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1、编号:Co ntract No.:全日制劳动合同书Full-time Employme nt Con tract甲方(用人单位名称)Party A(Employer)用人单位住所地 Address法定代表人(或负责人) Legal Represe ntative(Pri ncipals)企业法人营业执照号码 En terprise Legal Pers on Bus in ess Lice nse No.乙方(劳动者)姓名 性别 出生年月 Name of Party B(Employee)Gender Birth Dat 文化程度联系方式Educati on Backgro und er户籍所

2、在地 Domicile Place 实际居住地 Housi ng Place 居民身份证号码 ID Card No: 其他有效证件名称 证件号码Name of Other Valid CertificatesCertificate No.社会保险个人编号 Pers onal Social In sura nee No. 合同履行地: Place of Con tract Performa nee诚实信用原则的基础上,经平等自愿、协商一致签订本合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款。In accordanee with the Labor Law of the People s Republic of

3、China(“PRC)and releva nt laws, regulati ons and rules ,in accorda nee with equality, free will and mutual con sultati on. Party A and Party B agree to en ter into this Employme nt Con tract on the basis of lawful ness, fair ness and hon esty.一、劳动合同期限Article 1 Term of theCon tract甲、乙双方约定按下列 种方式确定“劳动合

4、同期限”:The term of the Employme nt Con tract shall be determ ined as set forth in Itembelow:A、有固定期限的劳动合同自 年 _月 _ 日起至 年 _月 _ 日止,其中试用期自年_月_日起至年_月_日止。Fixed Term: Fromto; the probati onary period comme ncing onand ending on.B 、无固定期限的劳动合同 年 _ 月 _ 日起至 年 _月 _ 日止,其中试用期自 年_月_日起至年_月_日止。Open-en ded: Fromto; the

5、probati onary period comme ncing onand ending on.C、以完成 工作任务为劳动合同期限,自 年 月 _ 日起至完成本项目工作任务之日即为劳动合同终止日。Project-based: Fromto the date whe n fin ish the duties of this project work,it s the term in ati on date of this con tract.二、工作内容和工作地点Article 2 Job Descripti on and Workplace Locati on(一)乙方根据甲方要求,经过协商

6、,从事 工作。甲方可根据工作需要和对乙方业绩的考核结果,按照合理诚信原则,经与乙方协商,可以变动乙方的工作岗位。2.1 According to the requirementsof Party A, after consultations,PartyB shall workasn sultati on, Part A can cha nge the job of Party B on the basisof the worki ng requirme nt and performa nee evaluati on results, in accorda nee with reas on ab

7、le and hon est pri nciple.(二)甲方安排乙方所从事的工作内容及要求,应当符合国家规定的劳动基准和甲方依法制定的并已公式的规章制度。乙方应当按照甲方安排的工作内容及要求履行劳动义务2.2 Party B s job content and requirement should comply with provisionsof the laborsta ndards, rules and regulati ons established legally by Party A,which is known to the public. Party B shall fulfi

8、ll labor obligations in accordance with the job content and requireme nt of Party A.(三)乙方的工作地点: 2.3 Workplace of Party B should be at三、工作时间和休假时间Article 3 Working Hours, Rest Days and Holiday(一)乙方所在岗位执行下列工作时制度 (A B、C选其中之一)3.1 Party B shall perform the sta ndard work ing hour rules( choose oneof A, B,

9、 C through con sultati ons)A甲方安排乙方的工作岗位属于实行标准工时制的岗位。PartyB s job bel ongs to sta ndard work ing hour system.B甲方安排乙方的工作岗位,经批准属于实行不定时工作制的岗位,双方依法执行不定时工作制度。PartyBs job should comply with irregular work ing hour sysem.C甲方安排乙方的工作岗位,经批准属于实行综合计算工时制的岗位,双方依法执行综合计算工时工作制规定。PartyB s job should comply with the co

10、mprehensive calculation working hoursystem.(二)甲方严格遵守法定的工作时间,控制加班加点,保证乙方的休息与身心健康,甲方因 工作需要必须安排乙方加班加点的,应与工会与乙方协商同意,并依法给予乙方补休或支付加班加点工资。3.2 Party A should strictly comply with the legal working hours, making sure therest and health for Party B, Party A may extend working hour due to the requirementsof it

11、s producti on or bus in ess after con sultati onwith the trade union and laborers, andprovide Party B time off or overtime wages.(三)甲方依法为乙方安排带薪年休假,具体休假时间与乙方协商决定。3.3 Party A shall provide paid ann ual leave, details should con sult with Party B.四、劳动报酬Article 4 Labor Remu nerati on甲方应当每月至少一次以货币形式支付乙方工

12、资,不得克扣或者无故拖欠乙方的工资。乙方在法定工作时间或依法签订劳动合同约定的工作时间内提供了正常劳动,甲方向乙方支付的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。Party A shall pay the wages in crash to Party B at least once amonth.PartyB shall provide the normal work within legal working time.Wages paid to Party B by Party A shall not be lower tha n the local mini mum wages sta ndard.

13、(一)甲方每月 日为发薪日。4.1 Party A pats Party B s wage before (Date) cash monthly.(二)乙方在试用期内的工资为每月 元。4.2 Party B in probationary period s wage standard is RMB .(三)经甲乙双方协商一致,对乙方的工资报酬按下列 条款执行;4.3 Afer both parties agreement. Party B s salary and remunerations shall begover ned by the followi ng scheme(A/B/C/D)

14、A、 根据乙方的工作岗位确定其每月工资为 元。PartyB s salary is RMBcomply with its job.B、甲方对乙方实行基本工资和绩效工资相结合的内部工资分配办法,乙方的基本工资确定为每月 元,以后根据内部工资分配办法调整其工资;绩效工资根据乙方的工作业绩、劳动成果和实际贡献按照内部分配办法考核确认。Party A exercises Part B s salary distribution method that combines basic salaryand performa nee salary. Part B s basic salary isdeterm

15、 ined as RMB per mo nth andit will be adjusted accord ing to in ter nal salary distributi on methods; Performa ncesalary will be con firmed by in ternalsalary distributio n methods accord ing to Party B sJob performa nce, work results and actual con tributi on.C甲方实行计件工资制,确定乙方的劳动定额应当是本单位同岗位百分之九十以上劳动者在约定工作时间内能够完成的,乙方在法定工作时间内按质完成甲方定额,甲方按照约定的定额和计件单价,根据乙方的业绩,按时足额支付乙方的工资报酬。Party A exercises piecework accumulated wages method, Party A must guara ntee thed


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