【中学教材全解】2020学年八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use教材听力原文译文 (新版)外研版

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【中学教材全解】2020学年八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use教材听力原文译文 (新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Module 12 Unit 3 Language in use6 Listen and complete the sentences.We were having dinner at home when the earthquake happened. The room started to shake and before we knew what was happening, Father shouted to everyone to get under the kitchen table. We all sat on the floor under the table and wait

2、ed. When the ground stopped shaking, we got up and we werent hurt. We couldnt get out of the room, because the door wouldnt open. My father called for help on his mobile phone, and in three hours, people came to help us. They opened the door. We got up and left our flat.听录音并完成句子。当地震发生时,我们正在家吃晚饭。在我们知道发生什么之前,房间开始晃动,父亲叫喊着让大家躲到厨房的桌子底下。我们都坐在桌子底下的地板上等着。当地面停止晃动时,我们站了起来,而且我们没有受伤。我们不能从房间里出去,因为门打不开了。我父亲用手机进行呼救,3小时后,有人来帮助我们。他们打开了门。我们起身离开了公寓。



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