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1、精品资源掌握英语Unit 1 School and Friends-Writing 本单元的话题为“学校和朋友”,要求介绍白己或朋友,以及所在学校的情况。在介绍自己或朋友时应交代姓名、年龄、班级、出生地等基本信息,在介绍相关学校时应把学校的主要建筑物说明一下。(一)单元话题短语积累1be from。来自2over there在那里3homeroom teacher指导教师4visiting student访问生5show。around带领参观6have lessons上课7play sports进行体育运动8have fun玩得愉快9play a guessing game玩一个猜谜游戏10s

2、hopping list购物单阅读下面的短文,并选择合适的答案。This is our school。It is big。Look!(1)_ is over there。We can borrow books from it。Our teachers office is near it。Our teachers (2)_ their lessons there。This is our lab。We have our science classes here。We have a big playground。We play sports and have fun there。We also(还)

3、 have a store in our school。We can buy things there。Lets go to our (3)_We have our lessons in it。We have a big blackboard on the wall。Our desks and chairs are in the classroom。Our books and pencil boxes are on the desks。 Our pens, pencils, erasers, rulers and so on(等等) are in our pencil boxes。Our cl

4、assroom is nice。 (4)_ is Henry。He is my new friend in my class。He is a visiting student in our school。(5)_ is a handsome(帅气的)boy from Canada。He is in Class 9, too。He is my classmate。He is my good friend。 My school is great。I like my school。1A。Our lab BOur library CA store DA big playground2A。borrow BHave Cplan Dbuy3A。classroom BLibrary Clab Dplayground4A。She BIt CThis DThey5A。This BThat CShe DHe小组探究这是一篇介绍校园生活的文章,请在阅读短文的基础上,思考以下问题,然后根据首字母提示完成图表空缺的单词。1文章从哪几个方面介绍了校园生活?2文章的13段分别介绍了学校生活的哪些方面?3文章最后一段表达了什么情感?4如果就本文中的某一方面进行写作,你会怎样写?新的学校,新的班级,你一定认识了很多新朋友。请你把临班的一位好朋友介绍给全班同学。_勤学苦练考点突破


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