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1、非谓语动词 莆田第十二中学 不定式 一不定式的用法 Itisverydangeroustodoit 主语Toseeistobelieve 常用于句型 Itis adj for ofsb todosth eg Itisbraveofyoutodothat Itiseasyforyoutodothat 表示人物特征的形容词同of后的名词或代词有意义上的主表关系 常与of搭配 Brave careful careless clever considerate cruel foolish good honest kind nice right rude stupid silly thoughtful

2、wise wrong 表示事物性质的形容词与不定式关系密切 有主表关系 常与for搭配 Easy hard heavy necessary impossible possible important difficult Istillwanttobeaquietandhandsomeman 2 宾语IfinditinterestingtostudyEnglish 有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语 如 manage promise pretend plan offer agree ask dare choose fail help want refuse等 HowshouldImakemyteacher

3、believeit 3 宾语补足语Heaskedmetodotheworkwithhim 注意 在feel hear listento lookat notice observe see watch have let make等词后的补足语中 不定式不带to 但是变成被动结构 必须带to Iheardhimsingasong Hewasheardtosingasong 4 定语 PutinnowhastofindnewwaystodevelopRussianeconomy 注1 作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词 或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点 工具等 不定式后需有介词 Pleas

4、egivemeaknifetocutwith Thereisnothingtoworryabout Heislookingforaroomtolivein Heisthefirstonetocomehere 但是 不定式所修饰的名词如果是time place或way 不定式后面的介词习惯上可以省略 Hehadnomoneyandnoplacetolive in 注2 have表示 有 todo主动和被动意思不一样 Haveyouanythingtoclaim 申报 动作执行者youIamgoingtoBeijingnextweek Haveyouanythingtobetakentoyours

5、on 动作执行者是我 WhydidyouaskforleavelastFridaynight Totellyouthetruth Iwenthometowatch Runningman 5 状语 Icameheretoseeyou 目的 Wewereexcitedtohearthenews 原因 so asto such asto enoughto onlyto too to 这画面太美我不敢看It ssobeautifulthatI mtooscaredtoseeit 结果 注1 某些形容词在too to结构中表肯定 它们是anxious delighted eager easy glad

6、kind pleased ready surprised willing等 Shewastoosurprisedtoseehowangryherfatherwas 看到父亲那么生气 她很吃惊 注2 在not never only all but等后的too to结构中too意为very 没有否定含义 It snevertoolatetolearn I monlytoogladtostayathome Eatingiseasy losingweightisnot Itistobecherished 6 表语 Myjobistohelpthepatient 7 独立成分 totellthetrut

7、h tobefrank tobeexact tobeginwith tomakemattersworse 8 不定式与疑问词连用在句中起名词作用 可充当主语 表语 宾语等 Howtosolvetheproblemisveryimportant Myquestioniswhentostart Hedidn tknowwhattosay 注意 在与why连用时 只用于why或whynot开头的简短疑问句中 后面紧跟的不定不带to Whynothaveachange Nozuo nodie Whyyoutry 不作死 就不会死 二 不定式的时态 不定式一般形式所表示的动作通常与谓语动作同时或几乎同时

8、发生 或是在它之后发生 Iplantoattendthemeetingtobeheldtomorrow Isawhimgoout 2 如果谓语表示的动作发生时 不定式表示的动作正在进行 不定式用进行时 Heisbelievedtobecoming I mgladtobeworkingwithyou 3 不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前 用完成时 Heisbelievedtohavecome I msorrytohavekeptyouwaiting 4 在intended expected hoped promised wanted wished thought等后用不定式完成式表示过去没有实现的愿

9、望 期待或计划 Ihopedtohavefinishedtheworkearlier 1 Youweresillynot yourcar tolockB tohavelockedC lockingD havinglocked2 Idon tknowwhetheryouhappen butI mgoingtostudyintheU S A thisSeptember A tobeheardB tobehearingC tohearD tohaveheard3 IsBobstillperforming I mafraidnot Heissaid thestagealreadyashehasbeco

10、meanofficial tohaveleftB toleaveC tohavebeenleftD tobeleft 三 不带to的不定式 在feel hear listento make let have see lookat watch notice observe等动词后 不定式作宾补时不用to 2 在cannotbut cannotchoosebut cannothelpbut之后 Icannotbutadmiretheircourage 3 不定式动词在介词but except 后面时 介词前有行为动词do Idon thaveanyotherchoicebuttoacceptthe

11、fact Shecoulddonothingbutcry 4 不定式作表语 说明前面do的内容时Whathewantstodomostnowis to beathim 1 Acomputerdoesonlywhatthinkingpeople A haveitdoB haveitdoneC havedoneitD havingitdone2 We vemissedthelastbus I mafraidwehavenochoicebut ataxi A totakeB takingC takeD taken V ing 1 主语 Readingisveryimportantinlearning

12、aforeignlanguage 2 表语 Herfavouritesportisdiving 4 宾语 Ienjoyswimming 3 定语 drinkingwater 下列句型中常用动名词作主语 Itis was nouse good notanyuse good oflittleuse good useless doingsth Itisnousesayingmore 说多了都是泪 admit avoid allow advise appreciate consider enjoy dislike deny practise permit finish delay escape inv

13、olve risk mind imagine miss suggest 某些动词后只能用动名词作宾语 介词宾语 I mtiredofworking Tellmesomethingaboutfishing Thetoolisusedforopeningcans Ilikesunbathingafterswimming 短语的宾语feellike can thelp can tstand putoff giveup It snouse It snogood etc 带to短语的宾语turnto beusedto dueto refertobesentencedto seeto stickto ob

14、jectto leadto lookforwardto getdownto devoteoneselftobeaccustomedto beaddictedtocondemn to Itcondemnshimtolivingalone 有些动词如love like hate prefer后既可以跟不定式又可以跟ing分词作宾语 意义上无多大区别 但ing分词一般表示经常性的行为 不定式表示具体的行为 Ilike verymuch butIdon tlike thisafternoon A swimming swimmingB toswim toswimC swimming toswimD to

15、swim swimming C LittleJimshouldlove tothetheatrethiseveningA tobetakenB totakeC beingtakenD taking如果like love prefer前有would should 后面则应该接动词不定式 A A 思考 下列情况中动词后接不定式还是接ing分词作宾语呢 OnlythendidIbegin see shewasreallygoodtome Themomenthereturnedhome Iwasstarting beginning cook supper Thewaterbegan freeze to

16、see tocook tofreeze 4 有些动词后既可以跟不定式 又可以跟动名词作宾语 但意义上有明显差别 讨论 有哪些单词或短语 goon stop forget remember regret todo doingcan thelptodo doingbeusedtodo doing getusedtodoing usedtodo meandoing todo Iregrettellinghimthebadnews 已做 Don tforgettopostmyletter 未做 Irememberreturningyourbook 已做 Whentheteachercamein theystoppedtalking Ifelttired soIstoppedtohavearest 一般式 完成式 主动 被动 teaching havingtaught beingtaught havingbeentaught 1 Hewaspraisedforhavinggotfullmarks 2 Heregrettedhavingmarriedher 3 Hedislikedbeingpun



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