pep7 小学六年级英语Unit1课件 How do you go to shcool(2020年整理).ppt

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1、BLet slearn Unit1HowDoYouGoThere 榆林市第九小学曹业萍 Howdoyougotoshcool trafficlights redlight yellowlight greenlight Redlightmeansstop Greenlightmeansgo Yellowlightmeanswait Rememberthetrafficrules Stopataredlight Waitatayellowlight Goatagreenlight Let schant Redlight redlight stopstopstop Yellowlight yello

2、wlight waitwaitwait Greenlight greenlight gogogo ChinaUS EnglandAustralia rightside leftside Readthetextandfilltheform Thetrafficlights redmeans stop yellowmeans wait greenmeans go Driversdriveontherightsideoftheroad Driversdriveontheleftsideofthetheroad Ifyougobycar bybikeoronfoot youmustknowthetra

3、fficrules Thetrafficlightsaresameineverycountry Theyare InChinaandUS driversdriveontherightside InEnglandandAustralia driversdriveontheleftside 1 Crosswalk 2 Nobikes 3 Noentry 4 Norightturn 5 Oneway 6 Turnleft Exercises Wemustknowthe ataredlight atayellowlight Go a light Differentcountrieshavedifferenttraffic InChina driversdriveonthe side andinAustralia theydriveonthe side atgreen trafficrules stop wait rules right left Bye Good Safetyfirst安全第一


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