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1、2019年中考英语数词语法考点剖析 (名师剖析中考必考知识点数词,建议下载练习)考点一 数词的确指和概指(两年未考,只做了解)1表示确指。表达确切数量直接用基数词或分数、小数等。hundred, thousand, million, billion等前有具体数词修饰时,不能用复数形式。2表示概指。ten, hundred, thousand, million, billion等可以构成短语,表示不确切的数量。此时这些词用复数形式,不能被具体数字修饰,后面与of搭配。1(2018黑龙江龙东中考)The ice and snow in Harbin is beautiful, so every w

2、inter tourists come here.Atoo million ofBmillon ofCmillions of2(2018重庆中考A卷改编) visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.AThousandBThousand ofCThousands of3(2018云南曲靖中考改编)In our hometown, villagers leave for big cities to look for jobs.Atwo hundreds ofBhundred ofChundreds of4(2017

3、四川凉山中考改编)Last week, five students took part in the sports meeting in our school.Ahundred Bthousands Chundreds of5(2017新疆乌鲁木齐中考改编) students went to the university to listen to the speech.AThousand of; 120minutesBThousands of; 120minutesCTwo thousand; 120minute6(2017重庆渝北中考改编)I hear that youve got a “l

4、ibrary” at home.Yes. Ive already had books.Ahundred ofBhundreds ofCfive hundreds考点二 基数词变序数词的规则1不规则变化。onefirsttwosecondthreethird2基数词419在词尾加th。fourfourthnineteennineteenthfivefiftheighteighthnineninthtwelvetwelfth3整十数基数词2090变ty为tie再加th。twentytwentiethninetyninetieth4两位数或两位数以上的非整十数的序数词只将最后一位数变为序数词,其他的

5、几位数仍用基数词;hundred, thousand等只在词尾加th。twentyonetwentyfirstone hundredhundredth序数词的前面可以加上不定冠词,表示“再一,又一”。You may have a third try.你可以再尝试一次。 1(2018黑龙江绥化中考)This is my day to be here.Aa second Bthe second Csecond2(2018湖南邵阳中考)My daughter is years old. Today is her birthday.Anine; ninethBnine; ninthCninth; ni

6、ne3(2018四川遂宁中考改编)Its time for me to visit the Guanyin Lake.Afive Bthe five Cthe fifth4(2018四川达州中考改编)Which country do you think will win the first prize of the FIFA World Cup?You mean the football match will be held in ?Atwentyone; RussiaBtwentyfirst; RussianCtwentyfirst; Russia5(2017辽宁营口中考改编)How was

7、 your day off yesterday?Great! It was my grandmas birthday. We had a big family dinner.Aeightieth Bthe eightieth Ceighteenth6(2017山东青岛中考改编)My father gave me a bike on my birthday.Aten Ba tenth Ctenth7(2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考)Today is my cousins birthday. I am going to his birthday party tonight.AnineteenthBth

8、e nineteenthCnineteen8(2017湖南郴州中考)Amy will be an elder sister. Her parents are going to have child.Atwo Bsecond Cthe second9There are months in a year. December is the month of the year. Atwelve; twelveBtwelve; twelfth Ctwelfth; twelve10(2017哈尔滨中考)How do you keep fit?I live on floor. I walk upstairs

9、 instead of taking the lift every day.AtwelveBthe twelveCthe twelfth考点三 分数的表达法(两年未考,只做了解)分数用基数词作分子,序数词作分母。分子大于1时,作分母的序数词用复数。1/3one third2/5two fifths1/2a half 1/4a quarter分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由分数指代的名词的数决定。Two thirds of the children are from Canada.三分之二的孩子来自加拿大。1 of the coats made of cotton. They feel comf

10、ortable.ATwo thirds; isBTwo thirds; areCTwo third; is2Do you mind telling us something about this area? Not at all. of the land in this area covered with trees and grass.ATwo fifth; isBTwo fifth; areCTwo fifths; is3(2017贵州安顺中考改编)Mom, of the apples gone bad.Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possi

11、ble.Aone third; haveBone thirds; haveCone third; has考点四 数词的应用(两年未考,只做了解)1表示编号结构:名词(首字母大写)基数词the序数词名词Lesson onethe first lessonClass one, Grade two注:有些编号一般仅用第一种表达法。Room 101 101号房间2数词前加every,表示“每一次”every four years 每四年一次3基数词的复数形式表示年代和年龄(1)表示年代: in the年份的复数在几世纪几十年代in the 1870s在十九世纪七十年代(2)表示年龄: in ones整

12、十的复数表示在某人几十岁时in his forties在他四十岁时4“几个半”的表达法基数词anda half名词复数基数词名词(单数/复数)anda halftwo and a half hourstwo hours and a half 两个半小时5时刻表达法(1)整点: 基数词(oclock)seven (oclock)(2)几点几分的读法直接读法: 先读小时,后读分钟3:25three twentyfive间接读法:a)30分钟:分钟past小时3:25twentyfive past threeb)30分钟: (60分钟)to(小时数1)3:55five to fourc)15 min

13、utesa quarter30 minuteshalf an hour6:15a quarter past six 6:30half past six6:45a quarter to seven6日期表达法年月日的表达顺序是“月日年”,常在日后加逗号,表示在某年某月某日用介词on。例如on April 5, 2013。读年份的时候先读前两位数,再读后两位数;读日时要加the。2007年3月21日March the twentyfirst, two thousand and seven1Which room do you live in? AThe 201 RoomBRoom 201CRoom 201st2 , CocaCola began to enter Chinas market.AIn 1970s BIn 1970s CIn the 1970s3The train from Shanghai will arrive Ain quarter past sixBin a quarter past six Cat a quarter past six4My friend was born on Athree of July, 1979Bthe third of July, 1979C1979, July the third5It



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