江苏省涟水县徐集中学2020学年七年级英语第一次学情调研试题(无答案) 牛津版

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江苏省涟水县徐集中学2020学年七年级英语第一次学情调研试题(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省涟水县徐集中学2020学年七年级英语第一次学情调研试题(无答案) 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省涟水县徐集中学2020学年七年级英语第一次学情调研试题(无答案) 牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省涟水县徐集中学2020学年七年级英语第一次学情调研试题(无答案) 牛津版卷面总分100分 考试时间60分钟题号一二三四五六总分得分一、用所给词的适当形式填空(1*15=15)1. Sam and I _ (be) in the same class.2. Do you _ (know) that boy? He _ (wear) a T- shirt every day.3. She has a son . He is only one _ (year ) old4 Everyone_ ( be ) here today.5. Our teachers are all very_ ( h

2、elp).6. I am the _ (one ) student in my class .7. My brother likes (dance)8 .Let him (go) (run)_9Some boys are from . ( 英国)10 (欢迎) to China11 .I like listening to (音乐)12. Sam wears a pair of (眼镜)13.Tom is a p_ _boy. All the teachers like him very much.14.I enjoy s_ in summer, but my cousin does not

3、like it.15.He r C name is Xiaoxiao.二、单项选题(2*20=40)( )1. Everyone _ playing computer games.A. loveB. likesC. enjoyD. lives( )2. Lets make _ A. friendB. a friendC. friendsD. some friend( )3. _ the dog, please. A. SeeB. Look atC. ReadD. Watch( )4. Excuse _, are _my master? A. me, youB. my, yourC. I, yo

4、uD. me, your ( ) 5. Do you know _ your e dog? A. what to look after B. how to look after C. what can look after D. how can look after( ) 6. I was born in Nanjing. _ I live in Nantong now. A. AndB. But C. So D. Or( ) 7 .The beautiful girl is good _drawing. A. in B. at C. of D for ( )8 - Are you in _?

5、 -Yes , I am. A. Grade 7, Class 2 B. class7, grade2 C. Class2, Grade 7 D Grade 7 class 2( ) 9_ Amy walking with you every morning? A. Does, go B. Do, goes C. Does, goes D. Is go ( )10. His brother is good _ volleyball. A. to play B. in playing C. at playing D. on playing( )11. Han Meimei can play _.

6、 A .football B. a football C. footballs D. the football( )12.She likes _. She is a good _.A. swim; swimming B. swimming; swimmer C. swimmer; swimming D. to swim; swimmer( ) 13. He likes reading books _ music. A. to B. with C. about D .in ( )14 Simon _ born Shanghai Oct 3rd, 2020 A. is , in, in B. is

7、, in ,C. was, in ,on D. was, in , in ( )15 .He enjoys the radio . A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. listening to ( )16._ you good at singing ? A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Is ( )17Millie lives _ her grandparents _Shanghai.A. in; withB. with; atC. with; inD. in; at ( ) 18._ she an English girl?

8、A. Are B. Does C. Is D. Do ( )19 . I _ long black hair. A. has B. had C. am D. have( ) 20. Miss Liu is a good teacher . we all like_ . A. she B. her C. hers D. him三、 句型转换(1*10=10)1.My sister can take care of her cat .( 同义句)My sister can _ _ her cat.2 She is short and thin.(划线提问)_ is she_?3、His frien

9、d is from America. (改同义句) His friend _ _ America4 、Amy likes swimming best.(同义句) Amy _ _ in swimming5. He is in Class 8(划线提问)_ _ is he in?四、完型填空(1*10=10)_1_name is Wang Ke .I am twelve .I am in NO. 1 Middle School. I am_in 2_. I have two good _3_._4_are both thirteen.One is Chen Yan. She likes _5_ v

10、ery much. The other is my deskmate (同桌) _6 name is Shao Juan. _7 Is very good at writing. Her composition(作文) _8 very good. She_9 playing tennis. My Chinese teacher is a _10. How old is she? Sorry, I can not tell you .It is a secret( 秘密 ).( )1 A. I B. My C ME .D Mine( )2 A Class1,Grade 7 B class1,gr

11、ade 7 C.Grade7, Class1 D grade7,class1( )3 A. sisters B .brothers C. friends D. twins( )4 A .We B. You C. Them D.They( )5 A. sing B. singing C. sings D singer( )6 A. His B. She C. Her D Hers( )7 A. She B. He. C. It D I ( )8 A. am B. are C. be D is( )9 A .lives B . like . C.love D . enjoys( )10 A tea

12、cher B. w 0 man C. man D policeman五、 根据短文内容 判 断正(T)误(F) (2*5=10) One day after school, the teacher Miss Jin says to the whole class, If anyone of you can answer my first question tomorrow morning, he or she can go home early. T he next day, when the teacher comes in the classroom, she sees that one of the window is broken ( 坏 ) .She is very angry (生气 ) and asks“ Who did it? Stand up.“Its me. Says John “Then, can I go home now, Miss Jin? ” ( )1. John is Miss Jins cl


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