入职头几个月最重要的10件事 .pdf

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《入职头几个月最重要的10件事 .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《入职头几个月最重要的10件事 .pdf(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、First months at a job what are the most important things to accomplish 入职头几个月最重要的10 件事 In order of importance 按重要性排序如下 Figure out how your performance will be measured get the explicit metrics and numbers 1 确定业绩衡量方式 了解明确的指标和数据 Learn the core skills of your job The things required to be seen as a dep

2、endable reliable resource 2 掌握所在岗位的核心技能 要把它们看成可靠的 值得信赖的资源 Nail your first 3 assignments and over communicate your progress to your boss as you work through each assignment Ask for feedback at each step and mostly listen ask questions during the feedback 3 确定三项首要任务 完成每项任务时 与上级详细沟通取得的进展 每一步都 要征求意见 在反馈

3、期间要认真倾听 同时还要提出问题 Figure out how your assignments and role contribute to the overall company objective This will help you begin to learn about how to make tradeoff decisions on how to spend your time 4 搞清楚你的任务和角色对公司整体目标所起的作用 这么做会帮助你就如何分 配时间做出均衡的决定 Find someone just ahead of you in your tenure 1 2 yea

4、rs and get them to show you how to be successful an informal mentor 5 在任期 1 2 年 内找到一位刚好领先你一个身位的同事 请教他们 如何才 能取得成功 他们可以作为你的非正式导师 Figure out how your boss is measured and what is the weakest part of their performance by the end of month 6 you should find a way to contribute to that objective outside of

5、 your own personal responsibilities This is very high 6 搞清楚衡量老板绩效的方式及他们绩效中最薄弱的环节 等到第 6个月结束时 除履行个人职责外 你应该找到办法 帮助老板改善这个环节 这一点要求很高 Leverage extra credit and will help differentiate you 7 利用额外的加分项能让你脱颖而出 Meet and build rapport with the people in your org who you will depend upon Do one nice thing for ea

6、ch of them perhaps helping them on a project or just offering thanks and feedback for a job well done 8 结识值得信赖的公司同事 和他们建立融洽的关系 为他们当中的每个人做件 好事 例如为他们的项目提供帮助 或者只是在他们出色地完成了某项工作后说 声谢谢 给予他们反馈 Spend time with your team out of work Get to know them personally 9 工作之余花时间陪陪团队中的成员 试着去了解他们 Learn to give the elevator pitch on the importance of your role business unit strategy and company mission These things come in handy 10 学会就自己职责的重要性 业务部门战略和公司使命发表电梯演讲 这些迟 早会派得上用场


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