2019-2020学年度衡水桃城中学七年级英语下册5月23日 周测试卷

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2019-2020学年度衡水桃城中学七年级英语下册5月23日 周测试卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年度衡水桃城中学七年级英语下册5月23日 周测试卷_第3页
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《2019-2020学年度衡水桃城中学七年级英语下册5月23日 周测试卷》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年度衡水桃城中学七年级英语下册5月23日 周测试卷(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、班级: 姓名: 学号: 出题人:苏凡迪英语周测 (满分:100分 时间:40分钟)1、 单项选择。(30分)1. Look!Two_areplayingbasketballontheplaygroundA. manteacher B. anteachers C.menteacher D. menteachers 2. -_shoeswouldyoulike? -Size40 A. What B. Whatkindof C. Whatsize D. Howsize3. In our school library there _ a number of books on science and t

2、he number of them _ growing larger and larger. A. is, are B. are, is C. has, is D. have, are4. Wouldyouplease_thisboxtothenextroom?A. take B. bring C. put D. get 5. -Letsplaycomputergames -_ A. Itdoesntmatter B. No, Idont C. Thatsoundsreallyboring D. Itsnothing 6. Themanagergavethestaff(职员)aday_ A.

3、away B. off C. far D. of 7. I_pizzaforlunchItwasterribleA. had B. watched C. bought D.saw 8. It rained _ last Sunday. They had to stay at home.A. all the day B. all days C. the all day D. all day 9. Sometimesourteacher_usajoke A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks 10. Thisbookisntmine_yoursItshersA. A

4、nd B. but C. or D. so11. _ cats _ is bad for them. A. Feed, much too B. Feeding; much tooC. Feed, too much D. Feeding, too much12. Mrs.Green always _ about her daughters study. I ask her not to be so _ all day, but it doesnt work. A. worried, worried B. worries, worried C. worried, worries D. worrie

5、s, worry13. -When _ you free last week ? -Well, I _ have a free day because there was too much work to do. A. did, didnt B. were, didnt C. were, wasnt D. did, wasnt14. He _ me his name, but I cant remember it now.A. tells B. will tell C. told D. is telling15. Tom didnt know _ this word.A. what to sp

6、ell B. what do spellC.How do spell D. how to spell二、阅读理解。(20分) ItwasafineSundaymorningLarry1 stayathomeHewasona 2 tothezooAwomanwithababy gotonthebusMikestoodupand 3 toher. Comeandsit here, please. He helped the woman 4 . The womansaid5 tohimTwentyminuteslater,thebus 6 at the zoo. Larry got off the

7、bus and said 7 to the woman. LarrywentintothezooHe 8 alotofanimals,andhealso 9 many photos. He spent a happy weekend because he helped others and enjoyed 10 in the zoo.1. Awasnt Bisnt Cdoesnt Ddidnt 2. Away Bzoo Cbus Dbike 3. Aspoke Bsaid Ctold Dtalked 4. Asitdown Bgeton Cgoout Dstandup 5. Athanks B

8、hello COK Dsorry 6. Astop Bstops Cstopping Dstopped 7. Agoodbye Bsorry Cgoodmorning Dhello 8. Acaught Blooked Csaw Dread 9. Amade Btook Cfed Dused 10. Aherself Bhimself Cplaying Dfishing三、阅读理解。(20分) AManypeopleliketotravelbyplane,butIdontlikeitbecauseanairportisusuallyfarfromthecityYouhavetogetthere

9、earlyandwaitforhoursfortheplanetotakeoffanditisoftenlateYoucantopenthewindowsYoucannotchoosethefoodPlanesarefast,buttheystilltakehourstogooutoftheairportandintothecity Iliketravelingbytrain.Ithinktrainsaresafe.Railwaystationsareusually incitiesWhenyouarelateforatrain,youcancatchanotheroneYoucanwalka

10、roundonthetrainandopenthewindows.YoucanseemanyinterestingthingsonyourwayHowever, Iknowittakesalittlemoretime Ialsolikecars.Youcanstartyourjourneywhenyouwantto,andyoudonotneedtogettoarailwaystationorabusstop.Alsoyoucancarrymany thingswithyouinacarButsometimestherearetoomanycarsontheroad1.Whydomanypeo

11、pleliketotravelbyplane? A Becauseitisfast BBecauseitissafe C.Becauseyoucanwalkaroundintheplane DBecauseitischeap2.Whichisnotthegoodthingaboutthetrain? AItissafe BIttakesalittlemoretimeCYoucanopenthewindows DYoucanwalkaroundinthetrain 3.Ifyouwanttotakealotofthingswithyou,whatdoyoutaketogoout? AAbus B

12、Acar CAtrain DAbike 4.Whatisthebadthingaboutthecar? AYouneedntgotoastation BYoucanstartyourjourneyatanytimeCTherearetoomanycarsontheroad DYoucancarrymanythings5.Whatdoesthewriterthinkoftheplane,thetrainandthecar? AHethinksittakesalotoftimetogotoandgetoutoftheairportBHelikestotakeatrainbecauseittakesalittlemoretimeCHelikestotakeacarbecausehehasacar


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