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1、Module7 A famous story一、单项选择 1.- What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?- I the classroom.A. was cleaningB. have cleanedC. will cleanD. clean 2.- Did you see the accident yesterday?- Yes. It happened when I past the museum.A. walkB. am walkingC. will walkD. was walki

2、ng 3.- Lisa, I called you just now. Where were you?- Sorry, I a shower.A. takeB. am takingC. was taking 4.- Why didnt Mary see me wave(挥手)to her?- She in the other direction.A. lookedB. has lookedC. was lookingD. is looking 5.- Where were you at 7:00 last night?- I to my mom at home.A. writeB. was w

3、ritingC. wrote 6.She a lot of noise with the pans and did not hear anything unusual.A. is makingB. was makingC. will makeD. have made 7.- Could you tell me what he said just now?- Sorry, I what was happening outside.A. am thinkingB. was thinkingC. thoughtD. think 8.- Which boy is Tom, do you know?-

4、The one who on the ground.A. lieB. liesC. layD. is lying 9.What the weather next Monday?A. is; beB. will; beC. is; /D. will; be like10.Nick a new camera. He has taken lots of pictures with it.A. buysB. is buyingC. boughtD. will buy11.- Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the pho

5、ne.- Oh, I a walk with my mother at that time.A. takeB. tookC. am takingD. was taking12.- Where were you at 7:00 last night?- I to my mom at home.A. writeB. wroteC. am writingD. was writing13.He TV when I called him last night.A. watchesB. watchedC. will watchD. was watching14.- What were you doing

6、when the storm came?- I home.A. rideB. rodeC. was ridingD. have ridden15.Mr. Li us a report on our environment when the earthquake happened in Japan.A. gaveB. is givingC. was giving二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 16. After the boy reached the final(终点), he s raised his arms(手臂).17. You speak too fast. I cant f you.

7、 Can you speak more slowly?18. Theres some paper on the g . Please pick it up.19. I told her about it t , once yesterday, and again this morning.20. Some farmers were working in the f when it rained yesterday.21. There is a h in the wall and just a cat goes and comes.22. Its d in the desert.23. The

8、hole is d . Dont be close to it; its dangerous.24. We were working in the field, and s it began to rain.25. I dont know the way to the sports club. Can I f you?三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 26. The chickens are (跟随) their mother everywhere.27. A strong wind came from behind (突然) and we lost the umbrella in the

9、 wind.28. Autumn is coming, and the (地面) is full of leaves.29. My brother goes to the park (两次) a month.30. Is the license in one of your (衣服口袋)?31. Is this wood (干燥的) enough to burn?32. The boy would like to buy two (兔子).33. They are digging (洞) to plant trees.34. I (跟随) him to see what he is going

10、 to do.35. When the farmers were planting rice in the fields, (突然) it began to rain.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 36. - 昨天早上9点至10点你们在上英语课吗?- 不,我们不上英语课,我们在上语文课。- Were you an English class from nine to ten yesterday morning?- No, we . We were having a Chinese lesson.37. 昨天这个时候你在干什么? at this time yesterday?38. Pard

11、on? I was (考虑) something else.39. 昨天中午他在哪里等你? he for you at noon yesterday?40. 当你在骑自行车时,不要考虑别的事情。When you are riding your bike, dont other things.41. 昨天我给你打电话的时候你在干什么? you when I called you?42. 昨天晚上莉莉的妈妈下班回家时,她正在玩电脑游戏。Lily computer games her mother came home from work last night.43. 昨天上午九点钟他们正在上英语课。

12、They an English class at nine oclock yesterday morning.44. 昨天这个时候, 这个年轻人正在等他的朋友。(词数不限)The young man his friend this time yesterday.45. You have to (注意个人安全).五、完形填空 Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He had four 46 . They were always 47 with each other. The farmer was 48 to see that. He wanted to bring them to the right way but none of them 49 his advi



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