甘肃省酒泉市2020届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 冀教版

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1、甘肃省酒泉市2020届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 冀教版 Listening Test Part (15分) I.情景反应。从A、B、C三个答案中选出一个你所听到的问句的应答语,听两遍。 ( )1. A. Thursday B. Nov. 3rd C. One day( )2. A. At 7:30 B. Very far C. Every day( )3. A. Here you are B. Youre welcome C. Certainly( )4. A. Five dollars B. You cant buy it C. Guess( )5. A. Yes, he di

2、d B. No, he wasnt C. On Sunday II. 对话理解。听对话及问题,选择一个正确的答案,听两遍。( )6. A. In the office. B. Outside. C. At home.( )7. A. Jims team. B. We dont know. C. Tims team.( )8. A. He said he was going to travel Sichuan Province. B. He asked the woman to say it again. C. He knew the woman was going to Sichuan Pro

3、vince.( )9. A. 6 minutes. B. 9 minutes. C. 8 minutes.( )10. A. They are having dinner. B. They are selling vegetables. C. They are doing some shopping.III. 短文理解。从A、B、C三个答案中选出一个你所听到的短文内容相符的答案,听两遍。( )11. When does the new school year begin ? A. Spring B. February C. September( )12.Which grade are you

4、in ? A.In Grade One B. In Grade Two C. In Grade Three( )13. How many English lessons do they have every week ? A. Three B. Four C. Five( )14. What do they like very much ? A. English B. Listening C. Speaking( )15. How are they going to learn English ? A. Do their best to learn English B. Listen to t

5、he teacher carefully in class. C. Do more listening, speaking, reading and writing. Written Test Part (115分)I词汇(20分) A)根据要求写词(5分)1.die(名词)_2.noise(形容词)_ 3.little(最高级)_4.twenty(序数词)_5.operate(名词)_6.far(比较级)_ 7.tie(现在分词)_ 8.potato(复数)_ 9.north(形容词)_10. beat(过去分词)_B)用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 11. We should prac

6、tice _ (speak) English every day.12. LiLei left the classroom without _(say) a word.13. Zhuang Yong was one of the _ (good) swimmers in the world.14 .My mother is good at_(make) dumplings15.English is _ (speak) in many countries.16._(eat)vegetables is good for your health.17. Youd better _(not go) o

7、ut at night. 18.We should keep our classroom _( clean ).19. It took me half an hour_( go) home on foot.20. My grandfather _(die) for two years.C)根据句意和所给汉语写单词(5分)21.My tail hurts a little , but its nothing _(严重的).22.A lot of _(英雄) lost their lives in that war.23.People all over the world love _(和平),b

8、ut hate wars.24. One hundred years is a_(世纪). 25._(幸运地), the man on the motorbike wasnt badly hurt.II、单项选择。(20分)( )1. -_hot day! -So it is. I hate _bad weather. A. What a ; such B. What a ; so C. How ; so D. What ; so( )2. My father and I got home _the same time. A. in B. at C. for D. on( )3. He sai

9、d he would _ study English. A. do he best B. do his best C. do his best to D. do him best to( )4. This is _watch. It is different from_. A.my; you B.mine; yours C.my; yours D.mine; your( )5. If you go to the park tomorrow,_. A.so will he B.so he will C.so he does D.so does he( )6. Mr. Wang, together

10、 with his students, _ going on a trip next week. A. is B. are C. were D.was( ) 7. -_do you write to your parents? -Once a month.A . How long B. How much C. How for D. How often ( ) 8. The song was very popular _. A. in the 1990s B. in 1990s C. in the 1990 D. in 1990s( ) 9 There are three_ students i

11、n the school. A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of D. thousand( ) 10. As we know, America is a _ country and China is a _ country. A. developing, developed B. developed, developing C. developed, developedD. developing, developing( ) 11. Bethune is well-known for _ Chinese people in the anti-J

12、apanese war. A. help B. helping C. to help D.helps( ) 12. _ his spare time, he often plays _ violin. A. In, the B. On, the C. In, / D.On, /( )13.Dont make any noise, the baby _ deeply.A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. may( )14.Be careful with knives, or you _ cut your fingers.A. can B. have to C.

13、 must D. may( )15.This morning I saw a man _ on the road.A. lies B. to live C. lie D. lying( )16-Could you tell me_, please? -Certainly. It is on the side of the street.A. where the bookshop is B. where the bookshop wasC. where is the bookshop D. where was the bookshop( )17.This is a very hard question. _of us can understand it.A.A few B. Few C.A little D. Little( )18.Mike is often heard _popular songs in the ev


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