短语快译1 发生2 期望 期待 盼望3 出现 到场4 使 想起 5 玩得开心6 动身 出发 使爆炸 takeplacelookforwardtoturnupremind of havefunwithsetoff 7 搞恶作剧 诈骗 开玩笑8 守信用 履行诺言9 屏息 屏气10 盛装 打扮 装饰11 纪念 追念12 日夜 整天 昼夜 playatrickonkeepone swordholdone sbreathdressupinmemoryofdayandnight 句式仿写1 Atthattimepeoplewouldstarveiffoodwas

7、difficulttofind especiallyduringthecoldwintermonths be adj todo 仿写 事实上 普通话不难提高 2015四川 Asamatteroffact Mandarinis 答案 notdifficulttoimprove 2 Onthisimportantfeastday peopleeatfoodintheshapeofskullsandcakeswith bones onthem with 宾语 介词短语 仿写 房间里光线很暗 一个孩子在桌子旁专心读书 2015福建 achildisabsorbedinreadingatthetable

8、 答案 Withlittlelightintheroom 3 ItwasobviousthatthemanagerofthecoffeeshopwaswaitingforLiFangtoleave hewipedthetables thensatdownandturnedontheTV justwhatLiFangneeded It sobviousthat 仿写 很显然 孩子们和这些新朋友玩得很开心 thesechildrenhadgreatfunwiththenewfriends 答案 Itwasobviousthat 单元语法情态动词 一 用恰当的情态动词完成下面的句子1 He 不愿来

9、hesaidhewastoobusy 2 You 千万不要 playtricksonhim 3 I 本应履行诺言 theotherday 4 Hehasn tarrivedhere Somethingterrible 可能已经发生 tohim 5 Students 必须留在 intheirseatsuntilallthepapershavebeencollected 答案 1 wouldn tcome2 mustn t3 shouldhavekeptmyword4 mighthavehappened5 shallremain 教材活用根据课文内容 在空白处填入适当的内容 1个单词 或括号内单词

10、的正确形式Thereareallkindsoffestivalsthroughouttheworld whichareused1 satisfy andpleasetheancestors tohonoursomefamouspeopleorimportantevents 2 toexpresspeople sgratitudetotheGod3 bringingthemayearofplenty Forinstance JapaneseobserveObon whenpeoplegotocleanthegravesandlightincenseinmemoryoftheir4 ancesto

11、r InIndia October2isanationalfestivaltohonourMahatmaGandhi5 helpedIndiabecomean6 dependent country AndinChinatheSpringFestival which7 celebrate inJanuaryorFebruary isthemost8 energy andimportantbecauseitisafestivalthatlooksforwardtothe9 come ofspring Duringthefestivals peoplecangettogethertoeat drin

12、kandhavefunwitheachother 10 forget allthedailystruggleanddemandsforawhile 答案 1 tosatisfy2 or3 for4 ancestors5 who6 independent7 iscelebrated8 energeticing10 forgetting 1 admirevt 赞美 钦佩 羡慕 欣赏 观赏 考点激活 HeobservedthatHomer aftertwothousandyears 他观察到两千年后霍纳仍然被人赞赏 2015重庆 1 admiresb for doing sth 因 做 某事羡慕某人

13、 2 admirationn 钦佩 赞美 羡慕express haveadmirationforsb sth 表示 羡慕 钦佩某人 物in withadmiration钦佩地 羡慕地 3 admirableadj 令人钦佩的 值得赞美的 知识建构 Idon tagreewithhim butIadmirehimforstickingtohisprinciples 我不同意他的意见 但是我赞赏他恪守原则 即时巩固 语法填空 WeadmireYuanLongping hisgreatcontributiontoourcountry Ihavegreat admire forMoYanasawrit

14、er Itis admirableplacetocometoforaholidayandrest 答案 wasstilladmired for admiration an 2 awardn 奖 奖品vt 授予 判定 考点激活 Zaragozahaswonmany forhisworkinpolitics 萨拉戈萨因他的政治工作获得很多奖品 2013重庆 1 awardsth tosb awardsb sth 把某奖颁发给某人 2 win receive getanawardforsth 因某事赢得 得到 获得奖项 知识建构 Hewasawardeddamagesof50000pounds 他被

15、判得损害赔偿金5万英镑 词义辨析 即时巩固 用award reward prize的适当形式填空 She himwithasmilejustnow MartinLutherKingJr was theNobelPeace of1964foradvocatingnonviolencepolicyinthemovementforcivilrights 答案 awards rewarded awarded Prize 3 apologizevi 道歉 辩白 考点激活 WhenIarrivedattherestaurant I andtoldEleanorIdidn tmeantobelate 当我到

16、餐厅时 我向埃莉诺道歉并告诉她 我不是故意迟到的 1 apologizetosb for doing sth 因 做 某事向某人道歉apologizetosb that 向某人道歉 知识建构 2 apologyn 道歉makeanapologytosb forsth 因某事向某人道歉owesb anapologyforsth 因某事向某人道歉accept refuseone sapology接受 拒绝某人的道歉 Laterthatmorning Dariosuggestedthattheywritealettertotheirneighborsandapologizefortheirplaying 后来的那天早上 达里奥建议他们应该给他们的邻居写封信并为他们弹奏钢琴之事表示道歉 2015北京 即时巩固 语法填空 I mwritingthislettertoexpressmyapology you notwritingyoubackintime 2013山东 Youshouldmake apologytoherfor arrive late 答案 apologized to for an



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