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1、What sthisinEnglish StarterUnit2 Period1 Listenandrepeat What sthatinEnglish It sajacket What sthisinEnglish It sanorange What sthisinEnglish It sa amap acup k p What sthisinEnglish It sa What sthisinEnglish It sa akey ki apen apencil pen What sthisinEnglish It sa aruler What sthisinEnglish It sa aq

2、uilt ajacket kwilt What sthisinEnglish What sthisinEnglish adesk desk It sa abanana What sthisinEnglish It sa anorange anapple What sthisinEnglish anEnglishbook I What sthisinEnglish apenacupakeyaruleraquiltajacketamap Let scompare 比较 anorange WHY anEnglishbook anegg anapple a 用于首字母发辅音音素的可数名词前 an用于首

3、字母发元音音素的可数名词前 an n orange anegg anEnglishbook anapple apen amap aquilt adesk akey apen aquilt ajacket aruler amap anorange anapple acup anEnglishbook What sthisinEnglish It sanegg What sthatinEnglish It saruler What sthatinEnglish It sanapple What sthisinEnglish It saquilt What sthatinEnglish It saj

4、acket What sthatinEnglish It sanorange What sthisinEnglish It samap map钢笔orange夹克衫jacket尺子key钥匙quilt地图pen被子ruler橙子 将英语单词和相应的中文意思相连 考考你的短时记忆 What sthatinEnglish It sajacket What sthisinEnglish It sanorange Practicetheconversationinthepicturewithyourpartner Thenmakeyourownconversations 练习图中对话 然后与同伴编新对

5、话 pairwork What sthis thatinEnglish It sa an Lookforthesmalllettersinthepictureforthesebigletters Check theonesyoufind 在图中找出下列大写字母的小写 在找到的字母后打钩 1a ABCDEFGH Revision AaBbCcDd EeFfGgHh ei i bi si di ef di eit I i J j k l m K L M N O P Q R n o p q r Doyouknowtheseletters ai ei kei el em en pi kju a 2a

6、Listenandrepeat 听录音并跟读 ai 1 2 ei kei el em en pi kju a readlikethis ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR AHJK BCDEGP FLMN I O Q R ei e ai i ju a 2d Writethemissingbigletterorsmallletterforeachpair 补全每组所缺的大写或小写字母 Whatdotheymean Parking停车场 区 美国全国篮球协会 公斤 身边英语知多少 D 停车区 Doyouknow 3 kg A 肯德鸡 美国 全国篮球协会 B D 停车区 C 中央电视台 E 光盘

7、A 肯德鸡 美国 全国篮球协会 B F 千克 D 停车区 E 光盘 A 肯德鸡 美国 全国篮球协会 B What sthisinEnglish StarterUnit2 Period2 readlikethis ai ei kei el em en pi kju a I i J j k l m K L M N O P Q R n o p q r ai ei kei el em en pi kju a 请大声朗读字母 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR AHJK BCDEGP FLMN I O Q R ei e ai i ju a adesk akey apen aquilt ajacket

8、aruler amap anorange anapple acup anEnglishbook 练习a an并编对话 可实物练习 a u e a a a ck t a y a u t an r g a en l m j k i o p 2 3 4 5 6 7 Listenandnumberthepictures 1 8 听录音 为图片编号 3a r r p a e e q l a n e a u c p 8 3b Listenandcompletethewordsunderthepicturesin3a 听录音 补全3a的对话 Listentotheconversation Thenpract

9、icewithyourpartner It samap M A P key pen cup ruler Listen numberthewordsyouhear 1 4 3d Tapescripts Conversation1A What sthisinEnglish B It sakey A Spellit please B K E Y Conversation2A What sthatinEnglish B It sacup A Spellit please B C U P Conversation3A What sthatinEnglish B It saruler A Spellit

10、please B R U L E R Conversation4A What sthisinEnglish B It sapen A Spellit please B P E N Tapescripts What sthatinEnglish It sanorange Spellit please O R A N G E Talkaboutthethingsinthepicture 与同伴谈谈图中的物品 Fillinthemissingletters Numberthewordsinthecorrectalphabeticalorder 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

11、14 15 Listenandrepeat A I Dale Grace Frank thanks A B C D E G evening F Helen 字母i在开音节中的发音 i在闭音节中的发音 字母o在开音节中的发音 o在闭音节中的发音 j K E l M N I hi fine quilt O O OK orange jacket map pen H P TrytoreadthenewwordsinColumnB 根据A栏发音规律 尝试读出B栏中的生词 J Grace Frank thanks A B C D E G evening F Helen E A name can he le

12、g K Dale jacket map L M N pen I O I hi fine nice quilt milk O OK orange go dog A Goodafternoon BenB Good Emma A Ben isDale Dale this Ben B Niceto you C Nicetomeetyou Emma look What that A It sa ExerciseOne afternoon this is meet too is map 1 What sthis English A atB inC of 2 What sthat akey A That sB ThisisC It s 3 Thisis nicepen A aB C you 4 I Frank This Ben A am amB is isC am is ExerciseTwo B C A C 汉译英 将下列句子译成英语 这用英语怎么说 What sthisinEnglish 这是一个直尺 It saruler 请将它拼写出来 Spellit please



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