江苏省涟水县红日中学八年级英语下册《Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 2》学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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《江苏省涟水县红日中学八年级英语下册《Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 2》学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省涟水县红日中学八年级英语下册《Unit 6 Sunshine for all Reading 2》学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Sunshine for all一、学习目标1. 读懂文章,了解有关特奥会的知识及志愿者的经历。2. 学习并运用与运动、比赛有关的词汇。3. 培养学生积极参与社会公益活动。二、重难点词汇: expect chance similar necessary training task Coach background closely achieve prize词组: give up be similar to providefor work closely with make the event a great success achieve their dreams 句型:Its fanatic

2、 to work as a volunteer! It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks. It was brave of him to join the competition.三、学习交流(A)重要短语3. 期望某人做某事 _ 4. 最令人惊异的经历 _5. 有智力障碍的成年人 _ 6. 向世界展示他们的技能 _7. 和相似 _ 8. 放弃 _9. 接受培训 _ 10. 给提供支持和帮助_ 11. 使赛事很成功 _ 12. 天生有智力障碍_ 13. 感觉到更加的自信_

3、14. 由于、因为 _ 15. 来自不同背景的志愿者们 _ 16. 与密切地合_ 17. 实现某人的梦想 _ 18. 务必、一定 _(B)重要句型1. 四万多人为了2020年的世界特殊奥林匹克运动会放弃他们的空闲时间。 Over 40,000 people _the 2020 Special Olympics World Games. 2. 对于这些志愿者来说在做这些任务之前接受训练是有必要的。 It was _these volunteers _.3. 因为特殊奥林匹克世界运动会,他现在感到更加自信了。 He _the Special Olympics World Games.4. 你有机会

4、帮助他们实现他们的梦想。You _.四、展示点评五、达标检测(A) 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Li Ming didnt know what_ (expect) when he volunteered for the event.2. Now he thinks that is _ (amazing) experience of his life.3. The speech gives children with mental _(disabled) a chance to learn more about the world.4. Although English is very diff

5、icult to learn, some boys never give up _ (learn) it.5. Volunteers must receive_ (train) before they take the task.6. They helped them and made the event a great _ (succeed).(B) 选择方框中的单词填空 be similar to; give up; volunteered for; worked as a volunteer; give me a chance; spare time; achieve your drea

6、ms ; part of one big family1. If you work hard, you will_.2. He _ the sports meeting.3. We must _ our bad habits.4. Please _ to explain.5. His bike_ Tims. 6. What do they often do in their _.7. People from different backgrounds feel like_. 三、单项选择( ) 1. You look sad. What has happened? Everyone _ us

7、to win the match, but we lost. A. expects B. expected C. hopes D. hoped( ) 2. How about this dress? Its _ to my sisters. A. same B. different C. like D. similar( ) 3.What does your father do? He works_ a teacher in a middle school. A. for B. like C. as D. of( ) 4. Everyone should try his best to_ hi

8、s dreams. A. finish B. get to C. achieve D. train( ) 5.To them, the most important thing is_ make much money _get together. A. not to; but B. not; but C. not; but to D. not to; but to( ) 6.What will they do? They will _help people in need. A. get up B. get for C. get to D. get into(C) 翻译句子 1. 丽丽认为那是她一生中最令人惊奇的经历。 Lily thinks that is _.2. 这个活动给那些带有智力缺陷的儿童和成年人向世界展示他们技能的一个机会。 The activity gives children and adults_a chance_.3. 对这些志愿者来说在做任务之前接受训练时有必要的。 It is _ for these volunteers_.六、反馈反思


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