高一英语(下)必修三Unit 5 Period 3 Learning about Language课时教案.doc

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1、Period 3 Learning about LanguageTeaching aims and demands:1. Review the words and phrases in the text2. Let the students master appositive clause, especially the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause.Teaching proceduresStep I Revision & PresentationAsk the Ss to make a dialogu

2、e between Li Daiyu and Liu Qian about what they have seen and done on their trip, using the given questions, the information and some useful words from the reading passage. LI DAIYU: What do Canada and China have in common?LIU QIAN: LI DAIYU: What did you like best on the trip from Vancouver to Toro

3、nto?LIU QIAN: LI DAIYU: Which city impressed you most?LIU QIAN: LI DAIYU: Where did you see mountains, and thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities?LIU QIAN: LI DAIYU: If you had a choice, would you compete in riding wild horses with the cowboys?LIU QIAN: eastward; on the north/

4、west; great scenery; coast; harbor; port; surrounded by ; settle down; extremely; withinborder; have a gift for; slightly; .Step II Learning about language1. show students two words “multicultural” and “eastwards” then explain them in detail.1). multicultural = multi- + cultural multi- = manyAsk stu

5、dents to guess the words with the help of the given situations and use them to make sentences.(1). With the development of the hi-tech, we can enjoy various of TV programs through a lot of channels. (multichannel)(2). To save the space, people have to live in the buildings with many stories. (multis

6、tory)(3). In our country, there are altogether 55 minorities. (multinational)(4). In many countries like America, Republic Party is not the only party. (multiparty)(5). The newly developed software can be used for solving different problems. (multipurpose)(6). Our school provides teachers with sever

7、al medias such as TVs, radios, computers and projects. (multimedia)2). eastwards = east + wards- wards- = in a directionAsk students to finish these sentences with proper words.(1). His foot caught in a rock and he pitched farwards.(2). In winter, swallows that breed in the north and migrate southwa

8、rds.(3). Young people who like adventure training will join in the outwards Bound Movement.2. Match the words and expressions with their meanings.to a great degree extremelyhave a natural ability for have a gift forstop talking or doing something in an excited way settle downthe area where the land

9、meets the sea coastto be all around someone or something surrounda place where water is calm and ships can be safe harbourthink about a problem until you find the answer figure outtown with a harbour portinside a certain area within3. According to the words or expressions, make sentences by using so

10、me of the words above.(1). in the North Pole, cant imagine how cold it is(2). upset, hardly in anything(3). know how much sth. will cost (4). expect, sb. can afford (5). enjoy a good view of beautiful scenery by the sea (6). prison, hall walls(7). be born to be a musicianStep II Reading and Using la

11、nguage1. Read the following passage about Canada and then give a proper title to each paragraph. Firstly, T only shows the first part and use the following questions as a guide.Qs: What s the paragraph about? (Geography of Canada)Whats the feature of the geography of Canada? (vast land)Would you fil

12、l in the missing words?Geography: vast landCanada is the worlds second largest country after Russia. Canada is thinly populated, however, with much of the land too cold or too mountainous for human settlement most Canadians live within 300km (186 miles) of the southern border. Surrounded by the Atla

13、ntic Ocean to the east and Pacific Ocean to the west., Canadas boundaries span (跨越) the widest portion (一部分) of the North America continent, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, from the United States along the 49th Parallel in the south to the North Pole, Arctice Ocean and Beaufort Sea in

14、the north. The entire expanse of Canada covers 9,976,140 km (Land: 9,220,970 km and Water: 755,170 km) about 1.3 times the size of Australia and over 40 times the size of the United Kingdom. Varied ClimateCanadas climate is not as cold all year around as some may believe. In winter, temperatures fall below freezing point throughout most of Canada, especially in Nunavut where it is extremely cold. But the south-western coast has a relatively mild climate. Along the Arctic Circle, mean temperatures are below freezing for seven months a year. During the summer months


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