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1、(人力资源知识)2020年NUPBE如何使用恰当的礼仪来取得跨文化国际商务谈判的成功AcknowledgementsHaving finished this thesis, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me during the writing of this thesis.First of all, I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Wang Dandan. I do appreciate her patience, e

2、ncouragement, and professional instructions during my thesis writing. In the writing of the thesis, she has spent much time in reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her help, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible. Then, I owe a special debt of

3、 gratitude to all the teachers in Foreign Languages Institute. Because of their devoted teaching and enlightening lectures, I have benefited a lot in the learning of English. Also, I would like to thanks my roommates and classmates who have give me a lot of valuable advice to this thesis.Finally, I

4、should like to express my gratitude to my family who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting me without a word of complaintAbstractSince 1978, China began to carry out reform and opening-up policy. With the further development of economy, international business activities grow

5、 day by day. How to conduct business negotiation is one of the most important factors in the international business activities. It is the key to keep the business activities going along well. In recent years, with business activities spreading far and wide around the world, more and more people are

6、paying their attention to the business etiquette which has a great influence on the business negotiation. Though the etiquette is not the decisive factor to the business negotiation, it can affect the result directly or indirectly.The thesis consists of four parts. In part one the writer gives a bri

7、ef introduction to business negotiation and business etiquette. In part two the writer states the importance of business etiquette and lists some examples to show the importance of choosing proper etiquette in different culture patterns. Part three is about business etiquette which should be taken a

8、ccording to the culture of different partners at different negotiating stage. At this part, America, Japan and Germany are the typical countries for the further statement of choosing proper business etiquette. In part four, the writer draws a conclusion that businessmen should attach great importanc

9、e to etiquette and make etiquette a key factor to promote successful business negotiation.Key words: international business negotiation; business etiquette; negotiator摘要自从1978年,中国实施改革开放政策以来,中国在经济上取得了重大的突破和举世曙目的成就。随着经济进一步的发展,国际商务活动日益频繁。商务谈判,作为当前国际商务活动最重要的形式之一,如何开展商务谈判是确保商务活动顺利进行的关键所在。近年来,随着商务活动在全球范围内

10、的迅速蔓延, 对商务活动有着重要影响的商务礼仪得到越来越多的人的关注。虽然商务礼仪不是商务谈判中起决定性的因素,但它能够直接或间接的影响商务谈判的结果。本文包含四个部分:在第一部分作者分别介绍了商务谈判和商务礼仪;第二部分作者陈述了商务礼仪的重要性并举例说明在不同文化形势下选择恰当礼仪的重要性;第三部分作者列举了在不同的谈判阶段根据不同谈判伙伴应该使用的商务礼仪;最后,作者得出总结:商务人员必须重视商务礼仪,并且应该把商务礼仪作为促使商务谈判成功的一项重要因素。关键词:国际商务谈判; 商务礼仪;谈判者Outline Introduction.11.1 Brief Introduction of

11、 International Business Negotiation.11.2 Brief Introduction of Business Etiquette.2The Importance of Etiquette in International Business Negotiation.42.1 The Importance of Etiquette in Business Negotiation.42.2 The Importance of Choosing Proper Business Etiquette in Different Culture Patterns5 Choos

12、ing Proper Business Etiquette at Different Stage of Negotiation.73.1 The preparatory Stage of Negotiation.73.1.1 The Etiquette of Making Appointment.73.1.2 The Etiquette of Dressing.93.1.3 The Etiquette of Choosing Negotiating Style12 3.2 The Conducting Stage of Negotiation153.2.1 The Etiquette of M

13、eeting163.2.2 The Etiquette of Discussing18 3.3 The Stage of Signing Contract.193.3.1 The Etiquette of Signing193.3.2 The Etiquette of Gift Giving.20 Conclusion24Bibliography.25On International Business Negotiation through Using Proper Business Etiquette I Introduction1.1 Brief Introduction to Busin

14、ess NegotiationWith the high development of the economy, people in the modern society may have a chance to go on a business, so the word “Business Negotiation” is not strange to us any more. But for its real meaning, not every one has a clear understanding.In brief, business negotiation is a process that in order to coordinate the relationship between business and meet their needs, people try to find a final settlement of the dispute to reach an agre



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