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1、 Unit7Howmucharethesesocks Welcometoourclass 七年级 上 Singasong TenlittleIndianboysOnelittle twolittle threelittleIndians fourlittle fivelittle sixlittleIndians sevenlittle eightlittle ninelittleIndians tenlittleIndianboys Doyoulike shopping clothesstore trousers shorts socks shoes hat bag jacket sweat

2、er shirt T shirt skirt Newwords baghatshirtT shirtsweaterskirtsocksshoespantsshorts 包帽子衬衫T恤毛衣裙子袜子鞋子裤子短裤 1 socks 2 T shirt 3 shorts 4 sweater 5 bag 6 hat 7 trousers 8 shoes 9 jacket 10 skirt dollar Howmuchisit It stendollars 1 onedollar 2 twodollars HowmuchisthisT shirt It ssevendollars Howmucharethe

3、sesocks They reonedollar howmuch 用来问 价钱 多少 的用法 howmuch eg Howmuchisthissweater Itistendollars Itis 价钱 Howmuchis 可数名词 单数 eg Howmucharetheseshoes Howmuchare 可数名词 复数 Theyarefivedollars Theyare 价钱 Pairwork 6 8 4 9 5 3 7 1c A Howmuchisthis B It sdollar s Pairwork A Howmucharethese B They redollar 9 9 8 2

4、 7 s trousershortshoesock ssss 裤子短裤鞋袜子 apairofapairofapairofapairof Howmuchis It s Howmuchare They re PAIRWORK Playagame rules 规则 全班同学分成两组 用15秒钟的时间记住所给衣物的价格 老师来问学生Howmuchisthis 或Howmucharethese 老师数到3的时候 知道答案的同学可以站起来回答 完全正确的得1分 分数最多的是冠军 prices 10 Exercises 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1 Howmuch be thesweater It be t

5、wodollars 2 Howmuch be thesesocks They be tendollars is are is are 单项选择1 A isthisdictionary B It stendollars A HowmanyB HowC HowoldD Howmuch2 Howmuchare A theshoesB thehatC thebagD theT shirt3 aretendollars A ThepantsB ThesweaterC ThehatD Thechicken4 isonedollars A TheshoesB ThepantsC ThehatD Thesho

6、rts D A A C 总结一下 Wehavelearntthenewwords 2 学会询问价格用howmuchHowmuchis 可数名词 单数 Howmuchisthissweater Howmuchare 可数名词 复数 Howmucharetheseshoes Newwords hatshirtT shirtsweatersocksshoesbagpantsskirtshorts 帽子衬衫T恤毛衣袜子鞋子包裤子裙子短裤 Homework 1 Writethenewwordintheexercisebook2 Makeasurveytoyourfamily thengettheinformationabouttheprices 价格 thecolorsoftheirclothes 衣服 Thankyou


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