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1、2020 届江苏省南通中学三月模拟试卷 高 三 英 语 注意事项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1 本试卷包含第I 卷 选择题 和第II 卷 非选择题 两部分 共120 分 考试时间 120 分钟 考试结束后 只要将答题纸交回 2 答题前 请您务必将自己的姓名 学校 考试号用书写黑色字迹的0 5 毫米签字笔填写在答 题纸上 并用2B 铅笔把答题纸上考试号对应数字框涂黑 如需改动 请用橡皮擦干净后 再正确涂 写 3 请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名 考试证号与你本人的是否相符 4 答题时 必须用书写黑色字迹的0 5毫米签字笔写在答题纸上的指定位置 在其它位置作答

2、 一律无效 第 I 卷 三部分 共85 分 第一部分听力 共两节 满分20 分 第一节听下面5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选岀最 佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有10 秒钟的时间來回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题 每段对话仅读一遍 1 Where will the speakers see each other again A At a bank B At a corner shop C At a park 2 What will the man probably do next A Get more coffee B Leave the

3、coffee shop C Find someone to watch his computer 3 What are the speakers mainly talking about A A presentation B An inspiring story C An interesting Australian 4 What is in the cup A Coffee B Milk C Tea 5 What is the woman doing A Complaining B Asking for help C Giving advice 第二节听下面5 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后

4、有几个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小 题 5秒钟 听完后 各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答第6 7 题 6 What is today s daily special A The steak B The chicken C The cheese hamburger 7 What type of bread does the woman want A Italian B Honey wheat C Whole wheat 听第 7 段材料 回答第8 至 10

5、 题 8 What happened to the pictures on the wall A A truck knocked them off B The woman took them down C An earthquake shook them down 9 How does the woman feel about the man s opinion A Curious B Understanding C Upset 10 Where do the speakers live A In Taiyuan B In Beijing C In Shanghai 听第 8 段材料 回答第1

6、1 12 题 11 Where will the man most likely live during the summer A In San Francisco B In Mountain View C In San Jose 12 What will the woman definitely spend the summer doing A Visiting museums B Working in France C Learning how to cook 听第 9 段材料 回答第 13 至 16题 13 Why does Vivian like to listen to loud m

7、usic A It helps her study B She is being silly C She can t bear the noise outside 14 What did Vivian do at first when the man asked her about the loud music A She turned it off B She turned it down C She plugged in her headphones 15 Why does the man want Vivian to be careful about the loud sound A H

8、e thinks it is bad for her hearing B He can t concentrate on his work C He is afraid to have a heart attack 16 How does Vivian probably feel about the man s warnings in the end A Annoyed B Surprised C Amused 听第 10段材料 回答第 17 至 20 题 17 What subject did John learn on Monday night A Chemistry B Asian Hi

9、story C Mathematics 18 What time did John need to be in the classroom for his English test A At 8 30 a m B At 9 00 a m C At 4 00 p m 19 Why did John have a big spot ink on his shirt A He put his ink bottle on the desk carelessly B An ink bottle fell on his shirt C He fell asleep with his pen in his

10、hand 20 What was the terrible truth for John A He had missed a test B He couldn t find his car C He had fallen asleep in class 第二部分英语知识运用 共两节 满分35 分 第一节单项填空 共15 小題 每小题1分 满分 15 分 请认真阅读下面各题 从题中所给的A B C D 四个选项中 最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑 21 Our government has issued the ban on fishing in the Yangtze River in ce

11、rtain periods aim to protect endangered species will be achieved A which B who whose D when 22 the identity of 39 bodies found in a lorry container the British government announced that the deaths were from Vietnam A Confirmed B Having confirmed C To confirm D Confirming 23 Strict measures have been

12、 taken to control houses prices which willcontribute to a sustainable economy in the long term A in return B in effect C in advance D in turn 24 He up for our seminar but he had to leave before the seminar was over A did show C would have shown C has shown D was going to show 25 Drivers are often se

13、en battling for parking space which is a rare in crowded cities A element B commodity C composition D sour 26 I haven t seen much of Peterson recently He s said his new apartment A being decorating B having decorated C to be decoratingD to have decorated 27 My constant encouragement and praise gradu

14、ally Colin that he could also succeed as long as he worked hard A threatened B persuaded C recommended D promised 28 Before starting university you d better choose a course best reflecting your interest and strength A one B the one C that D which 29 On New Year Eve in China people in the north tend

15、to have dumplings those in the south have rice cake to celebrateNew Year A though B whileC when D since 30 Someone provided one clue for the policea male motorist in dark clothes passed by the crime scene A where B who C that D when 31 I to tell you about the sudden change but there wasn t time A ph

16、oned B bad phoned C wouldphone D would have phoned 32 I haven t seen you for ages me over for a chat so we can each other s upbates A live up to B end up with C hold on to D catch up on 33 How is your new program getting along A business owner to invest but somehow he has changed his mind A agrees B has agreed C agreed D had agreed 34 Can you tell me when you will come back from France I can only give you my idea Maybe in August A rough B concrete C explicit D original 35 Bob refused all his cla


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