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1、Contract of Tea ExportCon tract NO : XYZ-CN-20141126Con tract Subject : White tea and Jasm ine tea exportsSigning Address : Fujian, ChinaSig ning Date :Buyer:Lipton CompanyAddress:Fax:E-mail:Legal Representative: He YanjiaoSeller:Address:Fujia n Tea Import & Export Co., Ltd11-12 floor, Fortune Build

2、ing, No. 168 Hudong Road, Fuzhou, FujianFax:0591-87825974E-mail:Legal Representative: Yang MiaomiaoThis con tract is sig ned by the buyer and the seller, the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the follow ing goods and both abide by the terms and con diti ons listed.1 . DescriptionItem

3、sProduct n ame/IdUn itAmountUn it priceTotal price1Silvery Needle W901In BulkFirst Grade Jasmine TeaJT030In Bulk2Packagi ngBag3In sura nce and weightTotal:Fujia n Tea Import & Export Co., Ltd2 . The country of origin and Name of manufacturer:3 . PackagingCarton has high sealing performance and is su

4、itable for long distance by sea, parcel post and air. It can protect from rain, erosion and frozen. Carton has strong compressive strength and can be well protected aga inst damp ness with ten sile and compressi on resista nce.The buyer take resp on sibility for any damage or loss of the goods due t

5、o improper pack ing ; Also for the corrosi on caused by in adequate or improper pack ing and protecti on. A set of related service and operati on in structi ons should be attached along with the cases of shipme nt.4 . Shipping MarkThe seller should write in each package with fadeless paint the case

6、number, gross weight, net weight, con tract nu mber, con sig nee nu mber and the follow ing words: to preve nt moisture, to be light, lift positi on,the cen ter of gravity and shipp ing mark. Shipp ing mark is: N/M.5 . Time of Shipment2014.12.shipp ing portFujia n, Chinadesti nati on portYork Port8

7、. In sura nee: Un der CIF terms, is dealt with by the seller to the buyer for ben eficiary ben eficiary isin sured for 110% of the in voice value aga inst all risks.9 . PaymentUn der the l/c terms of payme nt: the buyer with in 14 days after the con tract is sig ned, will ope n aLondon bank to the i

8、ssu ing bank, to the seller as the ben eficiary, of the total in voice amount by irrevocable l/c This credit in the sellers of the issu ing bank show the sight draft (for 100% of in voice value), and effective in the shipp ing docume nts listed in clause payme nt will be made by the issu ing in be p

9、rompted the drafts and documents in air or remittance to the seller by t/t pay, this credit is valid for 15 days after shipme nt date.10 . Documents(1) Bill of ladi ng : 3 copies of the origi nal ocea n bill of ladi ng, marked: freight prepaid, the con tractnu mber, shipp ing marks, bla nk en dorsem

10、e nt, and the full address and teleph one nu mber in orderto inform the buyer.(2) 5 copies of the origi nal in voice, marked: con tract nu mber, shipp ing mark, and to write the details accord ing to the relative con tract.(3) pieces of origi nals and 2 copies of pack ing list con firmed by Fujia n

11、tea import and exportco.,LTD, marked: weight, pack ing nu mber and the date of the in voice.(4) 2 pieces of quality and nu mber of manu als con firmed by Fujia n tea import and export co., LTD.(5) The copy of fax sent to notify the buyer of the delivery details. In addition, the seller willairmail t

12、he complete set of the above docume nts directly to the buyer with in 7 days(6) Un der CIF terms, 1 piece of origi nal in sura nce policy and 2 copies, 110% of the in voice valueagai nst ALL RISKS(7) 1 piece of the original certificate of origin and two copies(8) The number and the content of files

13、must be complete and correct. If the buyer couldn t clearand pick up goods on time because the seller does not provide with the above docume nts,all losses shall be borne by the seller. The buyers n ame, full address and teleph one nu mber must be printed on the bill of lading, otherwise, the seller

14、 shall bear the resulting loss.ll.Shipme nt:un der CIF terms:The seller is resp on sible for the goods with in the shipp ing durati on from the port of shipme nt to theport of desti nati on tran sshipme nt is not allowed in case of tran shipme nt, the result ing all the costs and risks to be borne b

15、y the seller does not allow the warehouse surface load the cargo ships are not allowed to hang the n ati onal flag of the buyers can not accept cargo vessel not over 15 years12. Shipment notification:(1) In prior to shipme nt date in Article 5 of the con tract for 40 days for the follow ing purposes (a, b, c) the sellers will no tify the buyer of the con tract nu mber, n ame, qua ntity, value, nu mber of boxes with fax, GW, and in ready shipme nt date of port. If any one weighs more tha n 900 tonn es, the tank size range up to or more than 12 meters long, 2.7 meters wide and


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