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1、Unit 3 Under the Sea 海底景观1 课文重点句型解析。1. “Come on, Clancy. To the boat,”. “快点,克兰西。快到船上去。”Come on. 意为:“来!快!得啦!加油!”表示劝说、激励、不耐烦等语气。拓展:Come along! 快来!赶快!加把劲!Come again. 请再说一遍!你说什么来着?How come.? 怎么回事?怎么发生的?怎样解释?when it comes to sth./to doing sth. 当涉及某事/做某事时eg:If she spent five years in Paris, how come her F

2、rench is so bad?既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?When it comes to teaching students English, he has a lot to say. 当涉及教学生英语时,他有很多话要说。例1:Im dead tired. I cant walk any farther, Jenny._, Tommy. You can do it!ANo problemBNo hurryCCome on DThats OK2.The fish didnt seem to mind me swimming among them.鱼儿好像并不介意我游在它们

3、中间。me 在句中用做 swimming 的逻辑主语,这叫做动名词的复合结构。动名词的复合结构的其中一种形式是“物主代词或名词所有格动名词”,在句中做主语、宾语、表语等。如果不是在句子开头,这个结构常常可以用名词的普通格(或人称代词的宾格)。eg:He left the city without our knowing it.他离开这个城市我们大家都不知道。(做介词的宾语)What is most important is Toms going there at once.最重要的是汤姆立刻到那里去。(做表语)例2:Do you mind _ alone at home?ATom leavin

4、g BTom having leftCToms being left DTom to be left3.It was a time when the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called, helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。解释It was/is a time when 曾经一度(那时)eg: It was a time when m

5、otorcars were rare. 那是汽车很罕见的时代。例3:翻译:曾经没人能理解我的计划和雄心。 4.I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, raced after him.我早就听说过,乔治不喜欢等人,所以尽管我还没穿上捕鲸该穿的衣服,还是跟在他背后跑了起来。解释even though=even if即使,即便(引导让步状语从句)eg: We wont give up even if we shoul

6、d ten times. 即便我们失败十次,我们也不会失败。例4:翻译:即便你无路可走,你也不能任由自己放弃自己的目标。You should not resign yourself to giving up your goal, .5.Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day-a day of pure magic!我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情-这可是奇妙至及的一天。解释with+宾语+宾语补足语 在句中充当状语,表伴随,原因等eg:T

7、he teacher came in with a thick book in her hand.老师走了进来,手里拿着一本厚厚的书。例5:翻译:我睡觉时喜欢开着窗。(使用with复合结构) .2 单项选择1Do you mind my smoking here?_. ANo, thanksBNo. Good idea CYes, please DYes. Better not2.The 1930s, when he was in his twenties, _ the sufferings that the Chinese were bearing from the war. Aobserv

8、ed Bwitnessed Cproved Dsupplied3.The plan was _ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost. Areleased Bdeserted Cresigned Dabandoned4.When you write your goals in a particular way, you are able to make yourself continuously _ situations that will bring you nearer to your goal. Aaware

9、 of Bworried about Cfamiliar with Daccustomed to5.(2010成都联考)Look! Everything here is under construction.Whats the pretty small house that _ for? Ais being built Bhas been built Cis built Dis building6._ clearly aware of the danger ahead, he accepted the task without fear. AAs if BThough CIf DSo7.The

10、y urged that the library _ open during the vacation. Amust be kept Bis kept Cwould be kept Dbe kept8.(2010北京海淀期末)Please put the medicine on the top of the shelf. Its _ our children cant reach it. Awhat Bthat Cwhere Dhow9.I know he is untrustful. _ I must admit he is a good worker. AAs a result BIn o

11、ther words CAfter all DIn the meantime10._! I didnt hear you clearly. Its too noisy here.I was saying that the film is wonderful. ACome again BCome along CCome on DCome here11.(2010年高考浙江卷)The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct _.Asolution BtargetCme

12、asure Dfunction12.(2010年厦门双十中学高三月考)After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families.Aaccommodation BoccupationCequipment Dfurniture13.(2010年德州高三教学质量检测)Susans strong love for her country is _ in her recently published poems.Arelieved BreflectedC

13、responded DRecovered3 单词填空,每空一词。1Her sad look _(反映) the thought passing through her mind.2These requirements are absolutely basic to a good _ (关系)3Hotel _ (住宿) was scarce during the Olympic Games.4Hes got nothing beyond his state _ (养老金)5Nobody knew the _ (深度) of her love for the child.四翻译。1.The rea

14、son _(他们放弃了) the search on a large scale was that the lost child had little chance of survival.(abandon)2.With many of his works _(被出版),he became more and more famous.(come)3.Over the last six years Ive had time to reflect on the extraordinary events _(我亲眼目睹的)(winess)4. On top of the mountain _(有一座古老的庙宇),which attracts a lot of visitors.(


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