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1、期中复习专项一 单词根据中文提示及首字母提示填写单词,完成句子 (9A U1-3)1. The young men are trying to be _ (先锋) in the field of high technology.2. The English teacher sets high _ (标准) for their students.3. We should try our best to learn English _ (语法).4. Its a tradition for Chinese families to buy new (挂历) when the new year is

2、drawing near. 5. Mr. Wang has made several _(演讲) in our school, so all of us are familiar with him.6. This kind of car is always sold at _ (固定的) prices.7. Its you yourself can help _ (塑造) your life.8. Im sorry to make so many _ (错误) in the exam.9. He has been _ (不在的;缺席的)from school for two weeks. Hi

3、s _ (缺席)makes his classmates sad.10. Many students would like to be (会计) after they leave college.11. Its said that smoking _(影响)health. 12. Youd better pay attention to your _ (每天的,日常的) English.13. People around the world love to live in _ (安宁) and hate _ (战争).14. There was nothing but _ (寂静) in th

4、e empty house.15. Our English teacher always _ (创造) a good English environment for us to study in. She is a _(有创造力的)teacher.16. My cousin has _ (从事) colour therapy since he left college.17. It will _ (要求) time and _ (耐心) to read this book through.18. The light and _ (热) from the sun help all the thi

5、ngs on the earth grow.19. They believed _ (古老的) Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.20. I love my office, for theres a feeling of _ (信任) here.21. Millie studies so hard that she can always get full _(分数) in exams.22. As a student, I have no _(选择) but to work hard.23. It is very difficult

6、for me to _ (想象) such terrible results caused by pollution. Im short of _ (想象) .24. Be more confident. Nobody _ (怀疑) your ability!25. In the 19th century, gold was (发现) in California.26. If you want to be more (有条理), learn to make a plan first to o_ your things well.27. We students should pay more _

7、(注意) to our study, but Tom hasnt n_ that.28. I find it hard to learn _(化学) by myself. But _ (物理)is easier for me.29. You can choose one of the _ (字典) to help you learn a foreign language.30. -Do they believe your advice is _ (有价值的)?-Yes, I think it will be of some _.(有价值)31. In _(总的),she is suitable

8、 to the _ (总的)engineer.32. Either Simon or we are ready to take on new _(挑战)。33. She is in a good _(心情).She is very happy.34. Many _(青少年) dont know how to solve_(青少年的) problems.35. Im looking forward to my parents_ (答复) , they didnt _ (答复)me last week.36. You have _(重)over 80 kilos. A healthy diet c

9、an help you lose _(重量) ,if you keep it .37. Im interested in one of the m_ of working out the interest(利息) the bank has introduced.38. If you want to plan your time carefully, please make a l_ of the things that you need to do.根据中文提示及首字母提示填写单词,完成句子 (9A U4-5)1. Tom, there are some (污点) on your shirt.

10、 2. My mother always (鼓励) me to face difficulties bravely.3. My classmates think I have a real (天赋) for writing.4. Tan Dun creates a new type of music music without _ (国界). 5. Nie Er is one of the greatest _ (作曲家) in China.6. The car runs too fast; you need to _ (控制) its speed.7. Ive heard that you

11、are learning an _ (乐器). Is that true?8. Young people should also learn some _ (传统的) culture and show respect to it.9. I once lived in _ (中心的) Hunan. People like hot food a lot there.10. The little boy was _ (表扬) by his parents for his brave act.11. Song Zuying is one of my favourite _ (音乐家) in China

12、.12. Classical music is quite serious, and has a _ (永久的) value.13. Sandy blew hard to make the paint run in all _ (方向) and made a wonderful picture.14. There is going to be a _ (才能) show at our school hall in two days.15. Why do people think _ (高度地) of Zhang Yimous film?16. Im strongly _ (反对) smokin

13、g because it may cause cancer.17. Flying across the Pacific for the first time was a great _ (成就).18. Teenagers are interested in stories of _ (牛仔) in the western films. 19. The _(胜利) of that school surprised everyone yesterday.20. What _ (要紧) to the children in poor areas is education.21. It is said that the winner was _(颁发) a special medal at the show.22. They all like these _(吉他) made in that old shop.23. He made much progress by _(控制) his speed of doing homework.


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