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1、真空吸尘器充电输入输出测试(可充电型)修订日期修订单号修订容摘要页次版次修订审核批准2011/03/30/系统文件新制定2A/0/批准:审核:编制:真空吸尘器充电输入输出测试(可充电型)1.0 Purpose / 目的To measure the charging input/output of the charger when the sample is in recharging.評估可充电型樣機的充电器在充电过程中其输入输出是否符合安全要求.2.0 Definition/概念:2.1 Discharge-Operate the sample no longer to operate wi

2、th the switch in the“on” position for an additional hour. 电池完全放电-运行样機直到其完全停止,再保持开关处在开的位置上多一个小时2.2 Recharge-Charge the discharged sample for 16 hours through the charger connected to supply mains of 120V/60Hz. 充滿电-让电池完全放电的样機通过充电器接上120V/60Hz电源充电16小时.3.0 Reference Documents/參考文獻:ULS-01017-DMLW-DataShee

3、t-2001 Form Issued: 1992-07-01 Form Revised: 2006-07-074.0 Equipment/設備:4.1 Frequency converter. (變頻电源)4.2 Power analyzer(功率分析仪)4.3 Datalogger&plug-type module(安捷伦Datalogger和通道插板)4.4 J-type thermocouple wire. (J 型溫度線)4.5 Sicomet99 & Parsec Activator.4.6 UL test carpet.( UL 地毯)5.0 General Instruction

4、s/說明:5.1 Tests may be conducted at any ambient temperature within a range of 10-40 (50-100). 測試可在1040(50100)之內的環境溫度下進行.5.2 Unless otherwise noted, all tests are to be conducted with appliance connected to a 120VAC, 60Hz power source. 除非另外说明,否則所有样機都将连接在120V/60Hz電源下进行測試.5.3 All equipment used must be

5、calibrated on an annual basis. Calibration stickers with last calibration and calibration due date must be affixed to each instrument. 使用的所有設備都必須以一年為周期進行調校.載有最後調校日期和調校周期的調校粘紙必須被粘固在每一個儀表上.5.4 For this test, the sample must be operated from chamber temperature. 所有测试中样機都从室温状态起动.6.0 Procedure/步驟:6.1 Obt

6、ain a representative sample of the appliance to be tested. 準備一台有代表性的樣機用來測試.6.2 Obtain Test Results Form TTR1030 and completely fill in the information describing the sample and the equipment used prior to running the test. 用TTR1030結果的表格, 在測試運作前完整地填入樣機和使用的設備的情況.6.3 Discharge and recharge the sample f

7、or 16 hours, then discharge it. 将样機电池完全放电后, 充电16小时再完全放电。6.4 Connect current channel of module in series into the positive wire of the charger and the voltage channel in parallel connection with the charger. 将充电器正极线从中剪断引两条线接到插板电流通道用来测量充电器输出电流;再分别从其正负极线各引一条线到插板电压通道用来测量充电器输出电压.6.5 Connect current chann

8、el of module in series into the line conductor of the cord connected to output socket of power analyzer. 将功率分析仪的输出插座的火线从中剪断引两条线接到插板电流通道用来测量充电器输入电流。6.6 Plug the module into datalogger and set up relevant configuration. 将插板插入安捷伦Datalogger,充电器插入功率分析仪的输出插座,充电器的输出插入样機的充电孔。6.7 Recharge the sample and reco

9、rd corresponding data in the form described in Figure 1 在电脑中设置好测试参数,开始记录数据后,让样機开始充电,按图1测试结果表格记下按时间间隔从零秒开始到充电90分钟时间里的输入输出值。7.0 Results/結果:7.1 Use the corresponding Test Results Form TTR1030 to report all numerical results as the information described below. 使用TTR1030測試結果的表格, 除報告所有數字結果外, 還有下列描述的資料.7.2

10、 Clearly and completely describe all parts that are part of this evaluation. Include all model numbers, manufacturing date codes, materials, plastic part revision letters, and modification status. 清楚并完整地描述本評估的所有零件, 包括所有型號名稱, 材料和塑膠零件改版符號.7.3 Clearly and completely describe all special conditions of the test (i.e. Was the test performed in exact accordance with the test procedure or were there special variations). 清楚并完整地描述所有測試的特殊條件(即按照測試程序實際進行的測試或特殊的變改).


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