do you have a soccer ball.ppt

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1、WelcometoTongwenMiddleSchool Doyouhaveasoccerball Unit5 SectionA 九江市同文中学 龚丽君 足球football soccer篮球basketball排球volleyball乒乓球ping pong tabletennis网球tennis手球handball棒球baseball垒球softball羽毛球badminton冰球icehockey水球waterpolo板球cricket橄榄球rugby football曲棍球hockey保龄球bowling高尔夫球golf 单词大比拼 Let splay单词大比拼 A What sthi

2、s B It sa A Doyouhavea B Yes Ido No Idon t soccerball basketball volleyball baseballbaseballbat Doyouhaveasoccerball Yes Ido Ihaveasoccerball Doeshehaveatennisracket No hedoesn t Hedoesn thaveatennisracket Doesshehavebadmintons Yes shedoes Shehassomebadmintons Dotheyhaveabaseball No theydon t Theydo

3、n thaveabaseball Listentotheconversations Matchthepeoplewiththeballs 听一遍录音 将人物与各种球匹配 Tapescript Conversation1 A Doyouhaveasoccerball Peter B No Idon t A DoesyourbrotherAlanhaveone B Yes hedoes Conversation2 A Hi Mike B Hi Ed A Iwanttoplaybasketball Doyouhaveabasketball B Yes Ido A Great Conversation

4、3 A Hi Sally B Hi Jane A Sally thisismyfriend June B Hi June Nicetomeetyou C Nicetomeetyou Sally B Let splaytennis Doyouhaveatennisracket Jane A Sorry Idon t Conversation4 A Doyouhaveavolleyball Barry B No Idon t Butmybrotherdoes Let sgoandfindhim 情景对话Makeconversationsaboutthesportsyoulike 你可以用到以下句型

5、 A Doyoulike B Yes Ido Ilikeitverymuch A Whataboutbaseball B No Idon t Idon tlikeit A OK Let splay afterclass B Thatsoundsgreat Makeconversationsaboutthesportsyoulike 你可以用到以下句型 A Doyoulike B Yes Ido Ilikeitverymuch A Whataboutbaseball B No Idon t Idon tlikeit A OK Let splay afterclass B Thatsoundsgr

6、eat Makeconversationsaboutthesportsyoulike 你可以用到以下句型 A Doyoulike B Yes Ido Ilikeitverymuch A Whataboutbaseball B No Idon t Idon tlikeit A OK Let splay afterclass B Thatsoundsgreat exercise I Fillintheblankswithhave has do does don t doesn t 1 I abookandhe apen 2 They acolorTV 3 She asister He abrother 4 I havecomputer Tom one 5 Doeshe acomputer No he 6 Doyou abackpack Yes I 7 Doesshe aruler Yes she have has have has has don t has have doesn t have do have does 你想参加学校的体育俱乐部吗 快填写表格 向教练介绍你自己吧 Tosportsclubs Homework 听磁带第五单元单词 熟记本课单词与句型 用所学到的英语句子来描述你房间所拥有的物品和所没有的物品 Goodbye Thanks


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