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1、最新资料推荐Oxford English 1A M1 U1 ContentGreetingsAims1. To learn the new words: morning, afternoon 2. To use formulaic expressions to greet people and bid farewell.3. To be polite of everyone.Language focusTo bring up pupils interests of learning English;Teaching aidsMultimedia ,sticks ,flashcards .etc

2、.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Rhyme: I am Lulu. Hello, hello, hello.I am Gogo. Hi, hi, hi.2. Greetings:T: I am Lisa. Hello, Kitty.3. Song:Make a new rhyme.P: I am Kitty. Hello, Lisa.(Greetings.)Sing together.复习准备期所学的儿歌,营造融恰的英语气氛。通过师生间的问候,增进师生友谊。歌曲

3、的引入即能培养欢乐课堂氛围,也为今天的学习奠定基础。While-task procedure1.Learn: morningT: Good morning, children.A: Show the flashcard morning.B; T: Good morning.2. Learn: afternoonA; Show the flashed afternoon.B: Greeting: Good afternoon.3. Play a game.T: read:4. Show the story about Alice! 5. Song:Ps: Good morning, Lisa.R

4、ead: morningSay one by one.Ps: Good morning ,Lisa.Work in pairs.Read : afternoonWork in pairs.Pat the word cards.Match:Two pupils pat.Follow the multimedia.Act out the story.Make a new song Greet ones new friend.通过玩玩做做,使学生在游戏中巩固所学的新知。通过语境的创设,让学生进行语言的交流,虽然难度颇高,但真正达到了运用语言的目的。用所学的句型来改编歌曲,即激发了学生强烈的求知欲,也

5、更好的在歌曲中巩固了新句型。Post-task activityDialogue:Make a new friendDo in pairs and give a feedback在场景中运用所学,提高实际运用语言的能力。Assignment:1. Read the book of page 2,3.2. Greet your new friends.作业的布置是课堂教学的延伸。通过对新朋友的问候巩固课堂的知识。板书设计1A M1 U1 Greetingsmorning Good morning.afternoon Good afternoon. 教学反思Oxford English 1A Mo

6、dule 1 Unit 2 ContentMy classmatesAims1. To use the key words to make a rhyme. 2. To use imperatives to give simple instructions; e.g. Give me,please.3. To use formulaic expressions to offer people things. e.g. Here you are.4. To use formulaic expressions to express thanks. e.g. Thank you.Language f

7、ocusTo use the sentences in context.Teaching aidsMultimedia, sticks, flashcards, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings:2. Song:Ask and answer.Sing together.通过反复的操练来巩固所学的知识。歌曲能激发学生学习的兴趣。While-task procedure1. Show the words:T: What can you see

8、?T: A book, a pencil.I can see.T: A book, a pencil.For you and me!2. Show the other wordsA ruler, a rubber 3. Game: Show :A bag, a pencil;A book, a ruler;4. T: Give me a ruler, please! T: Here you are.(action) 5. T: Give me a ruler, please. T: Thank you.Read: A book,a pencilRead the rhymeSay one by

9、oneReadMake a new rhyme.A ruler, a rubberI can see.A ruler, a rubberFor you and me.Make a new rhyme.P1:(act)Read:Give me a ruler, please.P1:Thank you.Read: Here you are.Ps: Here you are.Work in pairs.第一首儿歌,通过老师的教授,来教会学生。而第二首儿歌,部分学生能在第一首的基础上进行自己创造。于是,通过游戏,给学生一组组Key words.让学生逐步逐步地进行改编。学生也在老师的帮助下体验到了创造

10、的快乐。在教学中,充分运用肢体语言,能更好地帮助学生题解内容。同时也能符合低年级新生好动的性格特点。Post-task activity 6. Show a story: On Sunday afternoonSay and act.努力尝试在语境中进行语言的交流。培养学生的语感及交际能力。Assignment:1. Read the book of page 6,7,92. Act out the story about page 8.更好地巩固所学的知识。板书设计M1 U2 My classmates Give me a ruler, please.Here you are.Thank y

11、ou!教学反思 Oxford English 1A M1U3(1) Content(含课时)Oxford English 1A M1U3 My face(1)Aims1. Using nouns to identify parts of the body. e.g., eye, mouth, face, nose, ear2. Using pronouns to show which items is being referred to e.g. This is my3. Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself.e.g. Hello.

12、Im Jack.4. Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students.Language focusUnderstand some expressions of introducing the parts of a face.Use modeled sentences to communicate with other students.Teaching aidsmultimedia, sticks, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePr

13、e-task preparation1. Song /Good morning/2. A rhyme3. Daily talke.g. Hello. Good morning.Please introduce yourself.1. Sing the song2. Say the rhyme/A book, a pencil/3. Say or do something the teacher asks.Establish a happy learning atmosphereEstablish the pupils good oral EnglishWhile-task procedure1. Show the media.Look at the clown and listen to what does he say.2. Look at


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