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1、(江苏专版)2017高考英语二轮复习与策略专题限时集训13记叙文专题限时集训(十三)记叙文A(2016南通、扬州、淮安、宿迁、泰州第二次调研)My mum was young when she fell pregnant with me.After I was born it was decided that my fathers relatives would _1_ me in Manchester.No one spoke about mum.Eventually, I was shown letters from mum,_2_ that she was a drug addict.A

2、ll this was running through my head as I arrived in Glasgow on 27 December last year.My sister Leanne, from my mothers side, had _3_ me down on Facebook, and we had been _4_ for a while, but had met only once or twice.Leanne had been brought up by our mothers parents, and had some _5_ with mum throu

3、ghout her life.She was now living in Canada, but returning for Christmas and _6_ to see all the family together.A big party had been arranged to welcome her back, and everyone would be there, including our _7_In a very short time my sister and I hatched a _8_Id meet my sister as she arrived at Manch

4、ester airport, then wed drive up to Glasgow _9_Keeping it a surprise gave us a rush.After about a fourhour drive, we were there.Id _10_ called someone“Mum” before.But there she was.We embraced(拥抱) and were soon _11_We could hardly get the words out fast enough.Seeing someone so alike looking back at

5、 me was the strangest but most _12_ experience.Though a lifetime may have _13_ us, this woman at a party in Glasgow was my mum.She _14_ at me for a second, before giving me a tight hug.All she could say was that she never thought wed _15_ again.Shed been _16_ of drugs for five years.She told me how

6、she now works for a charity that helps young people _17_ the same problems she had.We now talk regularly, and I feel _18_ shes my mother.Thats something I couldnt have even _19_ when the door opened to her at that Christmas party.Life may be short, but its always _20_ enough to reconcile (和好)本文是一篇记叙

7、文。作者的母亲是一个吸毒成瘾者,所以法院判决父亲在曼彻斯特的亲戚来抚养作者。去年圣诞节作者终于和母亲相认,如今他们经常联系,母亲已经成功戒毒五年了,她现在为一家慈善机构工作以帮助年轻人解决和她遇到的同样的问题,作者为母亲感到自豪。1A.teachBcontrolCserveDraiseD考查动词。“我”出生后,法院判决“我”父亲在曼彻斯特的亲戚来抚养“我”。raise意为“抚养,养育”;teach意为“教,教授”;control意为“控制,支配,管理”;serve意为“服务,服役,任职”。2. AforeseeingBrevealingCarguingDpromisingB考查动词。最终,“我

8、”看到的妈妈的信件,信中内容表明她是一个吸毒成瘾的人。reveal意为“显示,表明,透露,揭露”;foresee意为“预见,预知,预料”;argue意为“争论,辩论”;promise意为“承诺,保证”。3. AknockedBtrackedCrolledDturnedB考查动词。来自“我”母亲那一方的“我”的妹妹琳恩在脸书上搜寻到“我”。track down意为“追查到,搜寻到,跟踪找到”; knock down意为“打倒,撞倒;推倒,拆掉;降价,减价”;roll down意为“滚下”;turn down意为“关小,调低;拒绝”。4A.negotiatingBcomplainingCmessa


10、在生活在加拿大,但回来过圣诞节,渴望看到所有的家人团聚在一起。desperate意为“极需要的,渴望的”;reluctant意为“勉强的,不情愿的”;afraid意为“害怕的,担心的”;confident意为“坚信的,有信心的”。7A.sisterBfatherCmumDgrandparentsC考查名词。为了欢迎她回来,家人安排了一场盛大的派对,每个人都会到场,包括我们的妈妈。8. AdealBplanCtrickDchangeB考查名词。“我”的妹妹和“我”很快就策划了一个方案。plan意为“计划,方案”;deal意为“协议,交易”;trick意为“诡计,花招”;change意为“变化,改

11、变”。9A.in advanceBin turnCin secretDin timeC考查介词短语。根据下文的Keeping it a surprise可知,当“我”妹妹到达机场时,“我”去接她,然后我们悄悄地开车去格拉斯哥。in secret意为“秘密地,暗中”;in advance意为“提前”;in turn意为“依次,轮流;转而,反过来”;in time意为“及时;最终,最后”。10A.everBevenCalwaysDneverD考查副词。根据上文的No one spoke about mum可知,“我”以前从来没有称呼过某个人“妈妈”。但是她就在那里。11A.looking away

12、Bchatting awayCturning upDpicking upB考查动词短语。根据下文的We could hardly get the words out fast enough.可知,“我们”拥抱之后就闲聊起来了。chat away意为“闲聊”;look away意为“把目光移开,看别的地方”;turn up意为“开大,调高;出现,露面”;pick up意为“好转,改善;捡起;接载;学会”。12. AdisturbingBannoyingCcomfortingDfrighteningC考查形容词。看到如此相似的某个人回头看着“我”是最奇怪但又是最令人感到安慰的经历。comforti


14、会儿。stare at意为“盯着看,凝视”;laugh at意为“嘲笑”;yell at意为“叫喊,吼叫”;point at意为“指向,对准”。15A.partBsufferCrecoverDmeetD考查动词。她说的所有的话都是她从未想到“我们”会再次见面。16A.cleanBawareCshortDfondA考查形容词。根据该段后文可推知,她已经五年不再吸毒了。clean意为“清白的,没有私藏违禁品(如枪支、毒品)的,无犯罪记录的”,这里意为“不再吸毒的”。17A.discussBovercomeCexploreDstressB考查动词。句意:她告诉“我”她现在是如何为一家慈善机构工作的,

15、该慈善机构帮助年轻人克服和她遇到的同样的困难。18A.guiltyBembarrassedCproudDshockedC考查形容词。句意:我们现在经常交谈,而且“我”为她是“我”的母亲感到自豪。proud意为“骄傲的,自豪的”;guilty意为“内疚的,有罪的”;embarrassed意为“尴尬的,难为情的”;shocked意为“惊愕的,震惊的”。19A.imaginedBignoredCquestionedDrecalledA考查动词。当在圣诞节的派对上这扇门向她打开时,那是“我”本来甚至无法想象的事情。20A.toughBhappyCsimpleDlongD考查形容词。句意:人生可能是短暂的,但足够让人们重修于好。B(2016北京丰台一模)My tenth Christmas was one I was not lookin


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