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1、Unit3 第2课时教学设计【内容来源】人教PEP四年级上册 Unit3【主 题】My Friends【课 时】第2课时:A. Lets talk A. Lets play B. Lets sing一、教学目标1. 能简单询问关于他人的信息,并能简单描述他人的外貌和体形特征。2. 能根据描述判断出描述的是哪一个人。3. 能听懂、会唱“Lets sing”部分的歌曲。4. 掌握单词“his”的含义和用法。5. 在交流和活动中激发学生了解朋友和同学的欲望。二、教学重难点重点1. 能简单询问他人的情况,并能简单介绍他人的体貌特征。2. 能根据描述判断描述的是哪一个人。难点单词“his”尾音的发音。三

2、、教学准备教师准备教学过程中所需的教学音频、人物照片等。四、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up课堂口语练习。T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Zhang.T: I am your teacher, Miss Zhang. Lets be good friends, boys and girls. Follow me, friends, friends, make friends. Friends, friends, good friends.Ss: Friends, friends, make friend

3、s. Friends, friends, good friends. (学生互相握手和击掌)T: Good friends, nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?T: Very well, thanks. Today, many teachers come to our classroom, yes or no?Ss: Yes!T: What can we do?Ss: (Turn around) Teacher, teacher, welcome.

4、T: Good, we are good friends now.Step 2: Preview1. 学生两人一组进行问答练习,如:S1: Who is your good friend?S2: He/She is.2. 做“猜人”游戏。指名学生描述班中某一位同学的特征,其他学生猜这个同学是谁。Step 3: Presentation1. A. Lets talk.1. 新课导入。教师先做自我介绍:“My name is .”然后提问一名男生:“Whats your name?”该名学生回答之后,教师说:“His name is ./He is .”接着问:“Whats his name?”启

5、发学生回答:“His name is .”引导学生反复操练。2. 教师指一名女生问:“Whats her name?”学生回答:“Her name is .”然后让学生反复进行问答练习。3. 教师出示本部分的人物图片,与学生进行问答练习,如:T: Whats his/her name?Ss: His/Her name is.4. 教师说:“Look, I have some photos. Look at this photo. Who can tell me her/his name?”然后让学生根据照片进行描述,如:His name is Peter. He has short black

6、 hair and small eyes. He is short and strong.5. 教师出示John和他妈妈的图片,指两名学生问,如:T: What is his name?S1: His name is John.T: Who is she?S2: She is Johns mother.T: Now, Johns mother and John are talking about Johns Chinese friend.6. 让学生观看教学课件,然后回答问题。(1) Does John have a Chinese friend?(2) Whats his friends n

7、ame?(3) Is he tall and strong?Answers:(1) Yes, he does.(2) Zhang Peng.(3) Yes, he is.7. 让学生听录音跟读对话,并让学生分角色表演。Step 4: Practice1. A. Lets play.玩“猜人”游戏:让一名学生描述自己的朋友,其他学生根据描述猜猜这个人是谁,如:My friend is a boy. Hes thin. He has short hair. He likes maths. Whos he?2. B. Lets sing.(1) 教学歌曲中的关键词组“clap your hands”

8、。教师请班级中两位学生上讲台表演自己的一项才艺,学生表演完后,教师带头鼓掌。教师也可以多请几位学生上讲台进行表演,帮助学生明白词组“clap your hands”的意思。(2) 教师播放本部分的歌曲录音,让全班学生小声跟录音唱歌曲。(3) 再次播放歌曲录音,全班学生跟录音大声唱歌曲,当唱到“clap your hands”的时候,学生就一起拍手。(4) 让全班学生分组比赛唱歌曲。Step 5: Extension1. Play cards.同桌A、B两人拿出Wu Yifan,Zhang Peng等人的图片。A让B抽一张,B抽出图片时不能翻过来看,A问:“Whats his name?”让B回

9、答:“His name is .”B如果答对就得到这张卡片,然后继续游戏。最后谁得到的卡多谁就获胜。2. Read and draw.学生阅读下面一段话,然后逐个上台,每人一笔,把画补充完整。I have a friend. She is a girl. She has a big face, a big nose, a small mouth and big eyes. She has long hair. She is tall. Her name is Step 6: Homework1. 听两遍“Lets talk”部分的对话。2. 用所学的句型和词汇描述你的同桌。【板书设计】Unit3The Second PeriodI have a new friend.Really? A Chinese friend?Yes, hes very friendly.Whats his name?Look! Hes tall and strong.Whats her name?Oh, there she is.【教学反思】


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