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1、钟山风景名胜区是国家5A级旅游景区、全国生态文化示范地、世界文化遗产所在地。位于南京市东北郊,以中山陵为中心,包括钟山(紫金山)、玄武湖两大区域 ,总面积约45平方公里。这里自然风光优美、古迹文物丰富,有“金陵毓秀”的称誉。景区分为两部分:中山陵、灵谷寺景区以及明孝陵景区。有中国民主革命伟大先驱者孙中山先生的陵墓中山陵以及辛亥革命名人墓。还有孙权墓、明孝陵、灵谷寺等多处名胜古迹。Zhongshan scenic spot, a National 5A Scenery Sites, is the model national place of ecological culture with th

2、e world culture heritage. It is located at a suburb northeast of Nanjing city, with the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum as its center, including of Purple Mountain and Xuanwu Lake. It is about 45 square kilometers. Being honored as “great and charming place”, it has a very beautiful natural landscape and abun

3、dant historical sites and cultural objects. The scenic spot could be divided into two parts: Purple Mountain, Scenic Spot of Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum and the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple and the Scenic Spot of the Ming Tomb. The great pioneer of Chinas democratic revolution-Dr. Sun Yat-sen, as wel

4、l as other famous people in the Revolution of 1911s mausoleums are located at here. In addition, there are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, such as the Tomb of Sun Quan, the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple and the Scenic Spot of the Ming Tomb, etc.巍巍钟山,青松翠柏汇成浩瀚林海,空山鸟语、山灵水秀,清幽的“城市森林”凸

5、显“山水城林”融为一体的独特韵味。又有200余处名胜古迹交相辉映,或镶嵌、或依傍、或伫立,勾勒出一条大象有形的历史文脉。 当你徜徉其间,饱览钟灵毓秀,探访历史遗存的时候,景区内各处别具特色的生态休闲公园、互动游乐设施亦可带给你足够的惊喜和欢娱。Purple Mountain has a vast sea of green pines and cypresses. With bird chirps resounding in the empty mountain, this picturesque and tranquil “urban forest” features its unique c

6、harm integrating “mountain, river, city and forest”. It constitutes a grand and tangible vein of history and culture, together with its over 200 places of interest. While admiring its picturesque sceneries and visiting its historical relics, you will derive ample surprise and pleasure from unique ec

7、o-leisure parks and interactive recreational facilities distributed throughout this scenic area.中山陵、灵谷寺景区以民国文化、生态休闲文化、佛教文化为主。中山陵平面呈警钟形,有警钟长鸣,唤起民众之寓意。中山陵是民国建筑的经典之作;人们用一座中山陵,半部民国史来概括它在中国近代史上的文化地位。音乐台为中山陵纪念建筑之一,是世界上与大自然结合最紧密、最具特色的露天音乐台。灵谷景区是国民革命军阵亡将士纪念建筑群所在地,这里古木参天,曲径通幽,灵谷深松在明、清两代均被列入金陵胜境。景区内广植桂花,每到秋季,

8、丹桂飘香,香气馥郁,是赏桂休闲的好去处。无梁殿是我国历史最悠久、规模最大的砖砌拱券结构殿宇。Both the Scenic Spot of Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum and the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple feature the culture of the Republic of China and the ecological culture. Shaped like an alarm bell, Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum connotes “awakening the common people w

9、ith the bell ringing all the time”. Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum is a piece of classic works among the buildings of the Republic of China. People summarizes its cultural status in modern Chinese history with “an epitome of half of the history of the Republic of China”. As one of the memorial buildings

10、 in Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum, the Music Stand is the most characteristic outdoor music stand that is most closely connected with the nature in the world. The Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple features its towering ancient trees and zigzagging paths leading to the depth of tranquility. It was designated

11、 as “one of the famous scenic spots in Nanjing” in both the Ming and Qing dynasty. This scenic spot is covered with sweet-scented osmanthuses. In autumn, the fragrant scent of sweet-scented osmanthuses drifts here and there in the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple, which is a nice resort for appreciating

12、 osmanthuses. Beamless Hall is a brick-made arched hall with the longest history and the largest scale in China.明孝陵景区以明代文化和生态休闲文化为主。明孝陵是明代开国皇帝朱元璋的陵寝,开启了明、清两代帝陵的规制。明孝陵前后历时38年才建成,如今已历经了600多年风雨沧桑,2003年被列入世界遗产名录,是南京唯一的世界文化遗产。景区除包括明孝陵主体建筑外,还包括朱元璋太子朱标的陵墓、孙权墓、梅花山、蒋介石墓址正气亭、六朝祭坛以及新建的梅花谷等景点。The Scenic Spot of

13、 the Ming Tomb focuses on the culture of the Ming Dynasty as well as the ecological and leisure culture. As the tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Tomb initiated the regulation of imperial tombs of the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty. With its construction lasti

14、ng for 38 years, the Ming Tomb has witnessed more than 600 years of vicissitudes. In 2003, it was recorded into The World Heritage List, becoming the only site of world cultural heritage in Nanjing. This scenic spot not only includes the main buildings of the Ming Tomb, but also such scenic sub-spots as the Tomb of Zhu Biao, eldest son of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Tomb of Sun Quan, Plum Blossom Hill, Zhengqi Pavilion, the site chosen for the tomb of Chiang Kai-shek, the Sacrificial Altar of Six Dynasties and newly-built Plum Blossom Valley.



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