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1、Unit2 How often do you exercise一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分) 1.Linda has been to Disneyland, has she?A. neverB. everC. alreadyD. even 2.- English is too difficult for me. I cant learn it well.- Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.A. seldomB. neverC. usuallyD. always 3.I dont think fast food is

2、good for our health, so I go to MacDonald.A. seldomB. alwaysC. usuallyD. often 4.He gets up early but late.A. always; sometimesB. always; oftenC. often; alwaysD. usually; sometimes 5.- How often does Bob play tennis?- .A. Once a monthB. For a monthC. A month agoD. A month later 6.- How often do you

3、chat with your friends online?- . Im busy with my study.A. Only one monthB. About twice a monthC. Almost every dayD. Maybe in two weeks 7.- do you have PE lessons?- Three times a week.A. How longB. How soonC. How manyD. How often 8.- How is Susan?- Oh, I see her because she lives abroad.A. alwaysB.

4、oftenC. almostD. hardly 9.He didnt finish his homework. he is too busy.A. May beB. MaybeC. ThoughD. But10.The book is expensive; , its worth it.A. butB. howeverC. whileD. and11.- How often do you have a school trip this term?- Since several accidents happened to some schools, all the school outdoor

5、activities have been asked to stop.A. AlwaysB. Hardly everC. SometimesD. Often12.- I didnt know you go to school by taxi.- Oh, I take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. oftenD. seldom13.I hate vegetables. I eat them.A. alwaysB. seldomC. oftenD. usually14.- I hate v

6、egetables. I eat them.- But theyre good for your health. You should often eat them.A. seldomB. oftenC. usuallyD. always15.- How often does he write emails to his friend?- .A. Once a monthB. In a weekC. For half an hourD. Last Monday二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)16. - Whats your favorite p ?- Happy Camp

7、.17. This cup is f of juice.18. I think doing sports is good for our h .19. They asked the students about their free time activities and showed these r to their teachers.20. Alan decided to accept this invitation a he didnt like the party.21. In our school eighty p of the students like playing compu

8、ter games.22. I went to the d because I had a bad tooth.23. He a lost his life on the mountain.24. My friend, Lily, likes chatting on the I .25. Dont worry. He can walk t the forest easily.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)26. Nick often looks for things on the (因特网) at the weekend.27. I think the TV (节

9、目) is pretty boring.28. Walking helps you to keep in good (健康).29. I was caught in the rain on my way home. As a (结果), I had a bad cold.30. Ten (百分之) of the students didnt go to the zoo last Sunday.31. Yuan Longping has a sharp(敏锐的) (头脑).32. You can only achieve success (凭借) hard work.33. Reading En

10、glish (杂志) is helpful to learn English.34. - Which of these shirts do you like best?- Ill take (没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion.35. Ive worked here for (几乎,差不多) two years.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)36. 这位老人并不感到寂寞,他的子女每周去看他一次。(词数不限)This old man doesnt . His children go to see him .37.

11、 每年它要接待超过75万的游客。Every year it receives 750,000 visitors.38. 她几乎不紧张,并且她总是笑。She is stressed and she always .39. 她每周使用网络不到两次。She uses the Internet twice a week.40. 奥运会每四年举行一次。The Olympic Games are .五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Keeping 41 and slim is the dream of many girls. Here is some advice about losing 42 .

12、First, 43 attention to the amount of food you have every day. But it doesnt mean you should starve(饿死) yourself. Your body 44 nutrition(营养). The key is a healthy 45 . Experts have pointed 46 that having too many fries can even cause 47 . The last thing you should remember is to 48 consistently(持续地). One or two days of jogging will make 49 improvement. What you have to do is to leave your sofa, TV set, and snacks behind and to 50 into the open air!41.A. fitB. cleanC. quietD. cool42.A. heightB. flightC. weightD. heart43.A. takeB. giveC.



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