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1、最新资料推荐中考英语阅读理解解题技巧点拨一、中考英语阅读题目的考查类型和解题技巧 中考英语阅读题目主要有以下四种类型,现将每一种类型的考查要点和解题技巧分析如下:1.主旨题( To find out the main idea) 其目的是考查对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。 解题技巧为:找主题句。 应先通读全文,理解大意,充分理解主题句的意义。主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。主旨题常见题式为:1.Which is the best title of this passage?2.The main idea of this passage is_3.The passage mainly t

2、ells us:_例题1Happiness is for everyoneIn fact, happiness is always around you, if you put your heart into itHappiness is not the same as money, it is a feeling of your heartWhich of the following is this passage about?A.Bad luck B. Good luck C. Happiness D.Life(答案为C)例题2Its so crowded in Florida! We h

3、ad to wait a long time to go on the rides sometimes.The paragraph mainly tells us: A. Its so crowded in Florida. B. We had to wait a long time . (答案为A)2. 细节题( To look for details) 细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设题。 解题技巧为:快速捕捉信息,尤其是一些事例、数字等,划出相关句子,进行对照。例题1:Peter started playing for the local club w

4、hen he was only 10 years old in 1948. In 1970,he was in the team that won the World Cup for Brazil again. He finally stopped playing in1977.How many years did Peter play football?_(答案为29 years.抓住两个年份数字1977-1948)细节题中的难点常为此类问题:Which of the followingis True/Not True?这类题目要求从文中不同的地方挑出信息对事实进行判断。选项之间没有联系。

5、解题技巧为:仔细回读相关信息。针对选项,逐个判断正误,1道等于3道。例题2It seems that everybody tells lies well, not big lies, but what we call “white lies” .Telling white lies isnt that bad. Most of the time ,people do it because they want to protect a friendship.( )Which of the following is not True? A. White lies are not big lies.

6、 B. In fact, everybody tells lies . C. People tell white lies to protect a friendship. D. White lies are harmful to friendship. (答案为D. 答题时要求对每个选项进行回读确认信息,然后判断。)3. 推断题( To infer a conclusion) 推断题就是根据某个事实推断结论。包括:数据事实推断、常识推断以及作者的写作目的、态度和倾向等的推断。 解题技巧为:寻找线索,悟出字里行间的意思。常见题式:1)From the passage we know that_

7、2)From the passage we can infer(推断)that_ 注意:此类题目无法从原文中找到一模一样的句子。如:The doctor gave my sister some medicine, but it did nothing to her.( )From this sentence know_. A. my sister didnt like this medicine B. my sister took the medicine C. the medicine made my sister sick D. my sister got better now (答案为B

8、. 根据后半句的but it did nothing to her推断得出我姐姐吃了这个药。)4.猜测词义题( To guess the meaning) 猜测词义题主要考查根据上下文正确判断灵活变化的词义能力。 解题技巧为:通过阅读上下文,断定该词的真正含义。 常见题式如下:1)The word “” in the passage probably means_.2)What does the word “”mean_.3)The underlined(划线的) word means_例题3 Besides the usual classrooms and laboatories, the

9、boarding schools have lots of other facilities for their students, including music rooms, borts, swimming pools, cinemas and theaters. The underlined word means _. A.教师 B. 设施 C. 活动 D. 课程二、书面回答问题的特点和解题误区 书面回答问题在设置问题时通常针对文中的5W和How即who, when, where, what, why,和how(how long, how far, how fast)。基本属于细节题,能

10、在原文中找到。通常最后一个问题属于开放性题目。做这种题目时,必须看懂有关内容及前因后果,因为开放性题目的答案可以有许多,只要言之有理,都能得分。书面回答问题时,必须指导学生了解不同问题类型的回答方式,如一般疑问句用yes/no回答,选择疑问句不能用yes/no回答等。在书面回答时还要注意文字的书写,意思表述的简单明了,单词的大小写、名词的单复数、动词的人称、时态、语态等。在平时教学中, 经常发现学生能看懂文章, 也能正确地找出原文中的句子,但在书面回答时却出错,这是很可惜的。现在我来分析一下回答问题存在的几个误区和产生的原因,期望通过分析后能帮助学生提高回答问题的得分率。回答问题解题误区1:

11、回答不完整例1. Where do the writer and his grandpa go every Saturday?回答:The nursing home. (文中原句为:Every Saturday, Grandpa and I walk to the nursing home to )正确答案为:To the nursing home例2. Where was the exhibition held?回答: A hall. (文中原句为:He hired(租用) a hall.)正确答案为:In a hall 解题技巧点拨: Where =介词+地方例3. How many sh

12、eep are coming?回答: Two hundred. (文中原句为: There were about two hundred sheep coming towards us down the hill.) 解题技巧点拨: 数字前的修饰词,如more than, less than, almost, nearly, about等一定不能忘例4. How long has he stayed in Beijing?回答:Ten days. (正确答案为:For ten days)对比:5. How long did it take Mr. Smith to reach the grou

13、nd floor one morning?回答:For almost 10 minutes.(文中原句为:All this took him almost 10 minutes.) 正确答案为:Almost 10 minutes. 解题技巧点拨: How long 应用“for+一段时间 ”来回答,但在“it takes sb. some time to do sth.” 这个句型中是没有”for”的。回答问题解题误区2:时态错误例1. What did you think of the holiday?回答:Its terrible. 正确答案为:It was terrible.例2What

14、 do you think of Tom?(故事发生在过去)回答:He is kind. 正确答案为:He was kind. 解题技巧点拨: 回答问题时看清楚问题的时态是很重要的。回答问题解题误区3:句法(人称)错误例1. What did Robert and John want James to do? (文中原句为: “ What you have to do is to give us the car keys.” Robert and Adam said to James.)回答:They wanted to give us the car keys.正确回答:They wante

15、d James/him to give them the car keys. 解题技巧点拨: : 人称转换是回答问题中容易忽视的环节。六、提高阅读能力的其他必备条件 阅读能力的提高不是一朝一夕的事,除了掌握一定的阅读技巧之外,词汇量起着决定性的作用。因此,我们要不断扩大词汇量,学会利用词缀来猜测词义。另外,我们还要扩大知识面,增加背景知识。背景知识材料多样,包括天文地理、风土人情、政治历史、人物传略、科学技术等等。一旦对文章有了背景知识,就会提高我们对文章的理解能力。词汇题解题技巧 词汇题一般会明确地告诉考生出题点在哪里,不需要考生查找所考查内容。它可以考一个单词的含义,一个词组的意思,或者考一个句子的弦外之音



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