人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Recycle 1-Look and tick&Find and circle

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1、Lookandtick Findandcircle grandfather grandmother long tall short fat thin thick big small little he she boy girl teacher student father mother brother sister uncle aunt man woman Let sread teacher man student woman boy girl 1 Lookandread 2 Lookandtick NEXT Who sthatwoman She sSarah smother Who stha

2、tman woman boy girl He s She sSarah s Who sthatwoman She sSarah sgrandmother Who sthatboy He sSarah sbrother Who sthatman He sSarah sgrandfather Who sthatgirl She sSarah Whoisnothere Lookatthecat It sfat It swhite It sfatandit swhite ThecatisfromtheUK ThecatisfromtheUK theUK theUK ThecatisfromtheUK

3、It sfatandit swhite It sfatandit swhite It swhiteandit sfat ThecatisfromtheUK It sfatandit swhite Let ssing manratpentencanbigfatthin Findandcircle manratfat penten e bigthin i Aa Aa Ee Ee e Ii Ii i Aa Aa ei Ee Ee i Ii Ii ai gladdiggetpigbedbadcatfitletdadnetsitbigatbet a Aboy girl man woman b She s He stall short fat thin c She Hehasbig smalleyes ears d She Hehasabig smallnose mouth e She Hehaslong shorthair Let sguess 参考句式 Listento Singasong Homework



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