2019年人教版八年级英语上册Unit 9单元测试卷(含答案)

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1、 八年级上册英语unit9单元测试卷1 单项选择(10分)( )1.Igot invitationfromMary.Sheaskedmeto goto concertwithher.A.a;a B.an;the C.an;/ Da;the( )2.Themanistooold.He lookafterhimself andhastodependonhisson.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt( )3.Jennyisnotbusytoday,soshe Joes invitationtojoinhimforlunch.A.accepted B.made C.refuse

2、d D.replied( )4.Dontwastewater.Waterisveryimportantandno onecanlive it.A.without B.with C.for D.in( )5.Thanksfor metheCD.Ilikeitverymuch.A.send B.sent C.sending D.tosend( )6.Waiter,thissaladgoesbad.Couldyoupleasegive me one.A.other B.another C.others D.theother( ) 7.Theboyis thirsty(口渴的)andhedrinks

3、water.A.toomany;toomuch B.toomuch;toomanyC.toomuch;muchtoo Dmuchtoo;toomuch( )8-Mom,shallwehavesuppernow? -Oh,wewonthavesupper yourdadcome back.A.until B.since C.while D.after( )9.I hisinvitationbecauseIhadtolookafter mysister.A.turnedon B.turneddown C.turnedoff D.turnedup( )10.-Jim,wouldyouliketogo

4、hikingwithmenext Friday?- .Whenshallweleave?A.Yes,Idloveto B.Sorry,IcantC.Yes,I would D.No,Iwouldnt二完形填空。(10分)DearMrMonkey, Howiseverythinggoing?Id loveto 1 youtomybirthdaypartyonNovember 16th.Areyou 2 then?Pleasedocome,I reallymissyou.Theother3 likeMiss Giraffe,MrTigerandLittleKoalaallwanttoseeyou.

5、too.Wedontthinkthepartywillbefun 4 you.Youaresuchaninterestingfriend.Thepartywillstartatfive.Wewillhaveabig 5 first.Thezookeeperwill 6alotofdeliciousfoodforus.Ihearshewillalsomakea bigfruitcake.Letsenjoyit 7 .Then,we canwatchTVinmyhouse. 8 wecanplaysomegames.Couldyoupleasebringyourcamera?Imalwaysdre

6、amingofhavinga 9 withsomanyfriends.Ihopeyoucanhelpmewith that.Imlookingforwardto 10 you. Yours, MissPanda( )1.A.forget B.refuse C.accept D.invite( )2.A.possible B.available C.healthy D.fresh( )3.A.guests B.doctors C.musicians D.students( )4.A.for B.unless C.until D.without( )5.A.meeting B.meal C.eve

7、nt D.show( )6.A.prepare B.peel C.mix D.shake( )7.A.together B.already C.enough D.almost( )8.A.And B.But C.Though D.So( )9.A.walk B.photo C.trip Dmirror( )10.A.findingout B.lookingfor C.listeningto D.hearingfrom三阅读理解(30分) ADear Jane,I am having a dinner party at Garden Restaurant on December 1st, 201

8、8 to celebrate my mothers birthday. It is a great thing for our family. You are a good friend of my family, so my parents and I hope you can come.The party will start at half past six in the evening. There is going to be a small concert. A band is performing some popular and classical songs at first

9、. Then two 11-year-old boys are having a talent show. Theyre showing a special kind of dance. At around eight oclock, we are starting our dinner. We can talk and laugh during the dinner. And then we are taking some photos together. Every friend can get a red hat before leaving.I know youre always bu

10、sy these days, but I hope you can make it.( )1. Dave is having a birthday party for his _. A. daughter B. son C. mother D. father( )2. A _is performing songs at first. A. girl B. boy C. waiter D. band( )3. The dinner is starting at around _. A. 6:00 B.6:30 C. 7:00 D. 8:00( )4. They are taking photos

11、 _. A. after dinner B. after the concertC. before dinner D. before the concert( )5. The underlined phrase “ make it” means _.A. keep healthy B. get there on time C. feel better D. have fun BWhen you have a dinner party,what should you do? The following will help you. Try to open the door for each gu

12、est (客人) .If someone else answers the door,go to welcome your guests as soon as you can. Always offer to take their coats and ask,Would you like me to take your coat?”People often bring gifts like flowers or chocolate to a dinner party. Be ready to receive (接受) the gifts. Get a vase so that you can put the flowers in water. Never leave a guest unattended (没人照顾的) ,especially when there is only one of them. If there is more than one,they can talk to each other.Ifthe party is at home,a good idea is to have a toilet (洗手间)sign (指示牌)forpeople who dont know your



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