江苏省涟水县红日中学八年级英语下册《Unit 5 Good manners Reading 2》学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 5 Good manners一、学习目标1. 能读懂有关英国礼仪习惯的采访。2. 通过阅读,了解不同国家的礼仪习惯。二、重难点词汇:proper kiss close public avoid push touch loudly till excuse词组:shake sbs hand in public push in in ones way as well 句型:Whats the proper way to greet people there? British people only greet relatives or close friends with a kiss.

2、Theyll say “excuse me” and be polite enough to wait till you move.三、学习交流(A)重要短语1. invite sb. to do sth. _ 2. greet sb with a kiss _3.shake your hand _ 4.for the first time _5. start a conversation _ 6.avoid doing sth. _7.bahave politely in public _ 8. be rude to do sth. _9.push in _ 10. bump into sb

3、 _(B)重要句型1.什么是打招呼的合适方法? Whats_ people?2. 人们在公众场合表现的有礼貌吗?Do people _? 3.如果他们在街上撞到某人,就会说声“对不起”。If they _ in the street, they will say “sorry”.4. 他们认为在插对到别人前面是粗鲁的。They think _ before others.四、展示点评五、达标检测(A)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Tom didnt mean to be_ (polite) when he shouted. He was just too excited.2. We Chine

4、se often greet each other by _ (shake) hand.3. _(Britain) people say “Hello” when they meet you for the first time.4. Its rude _ (push) in before others.5. Mrs. Lin is too busy _ (explain) any of the long sentences right now. 6. You should avoid _ (make) mistakes in your homework.(B)选择题( ) 1. Would

5、you please not speak so loudly in public? Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice. A. the; aB. /; aC. the; the D. /; /( ) 2. Youve spelt the word wrong again, Judy. Sorry. Maybe I am _used to the mistake to think of the right one. A. so B. very C. quite D. too( ) 3. Excuse me, sir. But youre

6、_ my way. Sorry. I didnt know you were passing by. A. on B. by C. with D. in( ) 4. Mrs. Green. Do you think I can get an “A” in the final exam if I start working hard now? Of course. _ . A. Better late than never B. Many hands make light work C. You cannot burn the candle at both sides D. Actions sp

7、eak louder than words( ) 5. I have spent _on this job. I think I can finish it _ this afternoon.A. sometime; sometime B. sometimes; some timeC. some time; sometime D. some times; some time( ) 6. Boy, didnt you see people were waiting in line? Dont _ in! I am sorry, sir. A. pushB. pull C. put D. carr

8、y( ) 7. Do you think the question too hard_? I dont think so. He can answer it easily. A. of Jim to answer B. of Jim to answer it C. for Jim to answer D. for Jim to answer it( ) 8. Sir, please put out your cigarette (香烟). Sorry. I _ the sign. A. dont notice B. didnt notice C. havent noticed D. wont

9、notice( ) 9. Checking your answers before handing in your paper can help you _mistakes. A. make B. provide C. avoid D. advice( ) 10. Jack is always _ to wait for a long time without getting angry.A. too patient B. patient enough C. enough patient D. very patient(C)完成句子1. 我们不应该在公共场所大声喧哗。We shouldnt speak loudly _.2. 她已经足够大了,可以自己做出决定。 She is _ make her own decision.3. 他握着朋友的手,说了声“对不起”。He _ and said “sorry”.4. 他们认为在插队到别人前面是粗鲁的。They think its rude _ before others.六、反馈反思


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