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1、(人力资源知识)2020年ERP人力资源管理系统毕业论文哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文)摘要在经济飞速发展的今天,人力资源作为企业中最宝贵的资源,已变得越来越重要,对人力资源的有效管理是提高企业利润的一个重要途径。传统的人力资源管理系统只局限于简单的人事管理,而如今作为ERP 系统的一个组成部分,人力资源管理系统发展到可为企业的决策提供全方位的解决方案。并同ERP 中的财务、生产系统组成高效的、具有高度集成性的企业资源系统。本文论述了ERP 人力资源管理系统中人员档案管理与人力资源计划子系统的设计与实现。本系统包括员工档案管理、绩效管理和人员规划三个主要的功能模块。能实现对员工档案、员工合同和常

2、见的人事变动的有效管理,能方便地对员工进行绩效考核和奖惩作业,能对企业的人员进行统计和需求预测,能有效地进行员工招聘和培训管理。本文将从需求分析、系统设计、系统实现到系统测试几个阶段详细说明了这三个模块的实现过程。本系统采用C/S 开发模式,以Power Builder 8.0 作为数据库前台开发工具,后台数据库采用的是Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0。整个开发过程采用软件工程的方法,使得系统具有高效性、稳定性、健壮性、易维护、可扩展等优良特性。关键词人力资源;人力资源管理;ERP 系统;人力资源计划;软件工程- I -哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文)Abs

3、tractNowadays, as economy develops rapidly, human resource that is the mostprecious resource has become more and more important. The effectivemanagement of human resource is an important way of increasing profit ofenterprise. Traditional human resource management systems are limited topersonnel mana

4、gement. However, as a component of ERP system today, humanresource management system can provide the overall solutions scheme to helpenterprise make decisions. It combined with financing and manufacturing systemconstitutes an effective, high integrative enterprise resource system.This paper discusse

5、s the design and realization of employee archivemanagement and personnel planning in ERP human resource management system.The system includes three main function modules: employee archivemanagement, performance management and personnel planning. It can manageeffectively employee archives, employee c

6、ontracts and common personnelalternations; it can appraise and reward employees conveniently; it can doemployee statistics and forecast employee demand conveniently; and it canmanage effectively employee recruitment and training. This paper shows in detailthe realization of the three modules in four

7、 phases: need analysis, system design,system realization and system test.The system adopts C/S developing pattern. The front database-developingtool is Power Builder 8.0, and the background database is Sybase AdaptiveServer Anywhere 7.0. The whole developing process follows the softwareengineering m

8、ethod, thus the system has many good features such aseffectiveness, stabilization, robustness, maintainability, extensibility, and so on.Keywords human resource human resource management ERP systemhuman resource planning software engineering- II -哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文)目录摘要. IAbstract . II第1 章绪论.11.1 课题背景及意

9、义.11.1.1 人力资源管理的定义.11.1.2 ERP中的人力资源管理.11.1.3 课题意义.21.2 课题描述.21.3 开发工具简介.31.3.1 PowerBuilder 8.0 简介.31.3.2 PowerBuilder 8.0 开发环境综述.51.4 本章小结.6第2 章人力资源管理系统的分析与设计.72.1 需求分析及系统功能结构.72.1.1 需求分析.72.1.2 系统功能结构设计.82.2 系统数据流设计.82.3 系统数据库设计.122.3.1 数据库表设计.122.3.2 实体关系设计.142.4 本章小结.14第3 章人力资源管理系统的实现.153.1 系统菜单树.153.2 系统实现的基本方法和过程.163.3 主要程序流程.163.3.



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