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1、冀教版英语八年级下册Unit3Lesson22学案Lesson 22 April fools学习目标:掌握词汇及短语:joke,yourselves识别词汇及短语:fool, trick, April Fools, play a joke on预习自测:1.Its _(愚人节)。2.Lets _ _ _ _(开个玩笑) someone today.3.Lets tell Danny that the bear _ _ _(出来) the zoo.4.We heard it _ _ _(通过广播)。5.You told the bear to _ _(醒来)。6.Danny _ _ _ _(上窜

2、下跳)。7.Youre _(开玩笑),arent you?8.We _(骗) you, Danny!探究与点拨:1.fooln. 傻瓜,笨人 eg:What fools we were not to see the joke. 我们听不懂这笑话,真傻。v. 欺骗,愚弄She fooled the old man out of all his money. 她骗走了老人所有的钱。2.April Fools Day 愚人节,还可写作April Fools 或All Fools Day.3.joken. 笑话,玩笑 eg:Its no joke. 那可不是玩笑。v. 说笑话,开玩笑 eg:She n

3、ever jokes with anyone. 她从不和别人开玩笑。4.play a joke on sb 开某人的玩笑,戏弄某人 eg:We all play a joke on him. 我们都取笑他。have a joke with sb 与某人一起以某事取笑 eg:I stopped to have a joke with him.我停下来与他一起说笑话。make a joke about/of sb/sth 那某人(某事)开玩笑 eg:Dont make a joke about him/his shortcomings.别拿他/他的缺点开玩笑。5.get out of 从出来,离开

4、,出外走动 eg:You should get out of your house more.你应该多出去走走。get out of sth/doing sth 逃避(责任或义务),不做份内的事,(使某人)放弃、停止或戒除(习惯等)。eg:I wish I could get out of going to that meeting.但愿我能不去参加那个会议。I cant get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning.我早上一到六点就醒,这习惯改不了。6.Theres a fierce bear coming. 有一只凶猛的熊来了。c

5、oming 是bear的定语,相当于定语从句that is coming。eg:There is a bag lying on the ground. 地上有个书包。There are some boys _football over there.有些男孩在那边踢足球呢。7.trickn. 诡计,花招eg: You cant fool me with that old trick. 你玩弄那种老化找骗不了我。诀窍,技巧eg:I cant open the box-is there a trick to it?这个箱子我打不开-有什么好办法吗?v. 欺骗,欺诈eg:Youve been tric

6、ked. 你被骗了。The young man tricked me out of 50 yuan.这个年轻人骗走我50元钱。当堂反馈练习:A. 根据首字母填空:1.They remember April first is April F_ Day.2.What does the word “joke” m_?3.Lets tell him that the monkey got o_ of the zoo.4.Lets play a j_ on someone today.5.Maybe the bear will e_ Danny.B. 汉译英:1.这个男孩喜欢开玩笑。The boy likes _ _ _.2.让我们告诉李明猴子从动物园里出来了。Lets tell Li Ming _ _ _ _ _ of the zoo.3.明天是愚人节。Tomorrow is _ _ _.4.可能照相会惊吓到动物。Maybe taking photos _ _ the animals.5.播音员说那只老虎看起来很饿。The man _ _ _ said that the tiger _ _.


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