六年级下册英语教案-Unit2 There is a park near my home Lesson9 |人教精通版

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1、Unit 2 There is a part near my home.学情分析:教学对象为六年级学生,他们已有一定的学习英语经历。儿童特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有强烈的的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有很强的表现欲。该年龄段的学生的性格特点介于对游戏的喜爱和对知识结构的理性分析,因此在课堂上游戏教学的效果会没有低年级那么明显。教师应采用新颖活泼的教学形式进行教学,保持并提高学生学习英语的兴趣。Lesson 9 (Teaching Plan)三维目标:一、知识与技能(一) 知识目标1. 能够听、说、认读以下单词:move - moved ,move to, go down this s

2、treet, turn right at the traffic lights, 2. 能够听、说、认读以下句子结构,并能熟练运用简单句式:How long does it take to go there on foot? My pleasure. Where is it? Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left.3能够听、说、读、写以下四会单词:move to, go down this street, turn right at

3、the traffic lights4. 能够运用本单元的语言知识进行扩展性的情景会话。(二) 能力目标1. To develop the ability of reading comprehension.2. To make up a short dialogue according to Lesson 9.3To cooperate with their partners.4.Pay attention to the handwriting and watch the mini-video.(三)教学重难点1. 掌握课文中的难点语言点,如:How long does it take to

4、go there on foot? My pleasure. Where is it? Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left. ect.能灵活进行运用和替换;2. 运用文中的语言材料编演新对话;二、过程与方法(一)教法:根据六年级孩子的认知特点、本课中我主要采用直观教学、情景教学等方法,充分利用多媒体、教具。注重将知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三维目标相统一,及时对学生的学习进行评价和激励,并充分利用交互电子白板的各种功能有

5、效地辅助教学。(二)学法:在学习英语的过程中,合作学习是一种良好的行之有效的方法。合作学习要求学生向别人提问,表达自己的观点,这样不但可提高学生的学习能力,而且更能促进他们对学习的兴趣。他们的英语口语也日渐流畅,最终提高了学生的自信达到了综合运用语言的目的。三、情感态度与价值观(一)情感态度目标1. 对学生进行良好行为习惯的养成教育。2. 培养学生互助友爱的品质。(二) 学习策略目标1. 能够主动与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。2能够注意观察生活中的与所学内容相关的事物,主动地将英语语言知识运用到日常生活中。3. 能够积极主动地调动各种感官参与课堂教学的各项活动。教学准备:A computer,

6、 some pictures and stick drawing, PPT课件教学过程:教学步骤教学意图Step 1.(Organizing the class)Step 2.(Everyday English: day / date / weather / )Step 3.(Revision of Lesson 7)T: Whos the girl? (Shes Susan.)T: Look at the picture. What picture is it? (Its a picture of Susans community.)T: Can you say something abou

7、t Susans community? Do it in pairs.(Retelling the whole text of Lesson 9 in pairs)课前热身,活跃课堂气氛。进行前面语言知识的,为新课的学习做好铺垫。教学步骤教学意图Step 4. (New Lesson)Part A.T: Look here. Whats this? (Its a map.)T: Yes, its a map of my community.T: What can you see on the map? (I can see )T: What can you see here? What do

8、you call them?T: We call them traffic lights.(Learning the new phrase: traffic lights)T: Can you see a truck on it? (Yes, we can.)T: Why is there a truck on the map? Do you know?T: Let me tell you. I moved to this community last week?(Learning the new word: move v. / move to )T: When did I move to t

9、his community?St: You moved to this community last week.T: Look! This is my building. Whats the name of my building?T: Where do I live?St: You live in Building.T: By the way, where do you live?St: I live in Building.T: Thank you. (St: You are welcome.)T: And here. You can also say, “My pleasure.”(Le

10、arning the new phrase: my pleasure )Part B.T: You know Im new here. And I really dont know how to get to different places. Could you help me?T: I want to go to the supermarket. How can I get there?T: Heres a sign. Can you show me the way?利用真实的map进行问答,导入新课,创造“问路”的情境,学习新知,为课文语言材料的学习打下基础。运用所学的词汇、句型进行真实

11、情境的问答,用以巩固新知。教学步骤教学意图St: Go down Blue Road. (Learning the phrase: go down / along )T: From this sing. What would you like to say to me?St: And then turn left.(Showing the picture of the earphone)(Learning the words: left / right )T: Can you show me the way? St: Go down Blue Road and then turn left a

12、t the traffic lights.T: But where is the supermarket? On the left or on the right?St: Its a on the right.Part C.T: I want to go to the bookshop. Can you show me the way?St: Go down Blue Road and then turn left at the traffic lights. The bookshop is on the left.T: Please discuss how to get to the sch

13、ool and the park.(Doing the tasks in groups and then showing the sentences)Part D.T: By the way, here is the clock. If I walk to the park, how long time do I spend?T: And we can also say, “How long does it take to go there on foot?” Guess the period of time.St: 10 / 20 / 30 minutes.T: Maybe, but I d

14、ont know. Let me have a try if I have time.Part D.T: Look at this picture. There are two girls here.运用所学的词汇、句型进行真实情境的问答,用以巩固新知。教学步骤教学意图Who are they?St: They are Lisa and Kate.T: They are talking about something. Lets watch TV and listen carefully.(Showing the whole dialogue)*Reading the whole dialog

15、ue and then reading it in roles.*Answering the following questions in groups.Part E.(Showing the map of the schools neighbourhood)T: Please choose a place to go. And then show the way to us in fours.(Showing the way how to get to different places)Part F.*Completing the exercises of Lesson 9.Part G.(Assigning the homework) Read the dialogue fluently, and then act out the dialogue in pairs. Please make up a ne


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