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1、外研版 英语 五年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module1Unit2Shedidn thaveatelevision 第一课时 试着说出下列动词的过去式 watchtalkcookcan watched talked cooked could 用动词或动词短语的过去式描述图片上的内容 cookedonafire fire 火 炉火 tired ire 用动词或动词短语的过去式描述图片上的内容 workedinthefields work 工作 劳动 worker 工人 劳动者 动词 er 从事该动作的人 field 田地 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 He work inthefieldsn

2、ow 2 He work inthefieldsyesterday isworking worked 用动词或动词短语的过去式描述图片上的内容 hadatelevision 用动词或动词短语的过去式描述图片上的内容 hadaradio radio 收音机 radios Ihavetworadios 用动词或动词短语的过去式描述图片上的内容 hadatelephone tele phone telephone tele vision television tele gram telegram Shehadatelevision Shehadaradio Shehadatelevisionanda

3、radio Shedidn thaveatelevision Shedidn thavearadio Shedidn thaveatelevisionoraradio or的用法 Theyare 1 Thereisn tanyairwateronthemoon 2 Thestudentssangdancedintheparkyesterday or and couldn t can t can not not could 过去式 Hecouldn tspeakEnglishtwoyearsago write 写 like bike ie ing write 写 writ e wrote nig

4、ht 夜晚 right light igh Hehasgotstronglegs Hecanjumpreallyfar Buthedidn thaveanylegsthen Look listenandsay Amy Hehasgotstronglegs Hecanjumpreallyfar Tom Buthedidn thaveanylegsthen Saytrueorfalse 1 Whenhewasyoung thefroghadgotstronglegs 2 Whenhewasyoung thefrogcouldn tjumpreallyfar F T Amy Hehasgotstro

5、nglegs Hecanjumpreallyfar Tom Buthedidn thaveanylegsthen 单项选择 1 Thereflowerstenyearsago A wereB wasC are2 Adogfour A havegot legsB hasgot legsC hasgot leg3 Shedidn thaveacomputeraradio A andB ofC or 1 熟读今天学过的单词并每词抄写五遍 2 用学过的单词 or 写一个句子 3 朗读教材P5Activity1Look listenandsay 4 预习教材P5Activity2Listenandrea

6、d Homework 第二课时 nightworkfieldfireor radiotelephonecouldn twritehope 夜晚工作 劳动田地火 炉火也不 也没 收音机电话不能写希望 第二课时 Amy Hehasgotstronglegs Hecanjumpreallyfar Tom Buthedidn thaveanylegsthen Listenandchoose 1 Whowrotetheletter 2 Whogottheletter A B C D A B C D Readandfillintheblanks DearDaming Iwatchedatelevision

7、programmeaboutChinalastnight Anoldladytalkedaboutherlifemanyyearsago Sheworkedinthefields Shecookedonafire Shedidn thaveatelevisionoraradio Shedidn thaveatelephone Shecouldn treadorwrite Imissmygrandma Imissyoutoo Ihopeyouarewell Love Lingling Fillintheblanks Theoldladytalkedaboutherlifemanyyearsago

8、 Sheworked Shecooked Shedidn thave Shecouldn t inthefields onafire atelevisionoraradio readorwrite Answerthequestionsaccordingtotheletter 1 WhatdidLinglingdolastnight 2 Whatdidtheoldladytalkabout 3 Wheredidshecook 4 Didshehaveatelevisionandaradio 5 Wheredidshework 6 Couldshereadandwrite Shewatchedat

9、elevisionprogrammeaboutChina Shetalkedaboutherlifemanyyearsago Shecookedonafire No shedidn t Sheworkedinthefields No shecouldn t ai ay al au ar ar e rain play walk autumn farmer party warm quarter Listenandsay Listenandrepeat Listenandrepeat Listenandrepeat Listenandrepeat Listenandsay Thenchant The

10、worldischangingveryfast Manythingsaredifferentfromthepast Notallchangesareright ButsomechangesIreallylike Backthentherewerenocarsorbikes Wewalkedonfootwhereverweliked Nowtherearemanycarsandbikes Sowecandriveorridewhereverwelike Theworldischangingveryfast Manythingsaredifferentfromthepast Notallchang

11、esareright ButsomechangesIreallylike Do askandanswer hours days weeks months years A Wherewereyouthreedaysago B Iwas A Whatdidyoudothere B I Doandsay Interviewateacherandtellyourfriendsabouttheinterview Wheredidyoulivetenyearsago Ilivedinasmallvillage Thereweren tanysupermarkets Howaboutnow Iliveina

12、bigcity Therearemanysupermarkets Doandsay Interviewateacherandtellyourfriendsabouttheinterview Tenyearsago myteacherlivedinasmallvillage Thereweren tanysupermarkets Now 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 Twoyearsago there be azoo Nowthere be amarket 2 There benot anytelephonesmanyyearsago Nowmanypeople have one 3 Manyye

13、arsago he live inasmallhouse Nowhe live inabighouse was is weren t have lived lives 连词成句 1 a watched about I programme TV China 2 cooked She a fire on 3 didn t a a She radio have television or IwatchedaTVprogrammeaboutChina Shecookedonafire Shedidn thaveatelevisionoraradio listenandsay Summary listenandsay Summary 动词过去式变化规则 1 朗读Activity2的句型 2 用今天学过的句型写一写你这几年的变化 Homework 谢谢收看


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