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1、河北省衡水市景县黎阳学校八年级英语一般过去时学案备课人: 班级: 八(二)语法点二:时间状语:一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语连用。大体可分为如下几类:yesterday、the day before yesterday (前天)、the other day (前几天)、in the old days (在过去的日子里)just now (刚才)、this morning/afternoon/eveningago (a while ago方才、刚才two days ago前两天、a few days ago前几天、long long ago很久很久以前)last night / week /

2、Sunday / weekend / month / winter / year / century(上个世纪)once upon a time (很久以前)、before(在之前,如:before liberation在解放前)at + 一个时间点 (at the age of 10在10岁是时候)、then (= at that time) (当时)When引导的时间状语从句(When I was 8 years old,当我八岁的时候)语法点三:动词过去式的构成:动词过去式变化可分两类:规则变化和不规则变化。规则变化有如下几种情况:情 况构成方法读 音例 词一般情况加 ed元音后面读t清

3、辅音后读t浊辅音后读d在t、d音后面idworklisten以e结尾的词加 dlikearrive以重读闭音节结尾的词先双写最后的辅音字母再加 edstopplan以元音字母 + y结尾的词加 edenjoyplay以辅音字母 + y结尾的词把y改成 i再加edstudycarryworry不规则变化没有规律可循,可以记住。am,is was are were do,does did have,has had go went win won .语法点四:表达方法: (一)连系动词(简称为系动词)be的一般过去时系动词be的一般过去时基本用法见表一。表一人称和数肯定句(肯定陈述句)否定句(否定陈

4、述句)一般疑问句肯定、否定回答单数第一人称I was late yesterday.I -late yesterday.Were you late yesterday?Yes, I -.No, I-第二人称You were late yesterday.You- late yesterday.- late yesterday?Yes, I was.No, I wasnt.第三人称He was late yesterday.He -late yesterday.- late yesterday?Yes, he was.No, he wasnt.属于单数第三人称Her car was a Toyo

5、ta.Her car wasnt a Toyota.Was her car a Toyota?Yes, it was.No, it wasnt.Tom was ill yesterday.Tom wasnt ill yesterday.Was Tom ill yesterday?Yes, he was.No, he wasnt.There was an apple on the table last night.There -an apple on the table last night.- there an apple on the table last night?Yes, there

6、was. No, there wasnt.复数所有复数人称和所有复数形式We were students.We- students.-students?Yes, we were.No, we werent.They were doctors.They-doctors.- they doctors?Yes, they were.No, they werent.(二)普通动词(也称为“实义动词”、“行为动词”)的一般过去时1.陈述句:主语 + 动词过去式+ 宾语 + 其它。2.否定句:主语 + did not + 动词原形。(其中:did not = didnt)3.疑问句:Did + 主语 +

7、动词原形 + ?。行为动词一般过去时的基本用法见表二。表二人称和数肯定句(肯定陈述句)否定句(否定陈述句)一般疑问句肯定、否定回答单数第一人称I watched TV last night.I - TV last night.- you - TV last night?Yes,-No, I -第二人称You watched TV last night.You - watch TV last night.- you -TV last night?Yes, I did.No, I didnt.第三人称He watched TV last night.He -TV last night.- TV l

8、ast night?Yes, he-No, he -属于单数第三人称His brother watched TV last night.His brother didnt watch TV last night.Did his brother watch TV last night?Yes, he did.No, he didnt.Mike watched TV last night.Mike - watch TV last night.- Mike watch TV last night?Yes, he-No, he -复数所有复数人称和所有复数形式We watched TV last ni

9、ght.We-TV last night.-TV last night?Yes, we did.No, we didnt.You watched TV last night.You didnt watch TV last night.Did you watch TV last night?Yes, we did.No, we didnt.They watched TV last night.They -TV last night.- TV last night?Yes, they did.No, they didnt.My parents watched TV last night.My pa

10、rents didnt watch TV last night.Did your parents watch TV last night?Yes, they did.No, they didnt.课堂检测一、单项选择:从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10)()1MyfatherillyesterdayAisntBarentCwasntDwerent()2yourparentsathomelastweekAIsBWasCAreDWere()3ThetwinsinDalianlastyearTheyherenowAare;wereBwere;areCwas;areDwere;was

11、()4WhowasondutylastFridayAIamBIwasCYes,IwasDNo,Iwasnt( )5. Jane _a new dress last month. A.buy B. is buying C. Bought D. buy 二、请用正确动词形式填空。(10)1.I_(have)anexcitingpartylastweekend.2._she_(practice)herguitaryesterday?No,she_.3.What_Tom_(do)onSaturdayevening?He_(watch)TVand_(read)aninterestingbook.4.Th




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