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1、外贸合同范本中文篇一:外贸合同范本中英文外贸合同范本中英文编号: no :日期: date :签约地点: signed at :卖方:sellers :地址:address :邮政编码:postal code :电话:tel :传真:fax :买方:buyers :地址:address :邮政编码:postal code :电话:tel :传真:fax :买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货 物:andthe sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the term

2、s conditions stated below:1 货号 article no.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠2 品名及规格 description&specification3 数量 quantity4 单价 unit price5 总值: 数量及总值均有 %的增减 , 由卖方决定。total amountwith %more or less both in amount and quantity该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠allowed at the sellers option.6 生 产国 和 制 造厂 家 country of origin an

3、d manufacturer该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠7 包装: packing :8 唛头: shipping marks :9 装运期限: time of shipment :10 装运口岸: port of loading :11 目的口岸: port of destination :12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至 为止的险。insurance :to be effected by buyers for 110%of full invoice value covering up to only.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠13 付款条件:

4、买方须于 年 月日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。 信用证议付有 效期延至上列装运期后 15 天在中国到期,该信用证中必须 注明允许分运及转运。该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠payment :by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠the sellers before _/_/ and to remainvalid for该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有

5、,违责必纠ingotiation in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. tje l/c must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠篇二:对外贸易合同 ( 中英文版 )Contract No.: LYLS-01-XX1228日期: XX-12-28Date: XX-12-28签约地点:Place: ZIYANG, CHINA 合 同 Contract 合同号: 买方:该文档为文档投

6、稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠The buyers: Sichuan LianYou Textile Industry Corporation (LMT)该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠General Manager: Huang De卖方:The sellers: German Textile Machinery Company该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠Sales Manager: David Paul 本合同由买卖双方根据下列条款和条件,经买卖双方 共同协商签订,以便共同遵守该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠This contract is

7、made by and between the buyer and该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠the seller: whereby the buyer and the seller agree to该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠conditions as stipulated below:1. 商品名称和规格Name of Commodity and Specification抗扰箭Name of Commodit

8、y :Flexible Rapier Loom 杆织布机该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠Specifications: MIG ,德国最新生产 MIG 型号Quantity :Unit price: USD$/set CIF5% SHANGHAI, CHINA该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠Total value: USD$2. 原产国及制造厂商:Country of origin & manufacturer: Germany该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠3. 装运期限:Shipping date: NOT LATER THAN MAR 30, X

9、X该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠4. 装运口岸:Port of loading: Hamburger Germany5. 到货口岸:Port of destination: SHANGHAI, CHINA该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠6. 付款条件:Terms of payment: 100% of the total value will be paid by L/C at 90 days at sight.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠7. 包装:需用适合长途海运,防潮、防湿、防震、 锈、耐粗暴搬运的包装,由包装不良该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品

10、,版权所有,违责必纠造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此产生的一切费用和 / 或损 失。Packing: The packages should be suitable for long distance freight transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any

11、 rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠8. 装运条款:卖方保证按时将合同所述货物运往买方 港口。Terms of shipment: The seller shall ship the goods within the shipping date from the port of shipment to the port of destination. Transshipment is not allo

12、wed without the buyer s consent.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠9. 装运通知:货物全部装船后,卖方将于 10 个工作日 内将合同编号、商品名称、数量、该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠毛重、发票金额、船名和开船日期传真通知买方。Shipping advice: The seller shall within 10 working days after the completion of the loading of the goods advise by fax the buyers of the contract No., comm

13、odity,该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of sailing.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠10. 保险:Insurance: Insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against Additional Risks and Strike Risks 11.检验: Inspection 卖方须在装运该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,

14、违责必纠前 15 日委托德国机械进出口检验机构对本合同之货物进行 检验并出具检验证书,货到目的港后,由买方委托中国进出 口货物检验机构进行检验。 The Seller shall have the goods inspected by 15 days before the shipment and have the Inspection Certificate issued by German Machinery I/E Inspection Bureau. The Buyer may have the goods reinspected by China I/E Inspection Cor

15、poration Shanghai Branch after the goods arrived at the destination.该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠12. 索赔:货物到达买方后,买方应向中国进出口商品 检验检疫局申请对质量、规格、数量该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠进行初步检验,并出具检验证明书,如发现货物品质、 规格、数量与合同不符,除保险公司或船运公司应负责的以 外,买方在货到 90 天内有权换货或索赔,一切费用(如商 检费、相关的运费、保险费 etc )由卖方承担。该文档为文档投稿赚钱网作品,版权所有,违责必纠Claims: Within 90 days after the arrival of goods at destination should be quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. the buyers shall, on



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