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1、2010高考英语 语法 专题复习系列课件 31 动词的语态 PassiveVoice被动语态 Leadin Rockets use tosendupsatellites areused 火箭发射图 Therocket sendup intospace isbeingsentup 污染图 Theairandthewater pollute arebeing polluted 砍伐图 Trees cut down Soil wash away arebeingcut willbewashed 拳击图 Aboxer beat down hasbeenbeaten 双子楼图 Thetwintowers

2、 attack in2001 wereattacked 生病图 Theboymay infect withAIDS havebeeninfected 表格 被动态基本结构 am is aredone was weredone am is arebeingdone was werebeingdone shall willbedone wouldbedone have hasbeendone hadbeendone Oralpractice 主动句改被动句 Oralpractice 1 Changeeachsentenceintopassivevoice Acarknockedhimdownyes

3、terday Twodoctorsandtennursesmakeupthemedicalteam WhenIgotthere theywerecuttingupafallentree Hewasknockeddownbyacar Themedicalteamismadeupof Afallentreewasbeingcutup 4 We llputontheplaynextSunday 5 Workersarebuildinganewteachingbuildinginourschool 6 Theyhadcompletedtherailwaybytheendoflastyear Thepl

4、aywillbeputonnextSunday Anewteachingbuildingisbeingbuilt Therailwayhadbeencompletedbytheendoflastyear 7 Weshouldprotecttheearth 8 Youneedtopaintthewall 9 Myunclegavemeagiftonmybirthday IAgift Theearthshouldbeprotected Thewallneedstobepainted Iwasgivenagiftonmybirthday Agiftwasgiventomeonmybirthday 1

5、0 Wealwayskeeptheroomclean 11 Weoftenhearhimplayguitar 12 Theysawaboyflyingakite Theroomisalwayskeptclean Heisoftenheardtoplayguitar Aboywasseenflyingakite Correctingmistake 2 Correctthemistake s ineachsentenceifany 1 Twoboyshurtwhileplayingaball 2 ThesingerlivedinLondonuntilhewassendingtouniversity

6、 3 Howlongdoyouthinkthemeetingwillbelasted wassent willlast werehurt 4 Afirewasbrokenoutlastnight 5 Hehadtotravelbybusashiscarwasdamagedinanaccidentafewdaysbefore 6 Thelargebuildingthatisnowbuiltwillbeahospital hadbeendamaged isnowbeingbuilt brokeout 7 Classisbegunat7 30everyday 8 Hisplanissoundedgo

7、od 9 Yourcoatneedsbeingwashed begins sounds tobewashed washing 主动式表被动义 Thebooks well A weresoldB sellC havesoldD arebeingsoldThiskindofcloth easily A haswashedB waswashedC washesD iswashed B C 主动式表被动义 动词 表示主语的属性特征 副词 well badly easily smoothly 用主动式表被动义 read write sell wash clean wear lock open cook

8、shut dry eat drink Thefishisnotfit eat WefindEnglishhard learn Thearticleisdifficult understand toeat tolearn tounderstand 不定式在某些形容词后作状语 且和句子的主语 或宾语 构成动宾关系时 用主动式表被动义 difficult easy hard fit pleasant good comfortable light heavy safe Ihavealotofhomework do I llgivehimsomebooks read todo toread 不定式作后置

9、定语 与被修饰的名词构成动宾关系 又和该句主语 或宾语 构成主谓关系时 用主动式表被动义 表示状态特征的连系动词 adj n 用主动式表被动义 1 表示状态特征的连系动词 adj n 用主动式表被动义 look sound feel smell taste prove appear make Thesteelfeelscold 2 表示 开始 结束 运动 的动词用主动式表被动义 begin open start stop end finish shut move run Theshopopensat6am everyday 表示主语的属性特征的动词 副词well badly easily sm

10、oothly 用主动式表被动义 3 表示主语的属性特征的动词 副词well badly easily smoothly 用主动式表被动义 read write set sell wash clean wear open cook lock shut dry eat drink Thepenwritessmoothly 4 作 需要 讲的want need require后接动名词作宾语时 用主动式表被动义 当然也可接不定式的被动式作宾语 Yourjacketneedswashing tobewashed 5 不定式在某些形容词后作状语 且和句子的主语 或宾语 构成动宾关系时 用主动式表被动义

11、difficult easy hard fit pleasant good comfortable light heavy dangerous safe Thefishisnotfittoeat 6 不定式作后置定语 与被修饰的名词构成动宾关系 又和该句主语 或宾语 构成主谓关系时 用主动式表被动义 但若用在therebe结构中 主动 被动均可 口语中常用主动式 Ihavealotofhomeworktodo Therearemanythingstodo tobedone 7 betoblame表示 应受批评 责备 用主动式表被动义 Theboyistoblameforwhathehasdon

12、e 8 不及物动词和一些不及物动词短语没有被动语态 rise happen succeed remain takeplace breakout belongto loseheart consistof addupto 加to for 在下列动词后 常在间接宾语前加to bring give hand lend offer pass sell show pay promise take teach etc 在下列动词后 常在间接宾语前加for buy build cook cut choose find fetch do fix get keep make order paint sing et

13、c 含双宾语的主动句变被动句 一般变间接宾语 指人 为主语较多 若把直接宾语 指物 改为主语 则在间接宾语前加上适当的介词 Anewshirtwasbought me Themagazinewaspassedon him Thosebooksweresold Tomat5dollarseach Anotherpieceofmusicwasplayed thepatients Thecupwithmixturewasshowed theclass Agooddinnerhasbeenordered theguests for to to for to for 带双宾语的主动句改被动 注意 see

14、 watch hear notice feel make listento lookat等动词 短语后作宾语补语的不定式都不带to 但改成被动语态后必须带to 1 Anexhibitionofpaintings atthemuseumnextweek A aretobeheldB istobeheldC areholdingD willhold Multiplechoice B 2 I msorry sir Yourrecorderisn treadyyet It inthefactory isbeingrepairedisrepairedhasbeenrepairedhasn tbeenre

15、paired A 3 Everypossiblemeans butnone successful A hastried hasprovedB tried provesC hasbeentried provesD isbeingtried isproved C 4 Thequestionheaskedishard A foranswerB toanswerC tobeansweredD answering B 5 Inwarmweather fruitandmeat long cannotbekeptdon tkeepmustn tkeepisnotkept A 6 Hereceivedatel

16、egram Motherill A writtenB readingC saidD writing B 7 Didyouhandhimtheletteryesterday No I tohim broughtittookithaditsentcarriedit C 8 Alicehadadress lastweek A madeB makeC tobemadeD tomake A 9 Theteachercouldn tmakehim attentiontobecausethestudentsweresonoisy paypaidtopaytobepaid B 10 Whenwillthelecturebegin Whenthestudents A havesatB satdownC willsitD areseated D Quiz1 Quiz11 Thesteel cold A isfeltB wasfeelingC feelsD isbeingfelt2 Hisplan good A hassoundedB issoundingC issoundedD sounds C D Qu


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