甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语下册 Lesson 29 An Easter Egg Hunt导学案(无答案) 冀教版

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甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语下册 Lesson 29 An Easter Egg Hunt导学案(无答案) 冀教版_第1页
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《甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语下册 Lesson 29 An Easter Egg Hunt导学案(无答案) 冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省白银市强湾中学八年级英语下册 Lesson 29 An Easter Egg Hunt导学案(无答案) 冀教版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 29 An Easter Egg Hunt 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)Where do Jenny,Dannyand Brian put eggs?_3、要点解析:He is making an Easter egg hunt for his cousin Debbie.他正在为表妹戴比设计复活节彩蛋游戏。hunt n.v.搜索;追赶。作名词时为可数名词,作动词“搜索”时为不及物动词,接宾语时需要与介词for连用。作动词“追赶”讲时可作及物或不及物动词,此时接宾语,介词for可加可不加。另,hunt for=_(寻找)We are_the

2、 Easter eggs.(寻找)辨析:find, look for, huntlook for 和hunt 强调_,“寻找”;find强调_,“找到”。Debbie _for Easter eggs ,and she _some.Debbie will have fun looking for them.寻找它们将会让戴比玩得高兴。have fun相当于_,_其中fun 为不可数名词,可用great,lots of, much,a little等修饰不可数名词的词语来修饰。Eg:We had lots of fun on the sportsground today.今天我们在操场上玩得很高

3、兴。have fun (in) doing sth.做某事是高兴有趣的。have fun后只能接动名词,不能接动词其它形式。They had fun_(play)games at the park.他们在公园玩游戏玩得很愉快。I cant make eggs.我不会产蛋。make eggs 意思 是_,还可以说成_夯实基础. 根据句子的意思和汉语提示填空.1.Im_ (搜索;寻找) a job.2. Mary came up to me, carrying a_ (篮子)of apples. 课题29课时1课时课型新授学习目标认知目标:掌握重要词汇及短语:如:basket,hide,every

4、where等。认识词汇及短语:hunt,Easter,be gone能力目标:1 能够用语言描述复活节的大体内容。 2 重点词组的灵活运用流程Lead-inPresentation Listening and ReadingExplanation and Discussion重难点教学重难点: 能够用语言描述复活节的大体内容,敢于用英语表达自己的看法和想法。教师活动 (环节、措施)学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 预习1、 课前预习:2、 重点单词:Easter_,hunt n.v._, hen_,篮子_,隐藏;躲避_,_重点短语:在公园 _,玩得高兴,过得愉快_=_=_做有乐趣_,

5、消失_,用完,用光_2、读课文找出问答。What is Easter Sunday?_What is an Easter egg hunt?_Where is Danny?_What is he doing for his cousin?_ 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)3.Where did you_( 躲藏,隐藏)it?4. I cant find my pen though Ive looked _(到处).5.I _ _(确信)nobody will find it.6.The

6、bag is _ _(装满了) books. .用所给词的正确形式填空1.I ran swiftly up the stairs and _(hide)behind my bed.2.An Easter egg hunt is a game for_(find) eggs3.He had to _(run) to catch the bus.4.I_(buy) two _(basket)of oranges yesterday.提高能力. 单项选择( )1.Im making an Easter egg hunt_my sister.A. of B. in C.about D.for( )2.

7、Will you have fun _for them.A. look B.looking C. looks C.to look( )3.I am going to _my hat _the bed.A.hide in B. hide, underC. hid to D. hide for( )4. I will _ Beijing tomorrow.A.get B.reach toC.arrive in D.arrive at( )5._ kind girl she is!A.How B.What C.How a D. What a( )6.It s time for class. Plea

8、se stop _.A.talk B.talking C.to talk D.talke( )7.Is there _ I can do for you?A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( )8.I like football very much. I want _ a football player.A. is B. am C. to be D. be综合创新用所给词的适当形式填空I had great fun in_(dance) at the party yesterday.They are hunting _ the l

9、ost dog.He _(hide)the money under the floor two years ago.Happy New Year to you!_Happy Easter to you!_Happy birthday to you!_I am_(hide) under the bed.四、学习质疑 在你预习的过程中,有什么疑难问题吗?请写在这里。_五、当堂检测 完成课时作业本Lesson29Homeworkl Finish off the activity book.l Practice the dialogue in this lesson.l Preview the lesson 30.


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