江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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1、Unit1 FriendsPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit【学习目标】1. 谈论人的外貌个性, 复习描述人的单词和表达法。2. 根据个人喜好,将描述朋友重要品质的形容词归类,了解一个好朋友必须具备的重要品质。【导学提纲】A. 听磁带,根据音标拼读课本的单词并背诵,默写。B. 你能将下列词组翻译成英文吗?快来试一试吧。1.没有其他的 _ 2.再吃些食物 _3.保密 4.使我快乐 _ _ 5.如此特别 _ 6.分享我的快乐 _7.有困难 _ 8.一个诚实的男孩 _ 9.相信他说的话 _10.一个长得好看的女孩 _ 【展示交流】1. 组内互查预习情况,纠正朗读。2. 组别讨论

2、:What is your friend like? What does he /she like? What kind of person do you think your friend is?3. 组别讨论:What do you think a good friend should be like?4. 组别合作完成P7Part A and B, 组内校对并朗读。5. P6的Comic strip: A: Listen and answer:Who is Eddies good friend? Why do you think so?B: Read after the tape.C:

3、Act it out.6. Vocabulary: 组别合作,读P11生词,互相纠正读音,完成P11Part A and B,组内校对答案。【个案补充】_【盘点收获】1. something to drink “喝的东西” 动词不定式或形容词修饰不定代词放在后面。如:something good2. What/How about.? 怎么样?后面接名词,代词或动名词. 如:What about going fishing?3. make your friends so special 使你的朋友如此特别 make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事【课堂反馈】一、单项选择( ) 1. Im

4、so hungry, can I have _?A. anything eat B. something eating C. anything to eatD. something to eat( ) 2. There is a big cake. _ share it.A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we( ) 3. Its so difficult a question. I think he will have problems _ .A. work it out B. working it out C

5、. in working out it D. work out it( ) 4. I believe _, because he is _ honest man.A. the words he says; a B. what he says; an C. he says what; the D. what does he say; an( ) 5. There arent enough chairs. Would you please _ ones here?A. to bring another three B. bring more three C. to take three other

6、 D. bring three more( ) 6. Im going to _ them something about our new school.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My friend is always willing _ (share) things and help others.2. Max _ (not do) any computer work after school yesterday.3. -Is Jack good at (tell) jokes? -No, hes honest.4. Th

7、e man put on his hat and (go) away.5. -What about (drink) some tea?【迁移创新】一、翻译句子1. 我有一个比萨饼,你要来一些吗? I have a pizza. Would you ?2. 教室里没有其他人了。_ _ _ in the classroom.3. 我不相信你的话,因为你一点也不老实。I dont you , because youre not at all.4. 我可以和他讲任何事情,因为他总会替我保密。I can to _ about _, because he always _ _ me.5. 你刚才说的话让她

8、很伤心。_ you _ just now _ _ very _ .6. 喝点咖啡怎样?_ _ _ _ coffee?【评价反馈】个人得分小组得分自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容)8A Unit1 FriendsPeriod 2 Reading I【学习目标】1. 读懂文章,掌握三位朋友的个人信息。2. 学习新单词,进一步用形容词来描述朋友的外貌和个性。【导学提纲】A.听磁带,根据音标拼读课本P8、P9和P10页的单词并背诵,默写。B.试着翻译下面的短语。1. someone in need _ 2. make him look smart _3. tell funny jokes _

9、 4. knock him off his bike _ 5. feel bored _ 6. long straight hair _ 7. be willing to share things with others _8. 和我一样苗条 _9. 乐于助人 _10 很有幽默感 _ 13. 由于玩电脑太多_ 14. 说某人坏话 _【展示交流】1. 组内互查预习情况,纠错、朗读。2. 操练口语。A: What does your good friend look like?B: He/She .A: What made you become good friends? B: Because .

10、 A: What does your friend do or want to do in the future? B: .3. 快速阅读并回答问题:Who are the three good friends? 4. (1) 组别合作读P8A部分Best friends回答问题: Betty: What kind of person is she? What does she want to do when she grows up? Max: How tall is he? Why does he have poor eyesight? May: Is she pretty? Why is she a true friend?(2) 跟读录音,完成P10 C1。(3) 再次阅读,完成B2。 5. 组别合作,完成B1。【反馈矫正】 一、用括号内词的适当形式填空。1. Kate wants _(be) a _(sing) when she _(grow) up.2. Its much too _( noise) here. There is lots of _(



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