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1、第 91 页 共 91 页Tapescript: Chapter One: Listening Attack Strategies Unit One: Cracking numbers Part A: Basic Practice Many nonnative English speakers have trouble hearing the difference between numbers in the teens (thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and so on) and numbers in increments of ten (thirty, fort

2、y, fifty, and so on). English uses stress( increased loudness and length of the sound) to clarify the difference between these numbers. Exercise 1: Tapescript: 1. My appointment is at 2:15.2. You need to get a yearly check-up after you turn fifty.3. The new patient is in room 1335.4. Your appointmen

3、t with Dr. Stevens is on April 30th.5. Your daughter was born at exactly 3:40 yesterday afternoon. 6. Johnnys cut required over fourteen stitches. 7. Thelma Watkins didnt see a doctor until she was sixteen years old. 8. That medical center has seventy nurses on staff. 9. The patient in room six is n

4、inety years old. 10. George was really sick last year. He was in bed for eighteen days. Answer: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a Exercise 2:Tapescript: 1. Thirteen students at Christines school have the flu.2. That X-ray cost him $90.3. I bought some vitamins for $18.4. To stay hea

5、lthy you should drink more than sixty ounces of water each day. 5. At least 50% of the people in my office got poison oak at the company picnic.6. A new allergy treatment is discussed on page 314 in the new medical journal.7. This medicine is only good for sixteen days. 8. Doctors now say that many

6、people develop allergies after age thirty.9. The new baby was nineteen inches and six pounds fifteen ounces. 10. My friend told me that eighty percent of the people with asthma are over seventy. Answer: 1) 13, 2) 90, 3) 18, 4) 60, 5) 50% 6) 314 7) 16, 8) 30 9) 19; 6.15 20) 80%; 70 Part B: Comprehens

7、ive Practice Exercise1: Tapescript: 1. Only point eight percent of the place is in use as farm land.2. Do you want to sell one third or two thirds of the shirts in Sheffield?3. Is the number you said just now: “ five hundred and six point eight one nine”?4. The workers just received an average nough

8、t point five percent increase in salary at the end of the profit year.5. The difference between imports and exports left the US trade deficit with China at a record $13.57 billion for the month, up 6.9% from September.6. Product D-413 still has five eighths in the stock.7. Its the fortieth time you

9、asked me the same question in one day! 8. University of Canterbury ranks the third in New Zealand but the sixty-fourth in the whole of Asia.9. I wont change my mind and I just want two and a half percent.10. Speaker1: Thats twelve and a half percent, right?Speaker 2: Correct11. I was sent to work in

10、 a big country with a population of 1,870,006,033 (one billion, eight hundred and seventy million, six thousand and thirty three.)12. Speaker 1: Can I find you at this number? Speaker 2: Yep. 43 for Austria, 1201 809 856 ( one two oh one eight oh nine eight five six) 13. Man: Excuse me, can I get a

11、314 (three one four )bus here? Woman: No, you can only get a 341 (three four one) bus here.14. Woman: Hello, 582961 (five eight two nine six one) Man: Oh sorry, wrong number, I want 582960 ( five eight two nine six oh)15. Man: Could you ask him to call me at the Hilton Hotel? Room No. 579(five seven

12、 nine)Woman: Certainly, Mr. Deng. Hilton Hotel, Room 579 (five seven nine)16. Man: Did you tell me the number is 993 333 66 (double nine triple three double six)?Woman: No. Its 663 33 99( double six triple three double nine)17. Bondi Beach near Sydney has welcomed 2,001,082 ( two million, one thousa

13、nd and eighty-three) tourists? Im not so sure.18. If you have any questions, please call Europe by Satellite at Tel: 32 2 295 1173 ( three two, two, two, nine five, one one, seven three) or send a fax at 32 2 299 0309 .19. Speaker 1 : Could I have the number for the Accommodation Service?Speaker 2:

14、Yes, its a 1800 number, 1800 777 9181.20. Man: I want to get through 505303 ( five oh five three oh three) Woman: Sorry, the number is unavailable. Answer:1) 0.8% 2) 1/3, 2/3 3) 506.819 4) 0.5% 5)$13.57billion, 6.9% 6) 413, 5/8 7) 40 8) 3rd, 64th 9) 2.5% 10) 12.5% 11) 1,870,006,033 12) 43 1201 809 8

15、56 13) 314, 341 14) 582961, 582960 15) No. 579 16) 993366, 663339917) 2001082 18) 32 2 295 1173, 32 2 299 030919) 1 800 777 9181 20) 505303 Exercise2: Tapescript: 1. The second largest marine park is Western Australias Ningaloon reef, covering 5,000 square kilometers of ocean, and famous for whale shark diving.2. The Australian runner, Ra


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